
  • dayum

    My relationship with my older siblings(since I'm the youngest) is stable, and I never threaten to hit them. But I do yell them a lot in stop treating me like I'm some child. >_<

    Azlyn posted: »

    My bro screams a lot, even hits me. I'm not allowed to hit him back, though. That's because if i do, i'd send that little shit to the sun. B

  • Yeah, well, there's a difference between anyone and my bro, he's a spoiled little fucker. Dad buys him a new toy every motherfucking week, and i tell them to stop, and they don't.

    dayum My relationship with my older siblings(since I'm the youngest) is stable, and I never threaten to hit them. But I do yell them a lot in stop treating me like I'm some child. >_<

  • hehe That reminds me of myself! My family used to spoil me rotten when I was kid, funny how I'm not a snob. XD

    Azlyn posted: »

    Yeah, well, there's a difference between anyone and my bro, he's a spoiled little fucker. Dad buys him a new toy every motherfucking week, and i tell them to stop, and they don't.

  • edited April 2014


    How many bros do you have?

    I have 2, my little bro, which i have told you about, and my big bro, who you know nothing of.

    Please notice how i called my lil' bro with "which", used mostly for objects and animals, and my big bro with "who", that is used for persons.


    hehe That reminds me of myself! My family used to spoil me rotten when I was kid, funny how I'm not a snob. XD

  • edited April 2014

    I have one older brother who is actually way older than you think, and an older sister who is older than both of us..... yeah I was born pretty late. And I'm the youngest.

    Azlyn posted: »

    How many bros do you have? I have 2, my little bro, which i have told you about, and my big bro, who you know nothing of. Please notic

  • edited April 2014

    I'm in the middle. I'M #ALWAYS IN THE MIDDLE.

    For some reason. But yeah. Growing up with 2 bros is kinda hard. Being the only girl in the family of 3 boys (+mom. Love you, mom!) changes a dudette... Not that anyone cares, but it actually is. I mean, big bro, who uses this kick-ass boxing sack, taught me how to hit it when i was 8. Because of him and mi lil' bro, i have the most boyish personality in my whole class...

    I once wanted to buy some boy shorts... But they were so awesome, you should've seen 'em, they were white, with orange octopuses and mustaches! Man, i wish i were a boy, life would be easier.

    Not that you read all of that.

    I have one older brother who is actually way older than you think, and an older sister who is older than both of us..... yeah I was born pretty late. And I'm the youngest.

  • edited April 2014

    You and my sister can probably relate, she was tom-boy back in her teen days as well.

    And FYI I read all of that. XD

    Anyway I gotta go do stuff. Talk to ya another time! Ciao ^_^

    Azlyn posted: »

    I'm in the middle. I'M #ALWAYS IN THE MIDDLE. For some reason. But yeah. Growing up with 2 bros is kinda hard. Being the only girl in th

  • God DAYUM, son!

    Your mom and dad... DAYUM.

  • Kay, buh bye!!!! :3

    You and my sister can probably relate, she was tom-boy back in her teen days as well. And FYI I read all of that. XD Anyway I gotta go do stuff. Talk to ya another time! Ciao ^_^

  • I know that feel, brah.

  • A doc? Well, i live in the capital, there are enough doctors around...

    I may need a doctor at my grandparents' place, though :P

  • edited April 2014


    No, you're not the Doctor.

    Dis da Doctor.

    Alt text

  • OMG



  • Hmm, could they? They could probably make a spin-off of anything if they get the story down right but who knows.

  • I didn't know you watched Doc Who, GOUSTTTT :P

  • OMG


  • I'm now feeling like one of the "others"

    Alt text

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    Good This place feels empty for me when one of you guys leaves even though i still have the others.

  • What sort of build do you have? (SPECIAL, traits, tag skills, etc.) I have an excellent starting build if you'd like me to share it.

  • Bitch please! The only way I can be happy is if I'm looking at the tears of children! Beat that, bro!


  • I made a mildly entertaining video. I guess it's okay.

  • Huh. I guess Jabba followed up on his promise to downvote all my posts. Quite flattering, actually. Guess I'm getting sorta popular here, if I've got my own stalker.

  • Alt text

    Giraffehat posted: »

    Huh. I guess Jabba followed up on his promise to downvote all my posts. Quite flattering, actually. Guess I'm getting sorta popular here, if I've got my own stalker.

  • edited April 2014
    Giraffehat posted: »

    Huh. I guess Jabba followed up on his promise to downvote all my posts. Quite flattering, actually. Guess I'm getting sorta popular here, if I've got my own stalker.

  • edited April 2014

    Traits: Fast Shot (That one less AP requirement really helps), Gifted (It reduces skill points recieved each level, but this can be counteracted by setting your INT as 10. Also, each SPECIAL increases by 1.)

    STR 5

    PER 10 (You get more turns in combat)

    END 5

    CHA 2 (Not a useful stat, in my experience.)

    INT 10 (Most skill points per level.)

    AGI 10 (More AP)

    LUC 5 (It doesn't matter much.)

    Skills that you should avoid due to redundancy: Doctor, Steal, Traps, Outdoorsman, Unarmed, Gambling.

    I also recommend the power armor and plasma rifle. Also, if you don't understand the barter system, you put what you want to give on your menu, and what you want from the merchant on the merchant's menu. You can put caps on your menu and play like 3/NV.

  • I exsanguinated seven puppies my fingernails.

  • Heh. Wait until you get to The Master. chuckles maniacally

  • In what way is that more psychotic then my exsanguination of seven puppies?

  • Well, the existence of humans in general pisses me off, but nah, I'm not creeped out by the clay heads.

  • Really? Welp, I ate the puppies.

  • long sigh Whatever, I'm bored. How's that fallout build workin' out?

  • I want to finish Bioshock as well, but I have no money, no ammo and no health. I'm literally screwed.

  • Yup. I created that guy's masterpiece and I'm on the next area, trying to deactivate electricity or something.

  • I'm not a fan of Infinite either. The Vigors felt rather contrived.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I hated the way they forced you to use all the Vigors in Infinite, i preferred they way you could pick and choose the ones you wanted in Bioshock 1&2 and what upgrades you wanted.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I'm not a fan of Infinite either. The Vigors felt rather contrived.

  • Let's not forget the two weapon limit. Jesus.

  • I don't know why. I turned into a big fan of the series by playing the first, and the second was pretty good too, but the weapons we used were not so attractive as the previous arsenal. That's just what I think

  • I just played 1 and Infinite. I found Infinite to be really cool because of all this dimensions stuff, even though it was mindblowing. I am not a huge fan of the franchise, though. Once Burial at Sea Ep 2 comes out, I will play it and then uninstall forever. I am just that kinda guy who plays a game for the story once and then never again.

    Rafoli posted: »

    I don't know why. I turned into a big fan of the series by playing the first, and the second was pretty good too, but the weapons we used were not so attractive as the previous arsenal. That's just what I think

  • Exact same type of gamer I consider TLOU and Bioshock Infinite Masterpieces but was I only one who completed Infinite and didn't have a clue WTF is going on had to look up 40 minute video on youtube explaining the ending then my mind was blown lol

    I just played 1 and Infinite. I found Infinite to be really cool because of all this dimensions stuff, even though it was mindblowing. I am

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