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  • I knew Cola exist during that time but I had no idea Fanta did too, I learned something. Lol

    I had a gif to express the feels displayed in ths chapter but I've lost it. Nevertheless, I look forward to Gertraud' and co. adventure and where you take them into the cold war.

    I think it is safe to say this chapter will incite a lot of feels (what is it with us and chapters that do hence lately?) Chapter 23: Val

  • Normally I'd say what the hell why not but I'm going to pass on this one XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Anyone up for another selfie craze to lighten the mood? XD

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    Did not mean to send mixed messages but Robert is trying to contact Frank....Rose is sadly, the majority of people that I've come out to. They react like this and anger, mixed with confusion and hurt, makes a person say things they normally wouldn't....She'll come around, like Jersey but it takes time. RJ is indeed an awesome kid and is too much like his mother. :)

    Sorry for the feels again, dude! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Tetra sees that Robert was trying to get a hold of Frank Tetra is happy. Reads on to see Robert calls Rose Tetra thinks it won't be that big

  • Yes! Hopefully one of these times Frank will answer I hope! I hope so because those were really mean things to say, they even hurt me! I hear this in hopes that Lylas words might not sting and she may be a bit more nice and comforting then :3

    It's alright man although I hope this whole feels thing will die down soon! Although I know it won't XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    Did not mean to send mixed messages but Robert is trying to contact Frank....Rose is sadly, the majority of people that I've come out to. Th

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    Same here. I'm with Tetra. Think everyone has seen enough of Jacob. LOVE this pic, though! :3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Anyone up for another selfie craze to lighten the mood? XD

  • Hey, nice smile, bro! :D Nah, I'm good this time, too. Think we are all tired of seeing pie for the day. lol

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Anyone up for another selfie craze to lighten the mood? XD

  • I'm good, JonTron. :P Maybe later in the summer.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Anyone up for another selfie craze to lighten the mood? XD

  • [removed]

    I'm good, JonTron. :P Maybe later in the summer.

  • So I somehow managed to find the inspiration to write this, tbh I put it down to a lot of music :) If you have any questions about the previous chapter then don't hesitate to ask! Enjoy!!! (This chapter is a bit 'graphic'...)

    Vampire Challenge Chapter 3 – You Can’t Fight It

    “Jayne?... J-Jayne?” Nick continued to cradle his love, she didn’t move a muscle; Nick pressed his ear against Jayne’s chest and listened intently for a heartbeat, yet there was no such thump present anymore. Nick could’ve sworn that tears were tugging at the corners of his eyes, but those salty drops of sadness never flowed, he wouldn’t let them.

    But then Jayne’s body went from limp to stiff, she opened her eyes revealing that they had turned a hideous shade of red. Her skin went pale and cold, her breathe was slow and forced; she rose up onto her feet from a lying position, like something out of a horror movie. Nick crawled backwards a little as Jayne looked at her hands and studied them like she had never seen them before, she did the same to her torso, her hair, her legs... she even pressed her fingers to her face to get a feel of its shape.

    Nick cautiously stood up “Jayne?” Jayne’s head whipped round to face Nick, her eyes were still red and her teeth had become pointed. She had become a Fledgling Vampire. Nick staggered backwards a bit as Jayne turned her body towards him, it wasn’t so much fear that made Nick weary, but rather that he didn’t want to have to hurt Jayne, she had been hurt more than enough in her life...

    Jayne walked forwards with such alluring grace, her hips swaying from side to side; she reached a hand to Nick’s cheek and stroked it. Her touch was so cold it made Nick wince a little. She brought her mouth to Nick’s ear and breathed into it, causing him to freeze a little himself and exhale with a slight shudder. As Jayne’s right hand snaked its way down to Nick’s crotch, her other hand moved behind his head and pulled him in for a kiss.

    The feeling of sharpened incisors was a strange sensation on Nick’s tongue; they had the faintest taste of ‘sweetness’ to them, obviously the Vampire venom, but the curse itself wouldn’t work on Nick the way it would for a more ‘normal’ person... Jayne wasn’t intending on stopping this kiss anytime soon, and if the situation wasn’t so strange then Nick would’ve gladly continued with it, but he pulled away.

    “Jayne, you need to stop, ok. We need to fix this” Jayne paid little attention to Nick’s words as she grinned and literally de-materialised her clothes until she was left in her sexy red lingerie, her bra however, fell gently to the ground, as Nick had already unhooked it earlier. Nick couldn’t keep his mouth from gaping open “Holy crap, I always forget how fucking sexy this woman is!” Jayne walked towards Nick again and threw him onto the sofa; Nick was a lot more compelled to play along now.

    Jayne ripped off Nick’s t-shirt and pressed her chest against his own as she kissed him again. Nick wrapped his arms around Jayne’s back and smoothed his hands over the soft expanse of her pale skin; she bit Nick’s lower lip and pulled away with a suck, moving towards his neck. If Nick had realised why he was experiencing so much ecstasy right now, then he would’ve stopped Jayne from biting into his neck, and performing The Kiss.

    O The Homelands, the Snow Queen’s castle

    “Oh Joe, why must you leave me so soon?” The Snow Queen, Lumi, was naked and perched on her forearms on her lavish bed, watching a grey haired man change back into his clothes.

    The man looks back and cradles Lumi’s head in his palms as he kisses her with a loving passion “I’m sorry my dear, but duty calls, and no doubt my boy’s are already waiting for me downstairs” The man spoke with a gruff Irish accent; Lumi looked saddened as Joe pulled away and returned to replacing his clothes to his strong body.

    For a Werewolf (and an older man as well) he and her shared a unique connection, Lumi could almost say that she ‘loved’ Joe, and Joe certainly held affections of a similar nature towards the ice-cold beauty, but the cold didn’t bother Joe one bit, perks of being a Wolf...

    Joe finally finished putting on his attire: black leather riding boots, black slacks, a white shirt underneath a thick, black tunic, and a gray sash around his waist. He carried no weapons however, he needed only to take them from his opponents and use them until they were no longer useful. Joe gives Lumi a final kiss and heads out of her room; he goes downstairs to meet his ‘boys’.

    “Well you took your sweet time” A blonde haired man said to Joe, Joe paid no attention as he finished the flight of stairs.

    Joe was an older looking man in his mid 40’s at least, his face bore the signs of a man of action, he was certainly not as handsome as he used to be, but he wasn’t entirely unappealing in spite of his battle scars. He had short grey hair with light stubble and hazel coloured eyes. His physique was bulky in a sense of strength, which was Joe’s biggest advantage; he wasn’t as quick as his 2 companions (his son, Markus, and his nephew, Kristo) but if you wanted someone to break every bone in a man’s face with a single punch, then Joe was your Werewolf.

    His nephew, Kristo, was a much younger looking man in his early 20’s, he had a remarkably cute face with blue eyes and naturally blonde hair that was shoulder length and wavy, he also had a neatly trimmed beard and moustache. Kristo was an in-betweener compared to his 2 companions; strength and speed were both on his side in equal quantity, though overall, athleticism was more Kristo’s thing. He enjoyed using acrobatic manoeuvres to confuse and decimate his opponents, his youth being a major contributor to his stamina along with his being a Werewolf. He spoke with a smooth Irish accent that could make any woman blush with delight.

    Markus was Joe’s son and looked closer to being in his 30’s, he had dark brown hair that went just past his shoulders, and it was ‘heavy’, frankly it didn’t ‘wave’ much at all. He possessed light stubble much like his Father and similarly coloured hazel eyes. Markus was the quieter of the 2 but spoke when necessary; he had speed on his side and a feral nature that made him a vicious opponent in a fight. Markus always had a serious look about him, which did alienate him from other people’s affections, though he did possess a very nice smile and was generally shy around women. His accent was also Irish, though it had a deeper tone than Kristo’s.

    Much like Joe, Markus and Kristo wore the exact same attire and did not carry any weapons to speak of, though the 3 did enjoy using swords whenever possible. Joe looks between the 2 “So where do we go next, lads?” in response Kristo unfolded his arms and pulled out a piece of parchment from his belt, he showed it to Joe.

    Joe studied the parchment and looked at Kristo again with his mouth slightly open “The Prince is in Fabletown?!”Kristo nodded and points to the signature at the bottom of the parchment “Look who signed it” Joe studies the signature, though he dares to think why a Horseman would want the Prince dead...

    Joe folds the parchment and tosses it into a nearby torch, watching it burn away into ash. The 3 men briskly walk away from the Snow Queen’s castle and begin sprinting as soon as they are clear of its drawbridge; they had a mission to complete, and money to earn, no matter the cost.

    O Back in Nick’s apartment

    Nick woke up in his bed feeling very strange, he felt relaxed and tired all at once. Looking at his clock on his bedside table, Nick noticed that it was only 1am, he had been asleep for barely an hour! As he rose to his feet, he looked around and saw no sign of his beloved Jayne, though his foul black blood was present in tiny droplets on his pillow; Nick felt a throbbing sensation on his neck and felt the bite.

    “No! No, no, no, NO!!” Nick was in too much shock to be able to comprehend the situation, how was he infected? He was a Harbinger, an agent of Death himself; this curse shouldn’t have affected him! Then again, how could Nick resist the advances of his lady? He allowed himself to become weak and therefore the infection was allowed to spread; Nick ran his tongue along his incisors and found them to be sharp and slightly sweet.

    “Jayne?!” Nick called out but the apartment was empty, where the hell did she go? Before Nick could get up, he heard his jukebox start playing Poison by Alice Cooper... then 3 familiar voices started singing along with the chorus.

    “I wanna love ya but you better not touch (don’t touch) I wanna hold you but my senses tell me to stop, I wanna kiss you but I want it too much (too much) I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison! Ahhhhhhhhh, your poison running through my veins!”

    Nick looked over his bedroom railing and saw Galen, Cormac and Aleesha in their human forms all singing in time with the lyrics, what kind of a mockery was this? Nick didn’t bother with them just yet however as he changed into a pair of jeans and a black tank shirt.

    They continued to sing as he walked down the stairs towards them “I hear you callin’ and it’s needles and pins (and pins) I wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name, Don’t wanna touch you but you’re under my skin (deep in) I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison!”
    Before they could continue the chorus however, Nick grabs Galen and forces him against the well, Galen merely smirked and refused to fight back as Nick effortlessly lifted him as far as his arms could reach by the collar of his silvery tunic “Turn that off, Eesh”

    Aleesha turned off the jukebox and planted herself on Nick’s sofa, casually throwing Jayne’s underwear off of it as she did so. Cormac remained standing as Nick asked the questions “What do you want?” Galen glared at his Brother for a while before gesturing behind Nick’s shoulder “HE wants a word with you” Nick looked back and saw Death standing behind him.

    Nick let Galen go, but before War’s Harbinger could make a remark, Nick kicked him straight through the wall of his apartment and into Damien’s. Damien jumps as he sees the ghostly figure get up and brush himself down, he looks at the wall and back at Galen before speaking “Family issues again?” Galen ignores Damien as he steps back into Nick’s apartment; Damien shrugs to himself and continues to read a Playboy magazine as he smokes “You’re paying for my wall just so you know, you pasty jackass!”

    Nick had barely enough time to speak to his Father when Death pointed his finger at the bite on Nick’s neck “Do you know what you have allowed yourself to become!” Nick backed away a little as Death moved closer to him “You fucking idiot! You’ve allowed the Prince to turn you into one of his night-walking scum!”

    Nick had no words; he had indeed allowed Jayne, whom had been turned into a Vampire by the prince himself, to deliver the bite, and all for a night of intense pleasure. Death continued to yell “You disappoint me, boy!”

    “Father, wait-” Before Nick could finish Death strikes him across the face and forces him into a kneeling position. Death grabs Nick by the throat “YOU are no longer my Harbinger! You will have to earn that right back, or die trying! For I no longer care!” Nick feels the power of his creator being drawn out of him as he keeps his head bowed before his Master.

    Death pulls away and gives one final piece of his mind before he leaves “Find your whore if you can, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she dies before the sun rises” Nick felt a tear fall down his face as he felt the changes within him, the Vampire curse was truly taking over. Death and the other’s leave as Nick feels all reasoning leave his body, he felt hungry for blood and carnage, he needed to kill something right now.

    Fortunately for him, Damien had just entered the apartment...

    To be continued...

    So any questions or comments then leave them below, don't forget to like as well! XD

    (I was listening to that Alice Cooper song ON REPEAT when writing this chapter, hence why I included it, mostly because it references what Jayne did to Nick)

    Alice Cooper - Poison 1989

  • I'm waiting on those reviews >:)

    Oh, Crap! I forgot to review your works on Sorry, I will get around to that, I give you my word on that!

  • Now that was crazy - in the good, emotional way!

    Goddamn it Jersey, show a bro some understanding! He'll eventually come to accept Frank's preferred sexual orientation sooner or later. May not be right away, but I have a feeling he'll come around to it.

    I was seriously going sad-eyed for Frank, though. At least Gren was understanding, but damn, both R. and F. don't have to fake their love for women!

    JJwolf posted: »

    The sun rose high above the buildings and the sleeping world below. Gren and Robert never went to sleep. There was no need. The emotions and

  • Huh, after all the shit Kieron's done, he's still called a fledgling by some. Goddamn it. :P

    Tetra posted: »

    Going into Hiding... Finale Kieron, Claire and Ride went walking through the streets of Fabletown... "So where do you guys want to go?

  • Even Nick cannot resist the kiss (If that's what Jayne gave him XD). Oh the sweet Prince what kind of douchebaggery deeds will you be doing in this story? XD And Death!? I was surprised to hear such words from him! Damien by the way was quite hilarious but it seems he's about to get snacked on o.o Maybe Kieron will have to teach Nick how to be a vampire XD.

    This was awesome man! Although a bit sad at how Death reacted :( I look forward to more!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So I somehow managed to find the inspiration to write this, tbh I put it down to a lot of music If you have any questions about the previou

  • You live in a bar? Like an apartment above the bar or something?

    Tetra posted: »

    Thanks man! I was always interested in Ride and to find out there was not a lot with her done in the comics was sad, so I figured I'd let he

  • Finally got down to reading this!! :P

    Kieron heard the words of the old man. He looked at his mother Ride.

    "Mom...don't watch okay?" He asked

    She looked confused as she did not hear the old man's words. "What do you-" Kieron was already gone.

    Kieron grabbed the old man by the throat, pure hatred could be seen in Kierons eyes. With all his strength he punched the old man in the gut. "What were those words old man!?" He said

    The old man smiled and leaned in "Whore..."

    Biggest. Mistake. Ever. Made. In. The. History. Of. Mistakes!!!! XP

    Claire is one hell of a badass, though I don't completely trust Caine... I fear something bad will happen to Ride, therefore Kieron will become even more detached from his humanity :(

    I look forward to more dude! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    The Assault... Part: Two Kieron heard the words of the old man. He looked at his mother Ride. "Mom...don't watch okay?" He asked Sh

  • Oh no! I worded that whole thing terribly! I apologize. There is a bar like four minutes away from my parents house.

    You live in a bar? Like an apartment above the bar or something?

  • She did indeed give him The Kiss, the very same one that Claire gave to unsuspecting Kieron :P

    Oh the sweet Prince what kind of douchebaggery deeds will you be doing in this story?

    LMFAO!!!! HAHAHA! Oh, he will play his part >:)

    Death is pissed off that his indomitable war machine lost control to a Vampire curse, he did give Nick the chance to earn it back though...

    Damien... Is a survivor. You don't become Nick's bro like he is without suffering some injuries from time to time. Nuff said.

    Nick is only a Vampire at night, one of the ways his curse is messed up :/

    Excellent! Hopefully I will write more tomorrow.

    Tetra posted: »

    Even Nick cannot resist the kiss (If that's what Jayne gave him XD). Oh the sweet Prince what kind of douchebaggery deeds will you be doing

  • It's all good man! XD

    It definitely was XD Although Ride was not too happy with how Kieron went about it sadly :(

    You are right to have your suspicions as most deities are dirty. I can assure you though Caine is here to help, but he does it in his own way. ;)

    Awesome! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Finally got down to reading this!! :P Kieron heard the words of the old man. He looked at his mother Ride. "Mom...don't watch o

  • Read this part, summarize what happens for the next 2 parts please.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Michelle had to take a moment to sit along the journey to the three fates' home. While Gren spoke to Hades, Nick aides to Michelle's side. H

  • edited May 2015

    Was such a rude reply really necessary? I didn't mean anything bad by it. Now I know you don't like being compared to him for whatever reason.

  • How is a Mother supposed to react to that level of brutality, she was hardly going to cheer him on like he was playing a soccer match! XP

    Deities in Fables are all dickheads in their own way, it's a fact :) He better not hurt Claire or Kieron... or Ride...

    Tetra posted: »

    It's all good man! XD It definitely was XD Although Ride was not too happy with how Kieron went about it sadly You are right to have

  • Ah, we can blame ourselves for both our mistakes. XD Stocking sounds like a steady job for you, so I hope you get that.

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh no! I worded that whole thing terribly! I apologize. There is a bar like four minutes away from my parents house.

  • Jayne is playing smart already o.o she must have some ancient vampire family members XD

    Hopefully Nick caves his skull in!

    That is true! XD

    Ah okay, that's interesting! :3

    Well then I look forward to it! :D This was perfect for my break from Resident Evil 5 :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    She did indeed give him The Kiss, the very same one that Claire gave to unsuspecting Kieron :P Oh the sweet Prince what kind of douche

  • Hey you never know there is Alice XD

    This is also true! XD Although I can't say who he will or will not hurt. ;)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    How is a Mother supposed to react to that level of brutality, she was hardly going to cheer him on like he was playing a soccer match! XP

  • You're comparing me to him... he's a lot fatter than me for a start, and he doesn't even have normal eyebrows!!

    Look, I took offence, now I'm over it. I apologise for being so rude, but him of all people? :/

    Was such a rude reply really necessary? I didn't mean anything bad by it. Now I know you don't like being compared to him for whatever reason.

  • I forgot about her :P

    Of course, that would be spoiling...

    Tetra posted: »

    Hey you never know there is Alice XD This is also true! XD Although I can't say who he will or will not hurt.

  • I wasn't hinting at size, I was hinting that your face looks a little like his. Another reason I mentioned him was because I recently got into watching his videos. Jesus dude.

    Anyway, you should watch his videos yourself imo - they're funny as hell and should cheer you up even more.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    You're comparing me to him... he's a lot fatter than me for a start, and he doesn't even have normal eyebrows!! Look, I took offence, now I'm over it. I apologise for being so rude, but him of all people?

  • Hey whatever gets me out of the house I am comepletely fine with XD Plus like you said stacking stuff for the most part is easy! Except for when you get to the heavy stuff XD

    Ah, we can blame ourselves for both our mistakes. XD Stocking sounds like a steady job for you, so I hope you get that.

  • Part one covers Ethan's curse and he can not escape. Carla is using it and no matter what, he'll fight Emily and he refuses to do to stop the curse, Peter must stab him; this his how it all began and is the only way to end it. Peter hesitates but does it. Ethan turns into a blue ladybug; Erica asked Georgie if there were blue ones and he said no but if she wished really hard, it will come true....Peter collects the bug and goes into the woods, were Georgie, Lyla and Erica are hiding after Carla attacked at their home.

    Emily and Vivian are in the Underworld, waiting for Gren. Emily appears 7 or 8 months pregnant because if the soul is alive and in the Underworld, they develop quicker. The fates see a figure approach and Emily sees its her brother and he explains what happened before leaving forever....Peter finds Erica, Georgie and Lyla; he gives the blue ladybug to Erica. This was Ethan's gift to Erica and it gave her a 2nd chance at life. Noah took her first and she is healed once again....the final trumpet is sound and now, begins the war. We just wait for Gremily. :3

    Read this part, summarize what happens for the next 2 parts please.

  • Nope, Jayne does have a dark past though (nothing will be revealed of it in this story however) She is overwhelmed by the feeling of power, and the first thing she wanted to do is be as intimate as possible with her true love. If that meant turning him into a Vampire, then so be it :/

    I can tell you now that Nick won't be his executioner...

    Death is always fair in some way with Nick :P

    Nick really doesn't take well to having this curse, you will see next chapter.

    Oh man! That game!!! I'm playing Saints Row 4 Re-Elected, though I should really start TFTB or GOT

    Tetra posted: »

    Jayne is playing smart already o.o she must have some ancient vampire family members XD Hopefully Nick caves his skull in! That is tru

  • I was hinting that your face looks a little like his

    ... Whatever.

    What does he do? Video game reviews? :/

    I wasn't hinting at size, I was hinting that your face looks a little like his. Another reason I mentioned him was because I recently got in

  • Okay, thanks! Didn't expect the blue ladybug part, so yay, Ethan's still alive!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part one covers Ethan's curse and he can not escape. Carla is using it and no matter what, he'll fight Emily and he refuses to do

  • edited May 2015

    You can get a little more muscle if you keep on carrying heavy things, so think of it that way!

    Tetra posted: »

    Hey whatever gets me out of the house I am comepletely fine with XD Plus like you said stacking stuff for the most part is easy! Except for when you get to the heavy stuff XD

  • Guess you can kind of see it like that. :) Ethan is gone in spirit but the love he had for Michelle, Erica and his family was left in this little blue creature.

    Okay, thanks! Didn't expect the blue ladybug part, so yay, Ethan's still alive!

  • Nice chapter :)

    ‘I am a woman, yes, but not a lady. YOU of all people should know that after all this time.’ She said in mockery.

    ‘Fine’ I said ‘Get in the damned car.’ I said in feigned annoyance.

    ‘That is more like it.’

    Well.... these two certainly know how to act around each other!! :O

    ‘Why not help me carry the stuff down?’ I called after her.

    ‘Because I need an o so strong man to do it for me.’

    I knew she was being sarcastic, but I went along with it. ‘Seriously?’


    Gertraud is something else entirely!! XP

    That was quite a tender moment between them; it was really sweet to see their barriers of sarcasm fall and for them to say what they really think about one another :')

    I look forward to more! XD

    I think it is safe to say this chapter will incite a lot of feels (what is it with us and chapters that do hence lately?) Chapter 23: Val

  • It seems you're still angry for nothing, so I'll give you the privilege on finding out yourself.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I was hinting that your face looks a little like his ... Whatever. What does he do? Video game reviews?

  • I figured the vampire god would have some blood to go with his ice cream. I'm surprised he didn't. :P

    Like the others have said, I enjoy his humor as well, definitely something you wouldn't expect from his position.

    MasterStone posted: »

    Vampire Challenge- Chapter 5 Nisa and Marco managed to escape the pursuit of the men, however Nisa felt they weren't giving up so easily

  • Oh man, Jayne. You gave Nick The Kiss. I was hoping he'd be able to overcome this but man...that scene was described beautifully. They have such passion; I love Jayne and even though she was changing him, you can still feel the love in a weird way.

    And the Prince is one sneaky SOB, I'll tell you this much. XD And wow....Death's reaction really pissed me off in a small way BUT I can understand why he feels this way...And now Damien. XD Bet he needs a snack, assuming he was having 'fun' before entering the apartment. lol Don't feel bad, Nick. Isaiah didn't ask to be a Vamp either. :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So I somehow managed to find the inspiration to write this, tbh I put it down to a lot of music If you have any questions about the previou

  • edited May 2015

    Cool chapter! :D

    If she wanted to do it, pull everything out and watch Isaiah choke of his own blood.

    Little confused by this, I didn't know you could choke out a Grendel :/

    Brandy literally scares me! I'm being serious when I say that I don't back her for being a good guy, I back her for simply being the Protagonist of the story. Oh man, she gonna give nightmares dude... :'(

    Fuckin' Tweedles! Ugh, I thought I left Dee to bleed out in the Crooked Man's lair?! >:(

    I can't wait for more dude! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Challenge pg. 6 Isaiah rubs a mysterious liquid into his eyes. It smelled horrible to Brandy. It reminded the young Vampire of the woods

  • More of a phrase then anything, my good man. Because let's be honest....who wouldn't choke on blood, if you pulled something like this out? XD

    Yeah Brandy may come off as so but she means well. She's a little 'stuck' at the moment; she wants to kill Isaiah but needs him to locate the source of the issue but looks like the problem is looking for brandy, too. :(

    I hate that fucktard, too but I have not used him yet and have a reason for him, too....I always do. :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Cool chapter! If she wanted to do it, pull everything out and watch Isaiah choke of his own blood. Little confused by this, I

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