If you had an option of choosing something Telltale didn't let you, what would it be?

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

So I was wondering what if we could make some choices that we couldn't choose in the game. I would personally like if we had an option of taking Ben with us or leaving him, cause after "Long Road Ahead" I would replay it and leave him there. What would you like to choose?


  • Spoiler

    Shawn is savable leading to you staying at Hershel's farm. Having the ability to save Larry. Shoot Danny or Jolene. Stopping Nate from killing the old people instead of walking away -_-.

  • Spoiler

    Ditching the group when they get captured by Carver instead of surrendering (either with Kenny or Rebecca and Alvin)

  • Oh right I forgot about saving Larry. I would definitely have saved him if I could.

  • edited March 2014

    An option to take Lilly's gun in the RV when she starts getting confrontational. An option to take the gun with you into the stall in All That Remains. An option to scoop half the can onto the floor for Sam, and not offer him your hand. An option to not use all of your ammo before Carver captures everyone. Not stop after running the person over in Wyatt's story. These would eliminate a lot of the conflict, but they would be nice things to change.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2014

    Cutting Lee's arm off immediately after the bite as opposed to waiting until he reaches the morgue.

  • To stop Lilly from shooting Carley.

  • Spoiler

    To have a 3rd choice in which you can sit with both Kenny and Luke without worrying about saddening one of them.

  • Have an option to save Walter!

  • Tell Clementine to give Carley her purse while I get Doug away from the window. :|

  • edited March 2014

    Telling Kenny he's wearing the same hat too after he tells you about how we're still wearing it.
    Also trying to cut off Pete's leg if you saved him.

  • Spoiler

    having the ability to tell clementine the things lee hears on the voice machine leading her not to believe the stranger and in the big picture lee not getting bitten

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