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  • I think lust is a more appropriate word instead of love for that scene :P Nick allowed pleasure to take over, and so the curse infected him before he could expel it... I suppose love was there... or was it??? :/

    The Prince is a knobhead :P

    Death is rarely disappointed in his Harbinger, but Nick really fucked up this time. Damien should be at Penny's instead of reading Playboy! XP

    Yeah but at least Isaiah has control over his curse, Nick doesn't, as you will see next chapter >:)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Oh man, Jayne. You gave Nick The Kiss. I was hoping he'd be able to overcome this but man...that scene was described beautifully. They have

  • Technically, the Cold War was not a war but rather a political standoff without the element of fighting.

    They had to have something like this happen. Alfred had that bottled up inside those past five years and was in a state of self loathing.

    JJwolf posted: »

    Dude the emotional attachment this story had! You feel bad for those involved and Gertraud with her Fanta really hit me hard. Although not a

  • Around the time of this chapter, Fanta was discontinued (Gertraud just had five more years to wait).

    I have suceeded in my evil plot to bring feels upon all. Mwuahaha!

    MasterStone posted: »

    I knew Cola exist during that time but I had no idea Fanta did too, I learned something. Lol I had a gif to express the feels displayed

  • There communication is rather eccentric at best.

    Just as I intended. They needed a moment like that. This may sound odd, but I enjoyed writing this despite that I was also saddened by it.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Nice chapter ‘I am a woman, yes, but not a lady. YOU of all people should know that after all this time.’ She said in mockery.

  • FEELS!!!! T_T

    Rose Red, I don't like you atm, and now JJ makes you a homophobe... FUCK YOU, BITCH! (Tbh, Rose really doesn't strike me as that sort of person in Fables, but for the purposes of this story...)

    Oh man, I really hope Lyla understands, the difference between Lyla and Rose is Lyla literally has claws!! :/

    Why couldn't he be like the other guys: Beer, ass, tits, pussy

    Replace Beer with Spirits or cocktails and you have me :P

    I look forward to what comes next dude! XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    Two days later Still nothing. Robert called several times and left many messages on Frank's phone but none were ever answered. He left it

  • edited May 2015

    You're right :) Nick knows that feeling as well (thank you Lyla Smith) XD

    Brandy terrifies me! But I look forward to seeing her in a 'calmer' light in the future, I always like to see the toughest and deadliest of characters have soft sides where they just make you melt like jelly. You see them in this place of cuddly happiness and think "Oh wow, you DO possess a kind heart" :')

    The Tweedles do have potential in stories, I used them as demonstration dummies for Nick in TDAU... I hope this one gets his throat ripped out! >:D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    More of a phrase then anything, my good man. Because let's be honest....who wouldn't choke on blood, if you pulled something like this out?

  • Lyla Smith has that affect on everyone. :) She appreciates it, though.

    Brandy is that person. If no one has noticed, I take characters with 'no heart' and try to find the good in them all. she will eventually come through once she gets some candy in her mouth. :3 Sweet, yummy candy.

    Dee will have potential in this and in the future, should I continue to write after Gremily's tale. :3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    You're right Nick knows that feeling as well (thank you Lyla Smith) XD Brandy terrifies me! But I look forward to seeing her in a 'calme

  • edited May 2015

    Hmm, I can tell the way from RJ's dialogue is that he's older and a little more mature than from what I last read about him. Let me guess, early teens? 10? 11?

    Glad he understands Robert's 'dilemma', of course. :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    Robert, RJ and Gren sat outside. Robert picked at his burger, unsatisfied with the morning. He was dreading telling his son and if Gren kick

  • And scar everyone for life? Nope (I am joking with that part. Still, you have seen my face < joke too).

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Anyone up for another selfie craze to lighten the mood? XD

  • Tbh, Rose really doesn't strike me as that sort of person in Fables, but for the purposes of this story...)

    Think she was hurt more then anything. I agree with you. Rose seems like she'd understand but because it was Robert and the two were fooling around and she wanted his D. Anger makes people act horribly. :(

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    FEELS!!!! T_T Rose Red, I don't like you atm, and now JJ makes you a homophobe... FUCK YOU, BITCH! (Tbh, Rose really doesn't strike me as

  • Frank is still within this recluse? He has to pick up the phone eventually. Well, I hope things turn around with him.

    Heavens above. I anticipated Roses reaction as being something like that. Dear me, that was scolding. I do not really blame her, but still, ouch! This just makes me dread to think how Lyla, his wife, will react.

    Well done as usual.

    JJwolf posted: »

    Two days later Still nothing. Robert called several times and left many messages on Frank's phone but none were ever answered. He left it

  • I have indeed, nothing to be ashamed of. We're not evil people :)

    And scar everyone for life? Nope (I am joking with that part. Still, you have seen my face < joke too).

  • Boy, I don't know why I expected better things from Rose. Ugh... I just... want to slap her for saying those hurtful things, man. I know, it's surprising to see those words coming from a fan of hers.

    A fantastic job, as usual!

    JJwolf posted: »

    Two days later Still nothing. Robert called several times and left many messages on Frank's phone but none were ever answered. He left it

  • Anger is a person's biggest problem sometimes...

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Tbh, Rose really doesn't strike me as that sort of person in Fables, but for the purposes of this story...) Think she was hurt more

  • Eh, Nick still loves her at least :P

    she will eventually come through once she gets some candy in her mouth. :3 Sweet, yummy candy.

    Uhhh. stop teasing me with Candy Angel! XD

    I see :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Lyla Smith has that affect on everyone. She appreciates it, though. Brandy is that person. If no one has noticed, I take characters with

  • Ah, us men. We always tend to fall for the girl, do we not? I did not expect Nick to be able to let his guard down for such to happen, but alas, I do not blame him either.

    Death's words were rather chilling. And so another adventure begins!

    Rest in peace, Damien.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So I somehow managed to find the inspiration to write this, tbh I put it down to a lot of music If you have any questions about the previou

  • edited May 2015

    I got past the shame a long time ago, but I thank you for the kind words. One forgets they have a face like mine after having it for their entire life. Besides, it looked worse once upon a time. Much worse.

    On the topic of anatomies, how is it going with your weight loss attempt?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I have indeed, nothing to be ashamed of. We're not evil people

  • edited May 2015

    This may be a bit (fine, it is very) off topic, but I feel the need to post this

    As of my posting this, it most likely Saturday evening from the perspective of most on this thread. However, I am in Australia and thus, from my perspective, it is Sunday morning. I shall take a moment to say this.

    Alt text

    Happy Mothers Day to my Mum and to all mothers out there.

    Actually, I should make a discussion from this in the general discussions area.

  • Besides, it looked worse once upon a time. Much worse.

    Wow :/ Frontonasal Dysplasia... I still feel very sorry for you :(

    It is noticeable in my face already it would seem, just gotta keep at it :D

    I got past the shame a long time ago, but I thank you for the kind words. One forgets they have a face like mine after having it for their e

  • He loves Jayne so much already, and when she's giving off vibes that he's never experienced from her before, then he's not gonna say no :P

    Death is like that sometimes :)

    Who said he was dead?

    Ah, us men. We always tend to fall for the girl, do we not? I did not expect Nick to be able to let his guard down for such to happen, but a

  • Good to hear.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Besides, it looked worse once upon a time. Much worse. Wow Frontonasal Dysplasia... I still feel very sorry for you It is noticeable in my face already it would seem, just gotta keep at it

  • Who said he was dead?

    No one. I was making fun of the fact that Damien was his target (I wonder how long Nick will last without his special abilities, though?)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    He loves Jayne so much already, and when she's giving off vibes that he's never experienced from her before, then he's not gonna say no :P Death is like that sometimes Who said he was dead?

  • Nick hasn't lost everything, I'm dealing with him lacking his more useful powers in my current story on this thread (not the Vampire Challenge) It'll take more than just silver and runes to kill this Devil...


    Who said he was dead? No one. I was making fun of the fact that Damien was his target (I wonder how long Nick will last without his special abilities, though?)

  • It's 00:51am in England, so it's Sunday for me as well :P

    This may be a bit (fine, it is very) off topic, but I feel the need to post this As of my posting this, it most likely Saturday evening f

  • I was going to suggest that but, decided to do something unexpected. Lol

    I figured the vampire god would have some blood to go with his ice cream. I'm surprised he didn't. :P Like the others have said, I enjoy his humor as well, definitely something you wouldn't expect from his position.

  • The Assault... Finale

    Caine stood in Claires body but that didn't mean he couldn't hear her. He summoned a glass vial and filled it with his blood.

    "What are you doing?" Claire asked

    "I'm going to help your love of course." He smiled

    "Is it safe!? What if it kills him!?" She said in a worried tone.

    "Your, I hope for your sake, future husband will not be hurt. The only trait that can be passed to him is being able to stand in sunlight. This would hurt no vampire." He said "However getting him to comprise will be complicated."

    If Claire was in her body instead of her own head her cheeks would probably be red due to the husband comment but she was more focused on the 'getting him to compromise' part worried her. "What are you going to do!?" She said

    Caine began to make Claires body move out of the Crypt...

    Outside of the Crypt...

    Ride and Kieron heard the gate open. Ride watched as Kieron ran over and stand in front of Claire, Ride began to stand and walk over as she noticed Claire had drawn a sword and was now pointing it at Kieron. Rides heart began to race as she ran over, and then her heart shattered when Claire stabbed Kieron. She fell to her knees, tears began to fill her eyes. She covered her eyes and began to sob.

    Kieron started to cry and looked up. " did it come to this? A while ago we were having dinner with my mom..." He said smiling.

    Claire thrusted the sword further into Kierons stomach. He let out a small cry of pain. She smiled "This all started when she decided to fall for the Tremeres trick." She said.

    Kieron coughed up the blood in his mouth, with his hand on the blade he pulled Claire closer to him but the blade was now all the way through his stomach. Tears still falling down his face. "I know...and I should have taken action sooner...and I'm willing to pay the price, but I won't let you take her from me, Claire I WON'T LOSE YOU!!!" He yelled

    Caine could hear Claires cries in his head. He would have to apologize a hundred times over but she would never forgive him for his actions, Caine knew that Kieron would not cooperate with him however and this was his way of getting him to. Caine kicked Kieron off the sword. He walked over uncorking the glass vial, Caine began to unbutton Kierons Cotton vest and and collard shirt. He began to pour his blood on the sword wound. To make sure it'd take a while for Kieron to catch up he pulled the wound open a little. He began to walk away...

    "If you want to save Claire you'll have to save her! After I use her body to kill Dracula!" He said

    Caine however was lying, he would give up Claires body when he dealt with Dracula himself. And then he'd talk to Claire and Kieron in person to explain his actions. Caine was gone in the blink of an eye. Kierons body began to twitch he was not only in pain but he was crying as well. Ride looked up and saw her son lying in his own blood she got up and ran over to him. There was a moderately sized hole in his chest. She tried calming him down.

    "Kieron, Kieron! You have to calm down or you'll lose more blood than you have!" She said trembling, and tears running down her face.

    Kieron realized he should stop and tried to stop crying. Ride tried to stop trembling and stop crying however what she was about to do wouldn't allow it. She lifted her hands.

    "Now this is going to hurt. Really bad, but it's the only way okay?" She said sobbing.

    Kieron nodded. Ride began to activate her blood magic, however her blood magic was not offensive but rather in a supportive way. She began to sow Kierons chest back together, the muscles began to attach to each other on each half of Kierons stomach. He began to scream in agony during this process. Ride kept sobbing and trembling.

    "I'm sorry sweetie, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, it'll be over soon." Ride sobbed her voice trembling.

    After three minutes there was a blood stitch in Kierons chest. Kieron however passed out due to pain, Ride lifted his head and let him rest on her lap. Tears were still falling from her face she wrapped her arms around him, she hoped he would wake up soon...

    Near the Princes hideout...

    "CAINE! You said you wouldn't hurt Kieron!!!" She yelled at him.

    Caine felt awful for what he did but he stood by it. "He wasn't going to just let me cut open his wrist, and plus would you want him here!? He could be collateral damage!"

    "I don't give a fuck! What you did was out of line! You should've asked me first!" She shouted.

    Caine began to feel dread and regret. "Claire...I promise what I did was necessary. I promised I'd bring light to your life, and I'm going to do exactly that."

    "How do I know I can trust you!?" Claire said

    "You'll just have to I guess..." Caine said moving into the princes hideout...

    In the Princes room...

    The prince was finishing up his dinner when he saw a shadow out of the corner of his eye. He stood.

    "So the whore found me first huh?" He said smiling.

    Caine grabbed him by the throat and slammed him through the table smashing him into the ground. "Actually it's me...Caine." He smiled with his fangs beginning to grow.

    Dracula hissed. "You think I'm scared of you? Please. By staying alive I get stronger while you sleep." He said

    Caine could hear the soldiers start pouring into the room. Caine lifted Dracula. "You may get stronger, but I am one of the strongest beings to walk this earth, seems like you are trying to ruin the balance of it. So it's time to put you in your place. Shall we go somewhere else and finish this? I have a friend that will mop up these...things." Caine grinned

    Dracula spit in Caines face "Who Kieron!? Well I should personally thank him actually, his years of being experimented like the rat he is, has created such beautiful creatures!"

    Caine began to get furious however he didn't want to kill Dracula, so he tried to maintain some composure. "You know I hate it when people talk about Family like that."

    "Enough talking about that dirt rat fledgling, where shall we go? I'm itching to dig my claws and fangs in you." Dracula grinned.

    Caines gripped tightened. "How about where you used to reside? Rocky mountains?"

    "Oh I love home field advantage!" Dracula said

    Caine sprouted vampiric wings and began to fly towards the Rocky mountains...

    That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    I was torn with her reaction but she's angry, hurt and confused. She'll come around but like I mentioned to the others, she is angry and when peopl are hurt, they say and do stupid shit. :'(

    Thanks, dude. Glad this is working out so far.

    Boy, I don't know why I expected better things from Rose. Ugh... I just... want to slap her for saying those hurtful things, man. I know, it's surprising to see those words coming from a fan of hers. A fantastic job, as usual!

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    Frank is indeed still hiding at the moment. Robert will contact him but it might not be what is expected...:(

    I'm torn sbout rose's reaction. Some say she overreacted but it was also for a purpose. she was angry and pie said it above. When people are angry, they act and do things. Lyla was actually his ex-girlfriend and we shall she her reaction next.

    Frank is still within this recluse? He has to pick up the phone eventually. Well, I hope things turn around with him. Heavens above. I an

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    The feels! I know!

    Pie said it before I could. When someone is angry, they say horrible things. Rose will come around but it will take time. Lyla's reaction will be next.

    Awesome, dude! Glad you like this so far.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    FEELS!!!! T_T Rose Red, I don't like you atm, and now JJ makes you a homophobe... FUCK YOU, BITCH! (Tbh, Rose really doesn't strike me as

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    He's 12 in this story. :) I wanted to age him just enough. I had forgotten that he and the Porgie have a huge age gap. Thankfully, pie brought that up. forgot. XD

    RJ loves his father, no matter what. :)

    Hmm, I can tell the way from RJ's dialogue is that he's older and a little more mature than from what I last read about him. Let me guess, early teens? 10? 11? Glad he understands Robert's 'dilemma', of course.

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    Yay you managed to write a section. :3 Told you (or was it pie) that needed some music! :D The Kiss of death pretty much. Damn. I enjoyed the scene were she was lustful and took a bite into Nick. i was wondering how this would mess with him but you covered that on the bottom. Death, no offense, was being a dick about it but in a way, I can understand. SOME way. Damien is something else, isn't he? :P I love this song too, btw! :D Wonder how the curse will mess with Nick now.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So I somehow managed to find the inspiration to write this, tbh I put it down to a lot of music If you have any questions about the previou

  • edited May 2015

    Hey all, thread master here with another announcement (sort of). :P

    Over the past few weeks, I was thinking on making a picture for my Irish Fable: Fayde Everwind. And no -in case if you were wondering- it's not going to be a normal picture this time. Instead, it's going to be racy. I'm talking cleavage with a suggestive pose, but mostly cleavage (and probably a flirty smile added into the mix as well ;D).

    So, in other words, do you guys think I should consider drawing such a picture? Yes or no? If any of you are uncomfortable with the current question at hand - you don't have to answer if you don't want to.

  • I'm talking cleavage with a suggestive pose

    Alt text

    Do it! You know already I'm on board, coming from the guy who's placed his girls in rather 'racy' poses and what not. XD

    Hey all, thread master here with another announcement (sort of). :P Over the past few weeks, I was thinking on making a picture for my Ir

  • Why am I terrified of Lyla right now?? :'(

    Come on Lyla, please understand... I don't want Robert to suffer anymore! T_T

    JJwolf posted: »

    The feels! I know! Pie said it before I could. When someone is angry, they say horrible things. Rose will come around but it will take time. Lyla's reaction will be next. Awesome, dude! Glad you like this so far.

  • It was you that suggested music :)

    I was thinking that the content of that seduction scene would be too much for this forum, but I haven't been banned yet (then again Pie has written more risqué stuff than me)

    Death is furious that Nick let something so simple infect him... he may come around though :D

    Damien is used to this sort of behaviour by now, though Nick will be the one paying for his new wall :P

    Nick's curse only affects him at night... I mentioned this in a comment to Tetra not too long ago, the curse aggravates Nick's aggression and fills him with a desire for blood. Anyone before him could be a victim, even close friends and family...

    This is my favourite Alice Cooper song! XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    Yay you managed to write a section. Told you (or was it pie) that needed some music! The Kiss of death pretty much. Damn. I enjoyed the sc

  • YES!

    Uncomfortable no longer applies to me on this thread anyways :P

    Hey all, thread master here with another announcement (sort of). :P Over the past few weeks, I was thinking on making a picture for my Ir

  • How could I object to a picture of that nature?

    Do it. I implore you to do it and upload it ASAP!

    Hey all, thread master here with another announcement (sort of). :P Over the past few weeks, I was thinking on making a picture for my Ir

  • edited May 2015

    I say do it! You've also reminded me that I have my sketch book, pencils and colored pencils since I forgot them in my parents home to begin with! XD

    Hey all, thread master here with another announcement (sort of). :P Over the past few weeks, I was thinking on making a picture for my Ir

  • edited May 2015

    Caine seems rather heavy handed, doesn't he? I am not sure what to make of what is happening at the moment with Claires "possession". I really do not. I am actually somewhat confused.

    Correct me if I am wrong:

    So Caine has possessed Claire in order to kill Dracula and has made it so that he could do it without interfearence from Kieron but also manipulated things to ensure that Kieron does arrive after he has finished the job and given up Claires body?

    It sounds as if a great standoff is about to begin. I shall await the next chapter in alacrity.

    Tetra posted: »

    The Assault... Finale Caine stood in Claires body but that didn't mean he couldn't hear her. He summoned a glass vial and filled it with

  • edited May 2015

    Just a short bite of a chapter to overcome my writers block.

    Chapter 23: Ich schlafe kann nicht. August 13. 1961.

    I awoke that morning prior to dawn. Gertraud was still asleep, as was indicated by her inhuman snoring.

    I clumsily dressed into my suit, coat, hat and riding gloves with as much effort I could muster in my state of tiredness. I gave my hair a quick slick back with my comb, not bothering with product this time. I needed fresh air.

    Walking outside, I felt the cold of the early morning slap my face, energising me and eroding the tiredness within.

    I would find myself in the position of being unable to sleep some nights. The buzzing and scents of the city, while it no longer tortured my senses as it did when I and she first arrived, I found can excite them and render me restless . On these nights, I would go out for some time and return sometime later. Gertraud knew of this and thus had no issues waking up only to find me gone, or at least she accepted it for what it is and allowed it for my benifit.

    As I drove through the night time streets, I slowly became more relaxed and at ease; the steady rumble of the engine drowning out sound and the car‘s body shielding me from the scents. The wanting to sleep slowly, but surely, crept upon my eyes as the minutes and streetlamps passed. Eventually, I decided to head home, barely noticing the barbed wire and fences being erected and worked upon before the Brandenburg gate.

    AUTHOR’S NOTE: The story shall be rather relaxed for a while yet. The really good material between Gertraud and Alfred happens after the beginning of the current millenium. I apologise to those whom I may have disappointed on this (especially you, Pie. I am aware of your enthusiasm you held with this part of the story), but I have come to the conclusion that the material provided for the Cold War in West Berlin does not extend far beyond the Berlin Wall and the Berlin airlift: neither of which I felt could be incorperated into a set of chapters in the context of Traudl and Al. I shall include outside events in single chapters (Cuban Missle Crisis, Vietnam War, etc), but Gertraud and Alfred will not be directly involved with these happenings.

    Did anyone get the end?

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