*****'s surrogate family: What do you think will happen?


It's pretty obvious now that Kenny's slightly off-kilter brain has substituted Katjaa with Sarita, and Duck with Clem. Note the almost explosive joy Kenny displays if Clem agrees to stay at the ski lodge; the man has his family back.

The real question is, what will Telltalle allow the player to do, in terms of interacting with this "family?" Will Clementine concede to being Kenny's adopted daughter for the sake of their friendship and his sanity? Or if she refuses to leave Luke's side, will Kenny go over the edge? Will he go over the edge anyway, if something terrible happens to Sarita? Worse yet, will Telltale force us to decide between Kenny or Sarita when it's time for the Grim Reaper to make another appearance?


  • I think he's going to go over the edge if Clementine chooses the group. Notice that in Season 1 Kenny is very much neutral to Clementine. He isn't rude or mean, but he's mostly apathetic, with a few moments of concern. But in Season 2, he's incredibly affectionate and overjoyed to see her. With Lee gone, he now has the ability to make Clementine the new Duck. If she refuses, it's likely going to throw Kenny into homicidial rage.

  • If they let us decide, they won't let us decide between Kenny and Sarita. They will let us decide between Kenny and Luke!

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