A Psychotic Facade

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

After looking back on the events of Episode 2 after getting to the lodge, meeting Kenny, etc., I noticed, as several others did, a bit of a disturbing trend with Kenny's attitude. You can tell at the couch next to the fire he's a tad bit on-edge, you see a duck dressed up as Santa (wonder who that's referring to, huh?), you see him snap at Sarita, twice if you count outside. But perhaps the most disturbing thing comes after Kenny snaps at Luke and Nick.

He quite rudely tells Clementine to hand him something, and calls her Duck.

So I put it together. Sarita's exotic name and undeterminably-European accent. His unhinged nature. Calling Clementine 'Duck': I'm very worried in the future Kenny is going to lose it and think of Sarita and Clementine as his actual lost family, and may go into a psychotic rage against Clementine or Sarita.

Despite his friendly attitude, there's this real sense of some kind of "The Shining" feel at the lodge. You can tell something isn't right with Kenny.

Does anyone else think that all of his kindness may be nothing more than a façade? Do you think he wants Sarita and Clementine to replace, or "become" Katjaa and Duck, whether they want to or not?


  • I definately got an odd feeling about Kenny that episode. When Sarita asks you if he seems different, but then changes the subject quickly after you answer, makes me wonder what's up with the guy. Also I saw the christmas duck, but didn't make the connection until I read your post lol.

  • Spoiler

    I agree. But it's understandable. What he has been through... it was tough. Too tough. He is on the edge trying to get over what happened but he just can't do that. All those jokes, that fake happy mood was just hiding the pain and it's extremely sad in my opinion. The moment he called Clem Duck was heart breaking, showing that he's constantly thinking about them. Anyway, when I saw Kenny I almost cried. I missed the man. Still, I kind of saw it coming since Telltale said they will reveal his fate and there was that "I thought you were dead" in the trailer so he was on the top of my list and after him Christa. But judging by how shocked Clem was it had to be him. This episode is probably my favorite so far in both seasons. So intense, so sad and yet with some warming moments. Tough decisions, tough outcomes. I just found out Alvin could die I like him I'm happy I took Kenny's gun before shooting. Can't wait for episode 3.

  • I got an odd felling from him about some issues too, that's why I sat with him at dinner, to try and understand how he was right now and try and soften him towards the cabin group.

    Also am I the only one who thinks Saritas face and hair has A LOT of similarities to Katja?

    SOrry I don't know how to post pictures :S

  • All is definitely not well with Kenny. I kind of figure that how you treated him in this episode will determine how he acts in episode 3.

  • edited March 2014

    I think it's safe to say Kenny has developed his own personal psychosis (you can hardly blame the poor guy after what he's been through), and unfortunately, with Clem back in his life, he's liable to incorporate her into his new surrogate family along with Sarita.

    On one hand, this could work in my favour, as Kenny is more ready to protect Clem than ever, but on the other hand, that very same need to shelter Clem from harm could result in more than one person getting killed.

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