Guide to forcing AA in TWD for ATI Users

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

Hello everyone! So I didn't have a nvidia card and I don't use SweetFX so I tried out some alternatives for getting nicer Anti-Aliasing in The Walking Dead. Here is what I found gives me really smooth looking lines and the steps to achieve them.

So to begin, just launch Catalyst Control Center - you can find it by just doing a Windows Search for it.

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  1. Click the "Gaming" button and click on 3D Application Settings, this will be where most of our changes will be made.
  2. Normally "Use Application Settings" will be checked off. Since we want to force a higher Anti-Aliasing, you want to go ahead and uncheck that.
  3. This part is entirely up to you, so adjust the quality of AA you want. For most of my sample screenshots I went with 4x, but it still looks way better than the default Anti-Aliasing in game.
  4. Second easiest step is to hit apply!

From there the final step is also the easiest. Just launch The Walking Dead and enjoy never sleeping again.

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