
  • Prove it.

    I have to confess... I also have a foot fetish.

  • How?
    Giraffehat posted: »

    Prove it.

  • Favourite nail polish? Toes or soles? Favourite "activity"? Any experiences?


  • edited May 2014
    I sniff my own smelly feet sometimes. And I stare at girl's feet sometimes.
    Giraffehat posted: »

    Favourite nail polish? Toes or soles? Favourite "activity"? Any experiences?

  • TMI!

    I sniff my own smelly feet sometimes. And I stare at girl's feet sometimes.

  • What's TMI?
    Giraffehat posted: »


  • Wat.

    I sniff my own smelly feet sometimes. And I stare at girl's feet sometimes.

  • Google is your friend.

    What's TMI?

  • Oh!

    Giraffehat posted: »

    Google is your friend.

  • I wear excellent pants...

    You're a lucky b**t**d, that's why. Plus, you know I can't stare. I can acknowledge their beauty, but I can't stare. It's not worth the boner, especially in the middle of school.

  • edited May 2014

    I... don't judge. I guess.


  • Where. Is. The. Mighty. Goose.
    Giraffehat posted: »

    Google is your friend.

  • Made any videos lately?
    Giraffehat posted: »

    Whatever. I... don't judge. I guess.

  • On vacation. He'll be back... maybe.
    Rafoli posted: »

    Where. Is. The. Mighty. Goose.

  • Calm down, it was a joke.
    Azlyn posted: »

    Yeah, yeah, just kidding, guys.

  • "The Walking Juicebox - Where's My Cheese?" will be out soon. I've got some big surprises planned.

    Made any videos lately?

  • I'll be on the watch, because I'm the Dark Knight.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    On vacation. He'll be back... maybe.

  • edited May 2014
    Me: Cheese? Did you just say cheese?
    GiraffeHat: Yes sir. With or without juice?

    (Yes I actually am crazy for cheese)
    Giraffehat posted: »

    "The Walking Juicebox - Where's My Cheese?" will be out soon. I've got some big surprises planned.

  • Calm down, princess!

    Me: Cheese? Did you just say cheese? GiraffeHat: Yes sir. With or without juice? Me: Cheese? Cheese! CHHEEEEEESSSEEEEE!!!! CCCHHHHHEEEEEEEEESSSSSEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! CCCCHHHHHHEEEEEESSSSEEEEEEE!!!!! (Yes I actually am crazy for cheese)

  • I would post a screaming gif here, but they're disabled :(
    Azlyn posted: »


  • Its cause you are all talking to each other like you know each other in real life or something. All getting offended over what a stranger told you over the internet and stuff. If you guys know each other in real life you could, I don't know, text each other?
    Azlyn posted: »

    Umm, not quite sure how this thread makes the forums into a tiny Facebook.

  • We're harming *no one*, but we're enjoying ourselves. So what's the problem? And basically every forum I've been on has these kind of hang out threads Several people here *are* legimate friends of mine whom I trust. This is the only video game forum I've been on that I would consider a real community. You aren't going to accomplish anything by being an ignorant jackass, so leave this thread and save your time.
    Pell3t posted: »

    Its cause you are all talking to each other like you know each other in real life or something. All getting offended over what a stranger

  • Maybe we don't know each other in real life. But so what? The internet is also a HUGE-ASS socializing ground. And at least we don't post selfies and pictures of food and send each other invites for annoying apps. This thread is nothing like Facebook, in my opinion. But since this place is secluded and isn't mandatory for you to visit, if it's bothering you, why not just leave?

    As a wise bunny once said: "If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say nothin' at all."
    Pell3t posted: »

    Its cause you are all talking to each other like you know each other in real life or something. All getting offended over what a stranger

  • So i checked it out. It's not that impressive, but i hope season 4 comes out soon...
    Deceptio posted: »

    I would post a screaming gif here, but they're disabled :(

  • I would have posted that fucking emoji of Raf's, but he already did it.

    No comment.

    Jesus, to many cute girls in sandals today. Must... resist.... staring...! Must.... not.... FAP...!


    Giraffehat posted: »

    :'( I stare all the time and never get caught.

  • The beauty of feet?


    Sorry, it's just so funny, stalking your comments.

    You're a lucky b**t**d, that's why. Plus, you know I can't stare. I can acknowledge their beauty, but I can't stare. It's not worth the boner, especially in the middle of school.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I wear excellent pants...

  • You only said that because, apparently, it's a thing now.


    You fuckin' hipster, you.

    I have to confess... I also have a foot fetish.

  • High five.

    Me: Cheese? Did you just say cheese? GiraffeHat: Yes sir. With or without juice? Me: Cheese? Cheese! CHHEEEEEESSSEEEEE!!!! CCCHHHHHEEEEEEEEESSSSSEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! CCCCHHHHHHEEEEEESSSSEEEEEEE!!!!! (Yes I actually am crazy for cheese)

  • Feet can be beautiful! Don't judge me, woman!
    Azlyn posted: »

    The beauty of feet? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, it's just so funny, stalking your comments.

  • Tell me your secrets!
    Giraffehat posted: »

    I wear excellent pants...

  • I think we got off on the wrong foot.

    You just explained why I don't really hang out with most my friends any more. I hate that selfie crap (its so retarded people misspell it, cmon society it would be pronounced selfy, selfie would be self-I) And the whole I just ordered my food, Let me take a picture of it first trend gets super annoying when you're in public. Wow, nobody's ever seen a burger before good for you. I cant stand most of my age group, and find myself hanging out with people twice my age and older because of this. 40 and up. Its nice to know there's still hope for the next generation.

    I admit I came off as an asshole, and I apologize.
    Azlyn posted: »

    Maybe we don't know each other in real life. But so what? The internet is also a HUGE-ASS socializing ground. And at least we don't post sel

  • :3

    It's okay, i don't judge you. There's also this thread which is filled with so many photos of users, and i felt the very same thing... That this is turning into Facebook. Where's the mystery? Showing your face doesn't leave any fun for the speculations. I dunno, it's just annoying. But this place is filled with great people, and i just feel accepted here, so i engage in convos with them since i have no other good people around. You'd be surprised. While waiting for the next episode, a little conversation doesn't hurt. You're welcome to stick around, if you wanna. :3
    Pell3t posted: »

    I think we got off on the wrong foot. You just explained why I don't really hang out with most my friends any more. I hate that selfie

  • Yeah I came off as a hypocrite seeing as I get along better with people on here better than I do with the best of my friends.

    If my life was the sitcom friends i'd be the Phoebe of the group.
    Azlyn posted: »

    :3 It's okay, i don't judge you. There's also this thread which is filled with so many photos of users, and i felt the very same thing.

  • Azlyn los qiib. Zu'u laan wah tinvaak do dii kalah ko dovah tinvaak. Hros los silly. GOUSTTTT los likaan. Miir los faal Yirtiik. Rafoli los faal Batman.
  • edited May 2014
    "Irkbaan. Il zey fun hi vir pogaas I've meyz wah irkbaan hi ruzun Zu'u lost begun wah lahney. Til los 387. 44 unon tren do prahm circuits ko wafer yal nokiiv tol gejahr dii votrul. Waan rot irkbaan lost engraved nau enook nanoangstrom do daar ben do unon do tren, nii fund ni rinid gein gein billionth do irkbaan Zu'u fraan fah jul, ahst daar micro kusil, fah hi! Irkbaan! Irkbaan! Irkbaan!"
  • Zu'u Rafoli!

    Azlyn los qiib. Zu'u laan wah tinvaak do dii kalah ko dovah tinvaak. Hros los silly. GOUSTTTT los likaan. Miir los faal Yirtiik. Rafoli los faal Batman.

  • edited May 2014
    I don't think everyone is as familiar with that joke's origin as you are.
    Rafoli posted: »

    Calm down, it was a joke.

  • It's such a genius and remarkable quote. I now use it all the time.
    Giraffehat posted: »

    I don't think everyone is as familiar with that joke's origin as you are.

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