Behind the Bad: The Making of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People



  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    Oh, I would too. I was just amused at how the painting's subject matter was juxtaposed with what was going on in the video. I'm definitely a fan of Grickle's work. ^^

    EDIT: Agh—I mean "Annable's work." And reading my previous post again, I definitely wish now I had worded it differently. -_-; Very sorry for the misunderstanding, Jake.

    What? No need to apologize. I was letting you know its a painting! We have four of Graham's paintings up in the lobby, and they would all look good in my house.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    Hey guys... if you have a YouTube account, and you enjoyed the video, would you consider favoriting it over on YouTube?

    (Is "favoriting" a word?)
  • edited October 2008
    I Love the 2nd chapter. It's so funny! :D
  • edited October 2008
    Consider it favorited. :D
  • edited October 2008
    For that matter, is favorited a word?

    Eh, I suppose. Favorited.
  • edited October 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    What? No need to apologize. I was letting you know its a painting!

    Moral of the Story: I probably shouldn't post on forums two hours after I should have gone to bed. :o And thus I humbly direct at myself:


    ... Yeah. That'd better learn me a thing or two, or I'm hitting the sack at five from now on! ^^;
    Jake wrote: »
    We have four of Graham's paintings up in the lobby, and they would all look good in my house.

    Some serious office envy coming from this end. I will visit you, Telltale! Someday ...
  • edited October 2008
    Not only will I favorite your video, but I'll friend you as well!
  • edited October 2008
    Depends on what job you are looking for. You should check out our job page at to see if you fit any of the positions.

    Man, man. If there wasnt any child labor laws I would totally send a application. I mean...Candy Drawer, Help making awesome games, work with SB, Get paid! It's like a dream job!

    Stupid being only 13....

    Edit: Ill keep this page in mind though.
  • edited November 2008
    Maybe the last of "Behind the Bad" would feature a cameo appearance by Sam & Max, with a mention of Season 3, or at least a Wii Release of Season Two.
  • edited December 2008
    You know, I often wondered if Emily's avatar was at all similar to how she really looked, and I was kinda right. (lol) But hey, can't blame Stro-Bro for flirting with you, right?

    I gotta say, it was really nice getting to look around the place via that video (oh and I favourited it) because it's just one of those things you wonder about. I sometimes play games such as this (that are made by smaller companies) and wonder what the working conditions/office/etc looks like. So it's always nice to get a little sneak peek at what it is like to work there or at least visit it, so to speak.

    I can't wait for another of these.
  • edited December 2008
    Man, I wonder when the next is out, it's been ages.
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