
  • edited May 2014
    And I need brightness in my future, so that makes me Superman. XD

    Oh and philosophy will be in it. Along with a variation of that I speech I made in EP3 Release Date Thread. ;)
    Rafoli posted: »

    Philosophy is good. Put some in your comics. Also, I'm the Dark Knight, so I need the darkness in my future.

  • lol watch the link he posted and you will find out ;P
    Rafoli posted: »

    Woah. Why was it banned?

  • B-but i hug all my friends ;_;
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    You're basically cheating on me right in front of my face. Handing out skittles to everybody and giving them hugs. I can't leave you alone for two seconds.

  • I like how you basically became a laptop :P
  • O_O OOooookkkkkaaaaayyyyy.....?
  • Is this your only relationship then ? D- Don't lie to me. We still have to do so many things together.

    Oh, I'm keeping my finger crossed we get a trailer today.
    xValkyx posted: »

    B-but i hug all my friends ;_;

  • lol it sounds creepy when you put it like that xD

    I watched it :P
  • edited May 2014
    Of course o.O

    we better get a trailer today or someone is getting drowned in a skittles pool >:(
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Is this your only relationship then ? D- Don't lie to me. We still have to do so many things together. Oh, I'm keeping my finger crossed we get a trailer today.

  • Heck yes :)

    And I need brightness in my future, so that makes me Superman. XD Oh and philosophy will be in it. Along with a variation of that I speech I made in EP3 Release Date Thread. ;)

  • It sucks you're from England or you could have just came with me :/
  • Getting drowned in a pool full of skittles doesn't sound that bad lol.

    Seriously, where did you get this Skittles fetish from ? I love it, it completes you XD.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Of course o.O we better get a trailer today or someone is getting drowned in a skittles pool >:(

  • It will be if you are deep inside the pool and the weight of billions of skittles crushes you >:3

    I don't have a fetish, i just like skittles =w=
    the people who make skittles should hire me since i'm basically giving them free advertisement here xD
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Getting drowned in a pool full of skittles doesn't sound that bad lol. Seriously, where did you get this Skittles fetish from ? I love it, it completes you XD.

  • Cool. Hope you make a very good story. And I hope you enjoy my work as well. :3
    xValkyx posted: »

    Thanks :) don't worry i won't. I'm just practicing my artwork and writing for now and then i'm gonna start planning :D Oh really? :O i'll go check it out then!

  • thanks :3
    i'm sure i will, and if you ever publish any work i'll be sure to support the artist/writer and buy it ;D

    Cool. Hope you make a very good story. And I hope you enjoy my work as well. :3

  • The people who make sugar too.

    If you know what I mean :).
    xValkyx posted: »

    It will be if you are deep inside the pool and the weight of billions of skittles crushes you >:3 I don't have a fetish, i just like

  • Ah gee thanks! :33333333333
    xValkyx posted: »

    thanks :3 i'm sure i will, and if you ever publish any work i'll be sure to support the artist/writer and buy it ;D

  • Do you mean because i'm 'sweet'? (just guessing since you called me it before xD)
    or because sugar is in skittles?

    Oh yeah, in the next episode of TWD do you think Carlos is going to die? or do you think it will be early in the 4th episode it will happen?
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    The people who make sugar too. If you know what I mean :).

  • No probs :3

    Ah gee thanks! :33333333333

  • Yeah, because you're really sweet.

    Honestly, since everyone is expecting Carlos to die I wouldn't be surprised if Telltale kills Sarah instead. Everyone is jumping to the conclusion that Carlos will leave the mal at some point, I'm not sure Telltale wants to put it that easy.

    I don't really care about Alvin, but I hope Nick survives until Ep. 4 at least.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Do you mean because i'm 'sweet'? (just guessing since you called me it before xD) or because sugar is in skittles? Oh yeah, in the ne

  • edited May 2014
    I just realized that this is one of the longest conversations I've had in a while. :)
    xValkyx posted: »

    No probs :3

  • I'm so going to have to clear my internet history after this xD
  • It is? :3 haha it was a fun conversation ^^ you're also one new person i have spoken to lately :D

    I just realized that this is one of the longest conversations I've had in a while. :)

  • Yeah i liked it ^^ Chi was adorable *w*
  • I don't really see why given you're just a year older than me :S
    plus i'm going with 2 other people anyway and one of them is in the year above xD
  • Oh really? I feel special. :3
    xValkyx posted: »

    It is? :3 haha it was a fun conversation ^^ you're also one new person i have spoken to lately :D

  • Thank you (i would use the Clem gif but well...) ^w^

    Yeah it does seem weird for them to just spoil someones death like that. Telltales are known for their surprises, but at the same time i can't really see them killing Sarah this early since they have played up a lot on the 'sheltered girl' part. I mean it would be a bit of a waste since i think Sarah finally learning how to deal with the world and grieving over her dad would be far more stronger moment than Carlos being annoyed at himself for not keeping her alive. I really don't know to be honest :o

    I think Alvin is the character i care least for, mainly because we don't really get attached to him like the others. I really want Nick to survive though. I hope that's part of the 'branching' out TTG spoke of.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah, because you're really sweet. Honestly, since everyone is expecting Carlos to die I wouldn't be surprised if Telltale kills Sarah

  • You are special! :D you are an anime fan after all and make awesome comics!

    Oh really? I feel special. :3

  • edited May 2014
    Damn straight! You are too!

    Anyway, I'm sad to say this but I gotta go. I'm gonna be very busy until May 7th. See Ya! Nice talking to you! :D
    xValkyx posted: »

    You are special! :D you are an anime fan after all and make awesome comics!

  • Oh right...well i guess so?

    probably right now it would be weird since we have known each other for a week or so xD but if it were longer i don't think it would be that weird.
  • edited May 2014
    The art is also very nice, i don't know how to explain it but the characters are drawn really..soft? XD
    like it's not the solid, sharp shading you see in most anime/manga
  • Carlos dying and Sarah being forced to grow up as a survivor and face the horrors of the world would definitely be best for the story. However, Telltale can jusg easily pull a Kenny on us and kill his family instead.

    I still don't want Alvin to die, He still helped me when I needed a hand.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Thank you (i would use the Clem gif but well...) ^w^ Yeah it does seem weird for them to just spoil someones death like that. Telltales

  • Thank you *clem voice* :'3

    you too! keep up the good work! :D
    we can always catch up another day ^_^ see ya~

    Damn straight! You are too! Anyway, I'm sad to say this but I gotta go. I'm gonna be very busy until May 7th. See Ya! Nice talking to you! :D

  • True, but do you think Telltale would waste an opportunity like that? :o i mean with Kenny's family it was a little different because even though i like Katjaa and Duck (though he annoyed me -_-;) there was no actual build up of character for them anyways. We really just thought of them as ''Kenny's family'', Sarah has a bit more potential, even more so than Carlos. I still think what you said is a possibility though.

    I have a feeling he might die in the next episode, i mean given the fact Carver said he killed his friend i can't exactly imagine him going easy on him. We can only really hope ;S
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Carlos dying and Sarah being forced to grow up as a survivor and face the horrors of the world would definitely be best for the story. Howev

  • You know what's my theory ? No matter who goes out first, They'll both be dead by the end of Ep. 5.

    Alvin is definitely dying thid Episode. I just hope we get to know him a bit more before that happens.
    xValkyx posted: »

    True, but do you think Telltale would waste an opportunity like that? :o i mean with Kenny's family it was a little different because even t

  • Well that's a given xD

    yeah, i hope so too. I get this feeling this episode is just gonna feel depressing xP (i'm both dreading yet hyped at the same time for the last 2 episodes)
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    You know what's my theory ? No matter who goes out first, They'll both be dead by the end of Ep. 5. Alvin is definitely dying thid Episode. I just hope we get to know him a bit more before that happens.

  • I remember what you said in the other thread about being shy around girls. It's fine :)
    i'm highly shy as well anyways xD if we met we would probably just end up staring at each other :P
  • This Episode will be depressing ? Surprise !

    I hope Carver dies, I'll cry If they give him an unknown status.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Well that's a given xD yeah, i hope so too. I get this feeling this episode is just gonna feel depressing xP (i'm both dreading yet hyped at the same time for the last 2 episodes)

  • :P

    I actually hope he dies as well (to be honest i think he will) i don't want them to do that storyline where the bad guy isn't dead and continues to hunt you down =_= i mean he's kinda fucked if his whole base is covered in Walkers so even if we let him live (assuming we have a choice) he would probably die anyways.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    This Episode will be depressing ? Surprise ! I hope Carver dies, I'll cry If they give him an unknown status.

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