On choice

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

One thing that sometimes annoys me about games where players can impact the story through "choices", is that the characters in the game seems to know exactly what kind of a choice the player was faced with. Sometimes this makes sense. During the Carley/Doug choice it would have been obvious that Lee held the faith of those people in his arms.

The choice between "saving" Nick or Pete is a different case. I chose to run to Nick. Somehow this caused Nick to survive and Pete to die. I have absolutely no idea how. Nick then blames me for not having saved Pete. How was an unarmed eleven year old supposed to save a grown armed man from several zombies? Why does Nick think I could have saved him by running in that direction?

A similar case is Kenny blaming me for Walters death, because I tried to save Carlos by telling Rebbeca to give herself up. Why does Kenny think this lead to Walter dying and why does he feel it's Clem's fault?


  • Nick just really loves Pete.He was the only one left in his family,the only one he had left to really care for,besides Luke.So don't make him the reason everything's screwed.Everyone knows by now that he's impulsive and has outbursts.

  • edited March 2014

    I really hated when Walter died, such a devastating blow, I can honestly say that he was one of the best characters to exist in this game, and If you choose to run to Kenny and Luke, Kenny will say that Carver would of killed Walt either way, as it was revenge for Johnny, but I did try to tell Kenny not to shoot Johnny, but he went ahead anyway and got a very influential and interesting character killed in the process, thank god I was able to stop him from shooting Carver when he was holding Alvin. Now i am more scared for them than ever though, considering now that in this episode, Alvin and NIck can die, which makes them detrimental characters and that means there end is soon to come.

  • It's a little forced and contrived- I'll give you that. But to an extent it has to be. TTG can't program every possible reaction and outcome so I think in most of those critical choices you're really left with one or two possible outcomes to deal with. And as we know from S1- we don't really alter the game, just the path that we take to get to the end. I.e. If you save someone and let someone else die then the person you save eventually dies too so we all get the "same" ending more or less.

    I didn't really get the sense that Nick "blamed" Clem for Pete's death- unless you got a different set of dialogue from him than I did. It was more like survivors guilt- like "Why did you run to me and not to him?" True, he did say "you could have saved him" but that doesn't mean he really feels that way. He's distraught and by his own admission he's not cut out for this kind of thing. He could just be talking really. "You could have saved him" seems like a natural thing to say in that situation even though if he stopped to think about it rationally he might realize what you did- an 11 year old unarmed girl, etc.. He also seemed genuinely surprised when I told him that he got bit- like he didn't know until I told him. He hasn't brought it up since to me.

  • Spoiler

    I had Kenny shoot the bastard- he hits him but it doesn't kill him and Alvin lives. I'm not sure if this decision had repercussions.... though Carver may not take too kindly to the guy who shot him.

  • Spoiler

    Uh, no, Alvin always dies if Kenny shoots Carver, he falls down, then he gets back up and shoots Alvin in the head.

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