Carlos in Episode 2
Does anyone else feel like Carlos became way more likable in the last episode? I barely cared about him when the episode started, still having those bad memories from Episode 1. But after a while, I realized how much I had began to actually like him, I flinched when that Walker grabbed him during the fight sequence at the lodge and I was sweating and quailing like crazy when Carver pressed that knife against his throat, realizing how badly I wanted him to live.
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He's really good character.
Yes, same with Rebecca. She was positively open on the road, revealing her secret fears and doubts as if Clem were an old friend, and again at the Ski Lodge, which was entirely at odds with how she was in episode 1.
There is something about the way Luke talked about Carlos that makes me think there's something we haven't been told yet. The "Your dad's the nicest guy I know..." speech, where he hinted at something very dark.
Yeah i think he's pretty cool now and that torture scene..... just ow he's one tough guy that's for sure.
i like carlos and sarah
He's tough as nails, that's for sure
Well, after ep 2, he's definitely my 2nd favorite character out of season 2. He's shown he cares not only for Sarah, but rather the whole group. And also he can handle himself in tough situations.
Couldn't agree more. Several of the characters come into themselves this episode and Carlos is right near the top of the list. When he was being tortured, I basically made my dialogue choices with the intentions of saving his life. Thought he was done for otherwise.
Only reason i could like him more is because i felt bad for him being tortured by Carver
I liked Carlos more in this episode for sure. He showed that he's competent and cares about the whole group, and was even a bit protective of Clementine because she's a kid and he's a father. I liked that.
I was afraid Carver was going to execute him right there after torturing him. He's still very protective of his daughter but I like how he cares about Clementine too now. (Telling Luke "She's just a little girl...", shooting the walkers after Clem runs out of bullets, etc...)
That bit was awful. Could I get the cutscene to trigger? Only after a dozen tries and throwing the mouse at the wall.
Same here, Not only is he a caring dad, but also a concerned group member. I felt sorry for creating a meme dedicated in calling him a "genius" doctor...
Yep which might explain why Carver hates his ass so much.
Carlos is a fucking badass, spitting in Carver's face and taking god knows how much torture - and it'll only get worse for him in Episode 3, I expect.
Not just Carlos, but everybody that we didn't get enough character development in the previous episode proved themselves in some way in this episode. It's now safe to say that I'm starting to like all these characters now.
He's alright. I'm not the biggest fan of his, but, he is certainly better than what he was in episode 1.
He even saves Clem outside the lodge a couple of times and worries about her ! He's not a bad dude which is why I surrendered when I saw what he was going through, Carlos is a Latino Badass :P
Yes, he's one of my favorite characters so far. Along with a few others.
He's okay, I don't think I would be too sad if he died .
Yes missed the first two slides I made for that
We're getting to know the characters better and they're getting to know and like Clementine so I think that makes them all more likable. The fact that theyre not trying to kill her or lock her up anymore helps, lol. I knew that once we got to see more of them, they would be more likable and more sympathetic, especially compared to this new threat, Carver, who seems like an evil cult leader.
Omg, Sarah. I feel bad about the way she watched her dad get beat up! Especially during that knife with Carver. Sarah... WAS CRYING!!! ;,(
Yeah the more we like them the more we are gonna suffer when something happens to them.
Check it here bro:
Carlos is a badass. Just watched the Knicks blow out the Jazz by the way lol.
They blew out Utah man..... Lol Still any win for your Team at this point helps though I don't think they are gonna make the playoffs unless they go nuts from now on
Nah, the Knicks this season are doomed
Can't wait to get that Three-Peat !
Don't get all jumpy yet bro, there could be a big shocker in the playoffs ;D
Its gonna be a challenge thats for sure, But I honestly don't think there is a Team that can Beat Miami 4 times in about a week and a half
Yeah, it was a good game though, Melo had a surprising 8 assists. He was passing the ball a LOT tonight. I mean, a lot. We're finally playing as a team, but I think it's too late.
I know man...its too late. They should've traded Felton and Bargnani or maybe Smith and Shumpert
Unfortunately for you it is, Even in the Disaster that is the Eastern Conference if im you Im more worried about next year and the future of that organization
What about me and my team???
Looks like they're gonna make a lot of changes in the offseason.
Dirk, I'm a big fan but...I don't think this is you year
Another surprise, Though I think the West is too tough for your team given their current aging roster but if you can deal a couple of those guys for some young player you should be fine for the next few years
Yeah, this. You guys should focus on younger prospects rather than letting veterans take all the heavy burden. Replace your coach, he seems to attached to let veterans play 30+ minutes per night. Sorry man.
I'm actually looking forward to next year. I think it's going to be better with the news of the Knicks trying to get Phil Jackson back, and the fans are actually going to protest on March 19th to fire Woodson and tell Dolan to sell the team, yeah I'm not kidding lol. I know Carmelo loves New York, he loves playing there. You can tell and he even said he wanted to take less money if it were to surround him with better players. If Dolan actually makes a move, he would try to get another one of these many stars going into free agency this summer so Carmelo and whatever star we can get can play together. But if he does leave, it might even be good riddance. I love Melo and all, but maybe it will actually help. But if Melo starts to play like he did tonight, passing the ball like crazy, then I would absolutely love for him to stay. I'm looking forward to see what changes will ensue during the offseason. By the way, he is Carmelo AnthoNY.
The coach is actually pretty good you know, The thing is Mark Cuban has fallen in love all these veterans for some reason they have to take the chance now and try to get some good developing player otherwise they will have to rebuild pretty soon