Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • Hahaha! Skoll and Hati in the beginning were pretty funny in the beginning, although Etan is right, the Fable Avengers are quite powerful! I'm sure they can handle Fenrir...right? o.o

    As for the choice I feel like if we lied Bigby would call us out on it and be rather mad about it since he hates lieing. So I say we tell him! :D

    I can't wait to see all of our OCs in action again! :D Hopefully Kieron will be of some use! I also really like the idea of the telltale format with choices!

    Awesome job Stone! :D I can't wait for the next one!

    MasterStone posted: »

    Enter Skoll & Hati Etan’s Castle Hati and his brother Skoll went to visit Etan before going to the council meeting in Fabletow

  • edited April 2015

    Not the entirety of the story has to be that way, you know. I'm just listing options.

    I'll take your opinion as undecided then.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    must include scenes of seduction, manipulation, betrayal, sexual tension, and anything else you think would be fitting for your vampire tale

  • must include scenes of seduction, manipulation, betrayal, sexual tension, and anything else you think would be fitting for your vampire tale.

    Oh, ummm, ok... :/

    I haven't created a Fable vampire...

    I may not partake in this challenge, but I haven't decided yet...

    Challenge Idea: Step 1 So! Vampires. No, I don't mean the ones who sparkle. I'm talking about the ones you knew were badasses the moment

  • edited April 2015

    LMAO XD Not a problem, Ems. :3 She is actually very excited! We both want a HUGE family, tbh and this was wonderful news. We THOUGHT for some time she was and indeed, she is. :) I'm the same way with my older brother. He and I are 11 months apart. XD I'm prepared for all the fun that comes with two babies close to age, ESPECIALLY if its another girl. I like the name Katherine, too. After saying it with Emily's name, it does have a ring to it. :)

    We plan on getting married before baby #2 but we maybe doing it sooner than fall now. XD Be awesome if you all could attend! THAT would be one hell of a ceremony! Everyone is hoping for another girl. I honestly do not care. Long as he or she is happy and healthy. :3

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Oh god I haven't even read the chapter yet because I saw the pic and shat my pants XD Congrats again, man! I'm sure the missus is cursing yo

  • Hopefully all is well with you, Noir. If you need to chat, I'm all ears. :3 Do not worry; I've fallen behind myself and will try to catch up when I can, too but much appreciation for the congrats. We are both so excited and I'm sure Emily will have no idea wtf is going on but she will appreciate a sibling when she is older. XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I'm being utterly, utterly terrible with my time management at the moment because things are happening and I'm so far behind, but I saw this

  • Oh come on man, wear that badge with pride! XP

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Because pie is life. Pie is love. XD He's going to kill me now for sure. Jesus Christ, JJ. XD

  • edited April 2015

    YES! Yes, yes, yes! I like Vampires, thank God no sparkles and this sounds like a wonderful idea! I love the scene selections, too! I can't wait to (hopefully) participate in this SHOULD this idea be the winner. :3 I DID have 2 questions, though:

    1. Can we use our OC's AS Vampires or do we create new characters?
    2. I know the answer to this one but wanted to ask. XD Other Fables from either the comic or game can be in this one, too, correct?

    OH! How fun! Can't wait to start plotting out ideas. :3 AND we have plenty of time to do so! I like that idea, too.


    1990's Fabletown/New York

    I'm coming for you, Spice Girls! XD XD

    Challenge Idea: Step 1 So! Vampires. No, I don't mean the ones who sparkle. I'm talking about the ones you knew were badasses the moment

  • edited April 2015

    Skoll reminds me of my uncle during parties and family gatherings. Always taking a bottle of something and rambling on 'bout God knows what. XD Least Etan and Hati take it with a smile and let him do his own, although with this evil presence around, perhaps he needs to lay of the drinky-drink. XD

    As far as the CHOICE goes, I'd say tell Bigby. C'mon, Conner and Ghost! :D I look forward to how all our OC's will play their roles. I like the TTG approach you are taking with this, too. Can't wait for more, man! :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    Enter Skoll & Hati Etan’s Castle Hati and his brother Skoll went to visit Etan before going to the council meeting in Fabletow

  • Oh man! Thank goodness it's not sparkly vampires XD I will probably partake in this one, as long as my current story would be finished before summer is over XD. Pie already asked the one question I have. The scenes will be interesting to think of lol XD

    I say yes to this! :D

    Challenge Idea: Step 1 So! Vampires. No, I don't mean the ones who sparkle. I'm talking about the ones you knew were badasses the moment

  • Nice, come to think of it, one of my OC's from my first story, Marco was a vampire and I really wanted to give him a story. Since this will take place during the 90's both him and Draco are in thier early twenties during that time and Marco was going through some changes...

    Yep, I already know what I want to do. This will be my favorite challenge so far.

    Challenge Idea: Step 1 So! Vampires. No, I don't mean the ones who sparkle. I'm talking about the ones you knew were badasses the moment

  • Azaria is a crazy lady when the situation calls for it! I was half-expecting Kieron to hit her back for some reason (guess I've been watching too much TWD :P)

    Max has some kick-ass healing ability...

    I await more! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Why War? Part: Five Kieron ran through the resistance halls looking for a way out. On his way through all he thought was how large the ba

  • Yeah her mental stability dropped considerably in her outburst but for the time being she is fine :) Hahaha! Kieron would never hit Azaria unless if it was absolutely necessary. Lol! XD

    He does! Which when push comes to shove, will make him a hard foe to fight.

    Glad to know Hazza! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Azaria is a crazy lady when the situation calls for it! I was half-expecting Kieron to hit her back for some reason (guess I've been watching too much TWD :P) Max has some kick-ass healing ability... I await more! XD

  • Oh I forgot to mention this:

    "If you're bulls hitting me

    Lololol, it was meant to be bullshitting but still :P

    Tetra posted: »

    Yeah her mental stability dropped considerably in her outburst but for the time being she is fine Hahaha! Kieron would never hit Azaria unl

  • Oh I...totally meant to do that haha! If you'll excuse me for a second! XD

    Tetra takes tablet throws it across the room. Then mysteriously pulls out a hammer and proceeds to smash it to pieces

    Alright I'm back and I shall fix it XD sigh...I hate auto correct -.-

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh I forgot to mention this: "If you're bulls hitting me Lololol, it was meant to be bullshitting but still :P

  • And I thank you for trusting me with this.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Thank you my good man. I can relate to your tale of having a 'father'; mine was shit and glad he's no longer a part of my life. He knock

  • The sexual tension man... It's killing me already!!! XD

    This was a nice chapter, I loved how Herr Schultz is just so plain with "I'm from Wales" of all places...

    Looking forward to more! XD

    Chapter 8: Unser neue Aufgabe. The tavern was built from fern wood, rotting in some places. The floor was dirty on account of the sickeni

  • Thanks, as for Kieron, I was hoping you cold provide a brief background bio for your Kieron, I couldn't find in the archive. But you did mention that it would be spoilers to your story, so if you don't want to that's fine.

    Tetra posted: »

    Hahaha! Skoll and Hati in the beginning were pretty funny in the beginning, although Etan is right, the Fable Avengers are quite powerful! I

  • You should get a laptop... just saying...

    Can I also say that your little description has made my day! I am so tired after my 9 hour shift that I need a pick-me-up before I pass out :P

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh I...totally meant to do that haha! If you'll excuse me for a second! XD Tetra takes tablet throws it across the room. Then mysteriousl

  • The tension shall remain their for a while yet. Question is if this rubber band will snap or loss elasticity.

    Before someone points out that his name is German and not Welsh, that is for a reason. it will be revealed sometime.

    My posts will slow down from today forthwith as I return to school tommorow. I shall continue to write, post, comment and reply, just not as often.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    The sexual tension man... It's killing me already!!! XD This was a nice chapter, I loved how Herr Schultz is just so plain with "I'm from Wales" of all places... Looking forward to more! XD

  • Tomorrow is a Sunday?

    Oh wait, you're 9 hours ahead of me, your tomorrow is Monday!! XD

    The tension shall remain their for a while yet. Question is if this rubber band will snap or loss elasticity. Before someone points out t

  • this seems to be WAY out of my league.

    I may do another challenge another time. I just need some more time to perfect my writing style and flexibility. I like the idea however.

    Challenge Idea: Step 1 So! Vampires. No, I don't mean the ones who sparkle. I'm talking about the ones you knew were badasses the moment

  • Quite.

    "Today. here and now, is still yesterday back in Washington." - Gen. Douglas McArthur, Emperor. (I am aware you are in the UK.)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Tomorrow is a Sunday? Oh wait, you're 9 hours ahead of me, your tomorrow is Monday!! XD

  • FIRST!:

    "What I need is a hot shower and some hashbrowns from McDonald's

    Now that is a morning I would always wake up to!! XD

    Poor Michelle... That was pretty close with the pill.

    I have skimmed through part 2 (which I will read as soon as this comment gets posted) so I know the secret already :P

    I shall read more! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    'In places no one will find, all your feelings so deep inside. Was there that I knew, forever was in your eyes, the moment I saw you cry...'

  • I am British-American, but yes I live in the boring UK :P

    Quite. "Today. here and now, is still yesterday back in Washington." - Gen. Douglas McArthur, Emperor. (I am aware you are in the UK.)

  • Thanks. And honestly? I knew you wouldn't participate in this - being that you're still technically new to the forums and all.

    this seems to be WAY out of my league. I may do another challenge another time. I just need some more time to perfect my writing style and flexibility. I like the idea however.

  • You can't go wrong with either of those two things, man. XD

    It would have been no beuno if she took that pill....:( And sounds good to me, my good man! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    FIRST!: "What I need is a hot shower and some hashbrowns from McDonald's Now that is a morning I would always wake up to!! XD

  • I shall send you some info in a PM. :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Thanks, as for Kieron, I was hoping you cold provide a brief background bio for your Kieron, I couldn't find in the archive. But you did mention that it would be spoilers to your story, so if you don't want to that's fine.

  • edited April 2015

    I suppose you can include your previous OC's as vampires. Think of it as an... alternate reality for them. I would like to see new vamps too, if possible. But before you do that, I'll have to see what the others think first!

    And yes, Fables from the game and comics can be in this challenge!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    YES! Yes, yes, yes! I like Vampires, thank God no sparkles and this sounds like a wonderful idea! I love the scene selections, too! I can't

  • "The alternative, Mr Marston, is Hell." Edgar Ross on boring lives, society and law. Red Dead Redemption.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I am British-American, but yes I live in the boring UK :P

  • Oh shit! I need to finish Red Dead Redemption!!! :O

    Thnx for the reminder! XD

    "The alternative, Mr Marston, is Hell." Edgar Ross on boring lives, society and law. Red Dead Redemption.

  • What was that pill? Nick might need it for... uh... something :/

    The 'something' being a Mundy who recently got out of prison...

    pudding_pie posted: »

    You can't go wrong with either of those two things, man. XD It would have been no beuno if she took that pill....:( And sounds good to me, my good man!

  • Oh I do have one, in fact when I first joined that's what I used to type my chapters. I just enjoyed using the tablet because it's a lot smaller although I may go back to using the laptop XD

    Lol glad I could boost your day with my nonsense man! XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    You should get a laptop... just saying... Can I also say that your little description has made my day! I am so tired after my 9 hour shift that I need a pick-me-up before I pass out :P

  • You said you had the same question, I answered pie's comment above so my reply should answer what you had in mind. :)

    I'm very happy you agree!

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh man! Thank goodness it's not sparkly vampires XD I will probably partake in this one, as long as my current story would be finished befor

  • I'll take it as another yes! Thanks, man.

    MasterStone posted: »

    Nice, come to think of it, one of my OC's from my first story, Marco was a vampire and I really wanted to give him a story. Since this will

  • Oh of course I'd love to take on new characters. :) There are a few I've been meaning to use but never did. :D

    I shall wait to see what happens next. :D

    I suppose you can include your previous OC's as vampires. Think of it as an... alternate reality for them. I would like to see new vamps too

  • edited April 2015

    The pill is consentrated evil. Everything her father was, is inside that pill. By taking it, she opens up many doors that have been closed for years but if meant saving herself and Erica....

    Ah yes...the 'mundy' that got out of prison. That bastard...>:(

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    What was that pill? Nick might need it for... uh... something The 'something' being a Mundy who recently got out of prison...

  • Ah okay! Awesome! I will have to create a couple vampires to accompany Kieron in his alternate reality. :D

    You said you had the same question, I answered pie's comment above so my reply should answer what you had in mind. I'm very happy you agree!

  • Well first of all, I give a SECOND congrats to Chad and Tammy, I figured it out yesterday:

    Pie PM's me saying "Got a big announcement planned for tomorrow" and I instinctively ask (given their Catholic backgrounds) "Tammy's pregnant again?" and he replies "YES!" XD

    Anyways, I adore EthanxMichelle!!! Do you have a picture of Ethan? Cuz that was one hell of a description you gave him! :O

    But when he tried to kill me, pushed me down the stairs and laughed as I lay bleeding...

    As soon as the Father gets a name I will write my one-shot. Motherfucker is gonna get a taste of a Harbinger's wrath...

    And he's just outside the door? Excellent...

    I am looking forward to a goodly beating! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 2 to story above Ethan released himself from Michelle and could not mouth a single word; he watched her pace in the living room, a

  • Nick DOESN'T need that pill for a certain Mundy that got out of prison!! :O

    Nick needs it for......... Oh fuck it, Nick needs it so he can kick Death in the balls and run away laughing like a tiny child :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The pill is consentrated evil. Everything her father was, is inside that pill. By taking it, she opens up many doors that have been closed f

  • LOL yes us Catholics and the need to breed like Rabbits. XD Hey, we managed to wait THIS long; least we didn't start at 19 or 20. XD

    I've done a few with him, actually. I had one with him and Peter shirtless at the beach not too long ago. and then this one with clothes and what not. XD Ethan is a babe. I'm enough to admit XD

    JJ has figured it out but I will finally give mysterious woman beater a name VERY soon...And yes. He's there waiting...simply waiting...has no idea Ethan is there, though. Thinks Michelle is all alone....

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Well first of all, I give a SECOND congrats to Chad and Tammy, I figured it out yesterday: Pie PM's me saying "Got a big announcement pla

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