Homsar canonicity (huge spoilers)



  • edited September 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    regardless...i wonder how strong bad continue to behave towards homsar, now that he talked to him. will he treat him like an idiot again in episode three?

    is this an official statement or are you just teasing us?

    1. This is Strong Bad we're talking about. The answer is pretty obvious.
    2. I sure hope it's Official.
  • edited September 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    I feel kind of bad for him now. I mean,
    he's actually this eloquent sensitive guy with a lot going on, but he can't communicate with anyone and everyone just thinks he's a nutcase.

    It's kind of depressing, if you think about it...
    I've always liked the little guy, mainly because of his butchered English. In fact, I extracted his "Email" voice clip from his main menu (the one with him wailing as the background gets all wavy) and sent it to my cellphone to use as a ringtone:D
  • The truth is... Homsar is a genius who figured out how to make clones. Unfortunately his clones could only talk gibberish, so he traveled with them to live in Free Country U.S.A. Over the years, many have been killed, and legends have developed saying that they just speak a different language. To perpetuate these myths, the scientist Homsar must now speak in gibberish.
    ...Why did he start speaking normally to Strong Bad? ...He likes to mess with people's heads.
    Ah, it all makes sense now. (Not really)
  • edited September 2008
    Do not listen to Shambling Corporate Poster or The Tire! They are just jealous of my mad making things up skillz. Oh, and in Episode 3, (spoiler tag) Sloshy, Limozeen and Taranchula form into one band: Slimozeenchula!!! (Slimin' into the night) (end spoiler tag)
    ... What were we talking about again? Oh, right, Homsar. Well, obviously, when Jake said "find out in season two" it meant that Homsar tires of all the lies and exposes himself as the true genius he really is. Then Crack Stuntman wakes up and realizes it was all a dream. Of course it would also feature several references to "Rabiddog and Bunnyman: Freelance Police".
    Yay! I'm making even less sense!
  • edited September 2008
    They are just jealous of my mad making things up skillz.
    Yay! I'm making even less sense!
    you my not friend have great making up bad things skills and yes you are hooray crazy
  • Do not listen to Shambling Corporate Poster or The Tire! They are just jealous of my mad making things up skillz. Oh, and in Episode 3, (spoiler tag) Sloshy, Limozeen and Taranchula form into one band: Slimozeenchula!!! (Slimin' into the night) (end spoiler tag)
    ... What were we talking about again? Oh, right, Homsar. Well, obviously, when Jake said "find out in season two" it meant that Homsar tires of all the lies and exposes himself as the true genius he really is. Then Crack Stuntman wakes up and realizes it was all a dream. Of course it would also feature several references to "Rabiddog and Bunnyman: Freelance Police".
    Yay! I'm making even less sense!
    When will you learn, Chordy-steeliio, to stop making up such random junk?

    What a n00b.

    I know him in the Real-life too... (If it really IS the real life...) He's even worse out thar. D=

    Now on to Homsar: I hope to goodness that they don't ever make Homsar sound normal ever ever again. I like him better when he was a simple psychopath. ^_^
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