Episode 1: Turbulence Remember, your character may not be in this story just yet, but keep an eye out in the later episodes.
Raul coughed… more into his elbow as he nodded towards a short female flight attendant, who calmly nodded back. He then mumbled under his breath, “Let’s put this in the water.” Sheep, being the man sitting next to Raul in the small, commercial aircraft, shook his head in agreement and made eye contact with Randomz and Eeuss who were sitting across the aisle. Eeuss, when seeing this stood up and walked towards one of the two lavatories on the plane, and locked the door. The three others waited patiently for him to exit, and when he did, it was Sheep’s turn to go to the lavatory, and then Randomz. Finally, when Randomz was done, Raul stood up, and treaded towards the in-flight bathroom facility. Once he walked in to the lavatory, he quickly shut the door and pulled the sliding lock to its locked position. Raul looked at th… [view original content]
Episode 1: Turbulence Remember, your character may not be in this story just yet, but keep an eye out in the later episodes.
Raul coughed… more into his elbow as he nodded towards a short female flight attendant, who calmly nodded back. He then mumbled under his breath, “Let’s put this in the water.” Sheep, being the man sitting next to Raul in the small, commercial aircraft, shook his head in agreement and made eye contact with Randomz and Eeuss who were sitting across the aisle. Eeuss, when seeing this stood up and walked towards one of the two lavatories on the plane, and locked the door. The three others waited patiently for him to exit, and when he did, it was Sheep’s turn to go to the lavatory, and then Randomz. Finally, when Randomz was done, Raul stood up, and treaded towards the in-flight bathroom facility. Once he walked in to the lavatory, he quickly shut the door and pulled the sliding lock to its locked position. Raul looked at th… [view original content]
Episode 1: Turbulence Remember, your character may not be in this story just yet, but keep an eye out in the later episodes.
Raul coughed… more into his elbow as he nodded towards a short female flight attendant, who calmly nodded back. He then mumbled under his breath, “Let’s put this in the water.” Sheep, being the man sitting next to Raul in the small, commercial aircraft, shook his head in agreement and made eye contact with Randomz and Eeuss who were sitting across the aisle. Eeuss, when seeing this stood up and walked towards one of the two lavatories on the plane, and locked the door. The three others waited patiently for him to exit, and when he did, it was Sheep’s turn to go to the lavatory, and then Randomz. Finally, when Randomz was done, Raul stood up, and treaded towards the in-flight bathroom facility. Once he walked in to the lavatory, he quickly shut the door and pulled the sliding lock to its locked position. Raul looked at th… [view original content]
Episode 1: Turbulence Remember, your character may not be in this story just yet, but keep an eye out in the later episodes.
Raul coughed… more into his elbow as he nodded towards a short female flight attendant, who calmly nodded back. He then mumbled under his breath, “Let’s put this in the water.” Sheep, being the man sitting next to Raul in the small, commercial aircraft, shook his head in agreement and made eye contact with Randomz and Eeuss who were sitting across the aisle. Eeuss, when seeing this stood up and walked towards one of the two lavatories on the plane, and locked the door. The three others waited patiently for him to exit, and when he did, it was Sheep’s turn to go to the lavatory, and then Randomz. Finally, when Randomz was done, Raul stood up, and treaded towards the in-flight bathroom facility. Once he walked in to the lavatory, he quickly shut the door and pulled the sliding lock to its locked position. Raul looked at th… [view original content]
Episode 1: Turbulence Remember, your character may not be in this story just yet, but keep an eye out in the later episodes.
Raul coughed… more into his elbow as he nodded towards a short female flight attendant, who calmly nodded back. He then mumbled under his breath, “Let’s put this in the water.” Sheep, being the man sitting next to Raul in the small, commercial aircraft, shook his head in agreement and made eye contact with Randomz and Eeuss who were sitting across the aisle. Eeuss, when seeing this stood up and walked towards one of the two lavatories on the plane, and locked the door. The three others waited patiently for him to exit, and when he did, it was Sheep’s turn to go to the lavatory, and then Randomz. Finally, when Randomz was done, Raul stood up, and treaded towards the in-flight bathroom facility. Once he walked in to the lavatory, he quickly shut the door and pulled the sliding lock to its locked position. Raul looked at th… [view original content]
Episode 1: Turbulence Remember, your character may not be in this story just yet, but keep an eye out in the later episodes.
Raul coughed… more into his elbow as he nodded towards a short female flight attendant, who calmly nodded back. He then mumbled under his breath, “Let’s put this in the water.” Sheep, being the man sitting next to Raul in the small, commercial aircraft, shook his head in agreement and made eye contact with Randomz and Eeuss who were sitting across the aisle. Eeuss, when seeing this stood up and walked towards one of the two lavatories on the plane, and locked the door. The three others waited patiently for him to exit, and when he did, it was Sheep’s turn to go to the lavatory, and then Randomz. Finally, when Randomz was done, Raul stood up, and treaded towards the in-flight bathroom facility. Once he walked in to the lavatory, he quickly shut the door and pulled the sliding lock to its locked position. Raul looked at th… [view original content]
Episode 1: Turbulence Remember, your character may not be in this story just yet, but keep an eye out in the later episodes.
Raul coughed… more into his elbow as he nodded towards a short female flight attendant, who calmly nodded back. He then mumbled under his breath, “Let’s put this in the water.” Sheep, being the man sitting next to Raul in the small, commercial aircraft, shook his head in agreement and made eye contact with Randomz and Eeuss who were sitting across the aisle. Eeuss, when seeing this stood up and walked towards one of the two lavatories on the plane, and locked the door. The three others waited patiently for him to exit, and when he did, it was Sheep’s turn to go to the lavatory, and then Randomz. Finally, when Randomz was done, Raul stood up, and treaded towards the in-flight bathroom facility. Once he walked in to the lavatory, he quickly shut the door and pulled the sliding lock to its locked position. Raul looked at th… [view original content]
Episode 1: Turbulence Remember, your character may not be in this story just yet, but keep an eye out in the later episodes.
Raul coughed… more into his elbow as he nodded towards a short female flight attendant, who calmly nodded back. He then mumbled under his breath, “Let’s put this in the water.” Sheep, being the man sitting next to Raul in the small, commercial aircraft, shook his head in agreement and made eye contact with Randomz and Eeuss who were sitting across the aisle. Eeuss, when seeing this stood up and walked towards one of the two lavatories on the plane, and locked the door. The three others waited patiently for him to exit, and when he did, it was Sheep’s turn to go to the lavatory, and then Randomz. Finally, when Randomz was done, Raul stood up, and treaded towards the in-flight bathroom facility. Once he walked in to the lavatory, he quickly shut the door and pulled the sliding lock to its locked position. Raul looked at th… [view original content]
“Hey! Hey, I found someone!” Shouted Byron, as he tried to lift the heavy plane debris off the man, but no avail. Kelsey and Harp heard their friend’s shouting, since they were the closest to his position, and helped him lift the large plane part that was lying on top of a man.
They lifted it up, and Sheep crawled out before they set it back down. “Thanks.” He said, while looking for the rest of his team. Sheep looked around and saw that the cockpit was intact, meaning that Randomz and Eeuss most likely survived, but where was Raul? Sheep treaded through the beautiful tropical water and noticed that there was an island, less than a kilometer ahead.
Harp, Byron and Kelsey continued looking for living people throughout the crashed airplane, they remembered a large amount of people ran off as soon as they could, and a lot of others didn’t make the crash, but they still wanted to help anyone who was lucky enough to survive. Finally Harp said, “We should be getting out of these shallows and get to the island.”
Byron looked at him and said, “What if it was you, trapped under some plane debris? We’ve already proved that people are stuck in the plane still, by finding that guy outside.”
“We need to get to that island and try to flag down some military Search and Rescues; before it gets dark, or we’re screwed, too.”
While Byron and Harp were conversing inside the plane, Kelsey was checking underneath an inflated raft from the plane when she saw five people in black military gear approaching from a distance at the opposite side of the plane, and Kelsey almost believed they were here to help until they pointed their guns at Sheep. Kelsey immediately went into a prone position and hid behind the raft, with most of her body submerged in the shallow water, excluding her head.
Sheep looked at them in worry, then noticed them and their red triangle patches, these were the people he was hired by. “Hey, don’t shoot! It’s Sheep, one of the hijackers you hired!”
Valerie, the commander of this Hunter fire team, laughed out, and said “Good job with the plane, I didn’t believe you guys could pull it off, but you surprised me. Do you want your reward?” She then put three rounds from her hand gun into his chest, and he fell over, dead.
Most of Hunter Team 2 was here, not including their sniper, Swaggy. “Perfect, Shade, check the perimeter of the plane, Brennan, Stark, you’re inside the plane. Eliminate any stragglers.”
Eeuss was hidden from where he was, but Raul, who was four meters away from his position, could be seen by the Hunters, and if they find Raul, it wouldn’t be too long until they found him. “Raul!” He whispered, “Raul, crawl over here, quietly.” Raul had his hands on the shallow waters floor and slowly moved, hoping not to cause any noise.
Suddenly, both Raul and Eeuss heard a loud, “There!” Shade started shooting at Raul’s position, and both of them took off running, towards the island for cover from this new hostile. “Ma’am, permission to pursue?” Shade asked Valerie, as he watched the two hijackers exiting the water and heading into the forest. It was now sunset, and large mosquitoes started biting against his neck, but Shade was incredibly annoyed by the fact that people escaped him.
Valerie shook her head and said, “Don’t let them escape, Shade.” Shade bolted after them, preparing his night vision goggles on the run. “Stark, is the plane clear?!”
Harp and Byron hid underneath seats when the two armed Hunters wearing black padded armor came into the plane, both of them barely breathed, let alone moved. Harp and Byron just stared at each other in worry, as heavy steel-toed boots walked right past them. Stark and Brennan then checked the back of the plane, seeing two bodies, one was a female flight attendant who had been stabbed by a knife and the other was Parker. “Check the bodies.” Stark ordered Brennan.
Brennan leaned towards the flight attendants body and put his hands on her pulse, “Dead.” He then moved over to Parker’s body and put his hand on his pulse. As soon as Brennan grabbed the Air Marshal’s pulse, Parker stood up, took the Hunter’s hand gun out of its holster and held him as a prisoner.
“Back the fuck off!” He yelled at Stark, as he backed up towards the opposite emergency exit. Stark’s sights were glued to Parker and his new prisoner, and he awaited the man to even show a little bit of his body so Stark could take a shot. But this Air Marshal was smart, he didn’t show anything and he held onto his prisoner by the back of his neck and with the hand gun pointed at his back. Once he had gotten close enough to the door, Parker shot his prisoner in the calf and sprinted out the plane into the shallow water, dimly lit by the fading sun.
The now wounded Brennan yelled, “Get that asshole!” to Stark, but as the bullet was fired Byron and Harp got out from their hiding places and sprinted out the emergency exit opposite of the one Parker exited. Stark just stood in confusion, then did the next best thing other than chase Parker, he shot with his assault rifle in his general direction.
When Parker exited the plane and slammed into the water, Kelsey stood up and said, “What’s going on?!”
Parker just yelled, “Run!” as he continued heading towards the forested island, with Kelsey following shortly behind him.
Byron and Harp jumped out the elevated plane exit and started running but they were cut short by Valerie holding her silenced hand gun. She immediately shot Byron in the lower abdomen and he fell to the ground, but Harp was able to evade her next shot. Harp turned towards the island and sprinted, as a hail of gunfire from both Hunters, the commander with her handgun and Stark with his assault rifle, As he ran, he turned around just in time to see Byron get stomped on the back and then receive a bullet in the back of the head by Valerie. Harp knew he had one thing left to do, make it to the island, and flag down Search and Rescue as soon as possible.
Jon woke up to the sound of gunfire, and noticed his blood on the ground. He had been in a battle scenario before, with a Marine platoon as a Naval Corpsman, in Rwanda. Jon took deep breaths and was addressed the situation, but then he became startled because he was sitting in a small pool of blood and believed he was shot. Jon prepared and started looking for a wound, but then he remembered that he had been in a plane crash, and the blood was from blunt trauma against the lavatory ceiling. Jon stood up and tried to open the door, but the door was jammed. As he continued to try and bust through the door, he heard gunshots, and he became completely silent. After twenty minutes, Jon placed his ear against the door, and listened. Nothing.
“One, two…three!” Jon said, as he crashed through the lavatory door with brute force, falling on his side on top of the unhinged, sliding door. He looked around and gazed in terror as he saw the destruction of the plane and at least fifty dead bodies of passengers, most of which were still in their seats. It was truly dark, no sun came through the shattered plastic windows of the plane, and all emergency lights were off. “What the hell…?” Jon said in shock, as he slowly walked down the aisle. “I have to get out of here.”
Jon clumsily jumped out of the destroyed plane’s emergency exit and landed on a body, bobbing up and down in the shallow water. Jon jumped off then looked at the body; the man looked like a tourist with a bullet hole through the back of his head. This was nothing foreign to Jon, but it caught him by surprise, and it let him know that he’s not alone. The shallows were only about two feet deep and some sort of land mass could be seen in the distance, and for a moment he thought he had seen lights. “I guess I have to go that way.” He muttered, knowing that he was going to probably meet whoever shot that man, and he could even share his fate.
“Can you raise Kadena yet?” First Sergeant Sinclair asked his pilot, Second Lieutenant Mark.
“Negative. I don’t know why. Maybe our friends in Okinawa are upgrading their tech or…”
“Or what?” Interrupted Sinclair, which annoyed Mark, seeing as how the First Sergeant was a lower rank, but he let this one slide, mainly because this is the first time he transported members of the National Guard.
Mark answered back in uncertainty, “Or our comms could be being jammed.”
Mark felt unusual, he had been a pilot of this helicopter for seven years, and not once has he had this problem. He kept a keen eye out, looking for enemy aircraft, but saw nothing. “See anything, Lee?”
“Nothing.” Said First Lieutenant Lee, another pilot sitting in the adjacent helicopter, in response, “Not a damn thing.” Both helicopters had their communications jammed very suddenly, but the short range worked perfectly. It made him and Lee paranoid, so every minute they would check up on each other, just in case one had seen something that the other hadn’t.
Private Lennart voiced in after a few minutes of silence, “Why would someone be jamming our comms?”
Mark answered him quickly, “Think creatively private, military hardware, weapons, and soldiers as prisoners would make a pretty good prize, but—woah! Lee, you see that island?!”
“I see it…keep your eyes peeled.”
“Lieutenant,” Private First Class Frost said, referring to Lt. Lee, “We weren’t supposed to be passing over an island.”
“No, we weren’t.” A sudden alarm was heard throughout both helicopters, everybody was new to the noise, except Lee, he heard that alarm before. “Troopers, hold on!” Surface to Air Missiles, four of them, two towards each helicopter. Lee and Mark’s maneuvers couldn’t evade them though, and the helicopters were hit with full force, sending them twirling out of control and crashing straight into the unknown island.
Episode 2: Not Alone
“Hey! Hey, I found someone!” Shouted Byron, as he tried to lift the heavy plane debris off the man, but no avail. Ke… morelsey and Harp heard their friend’s shouting, since they were the closest to his position, and helped him lift the large plane part that was lying on top of a man. They lifted it up, and Sheep crawled out before they set it back down. “Thanks.” He said, while looking for the rest of his team. Sheep looked around and saw that the cockpit was intact, meaning that Randomz and Eeuss most likely survived, but where was Raul? Sheep treaded through the beautiful tropical water and noticed that there was an island, less than a kilometer ahead. Harp, Byron and Kelsey continued looking for living people throughout the crashed airplane, they remembered a large amount of people ran off as soon as they could, and a lot of others didn’t make the crash, but they still wanted to help anyone who was lucky enough to survi… [view original content]
Episode 2: Not Alone
“Hey! Hey, I found someone!” Shouted Byron, as he tried to lift the heavy plane debris off the man, but no avail. Ke… morelsey and Harp heard their friend’s shouting, since they were the closest to his position, and helped him lift the large plane part that was lying on top of a man. They lifted it up, and Sheep crawled out before they set it back down. “Thanks.” He said, while looking for the rest of his team. Sheep looked around and saw that the cockpit was intact, meaning that Randomz and Eeuss most likely survived, but where was Raul? Sheep treaded through the beautiful tropical water and noticed that there was an island, less than a kilometer ahead. Harp, Byron and Kelsey continued looking for living people throughout the crashed airplane, they remembered a large amount of people ran off as soon as they could, and a lot of others didn’t make the crash, but they still wanted to help anyone who was lucky enough to survi… [view original content]
Episode 2: Not Alone
“Hey! Hey, I found someone!” Shouted Byron, as he tried to lift the heavy plane debris off the man, but no avail. Ke… morelsey and Harp heard their friend’s shouting, since they were the closest to his position, and helped him lift the large plane part that was lying on top of a man. They lifted it up, and Sheep crawled out before they set it back down. “Thanks.” He said, while looking for the rest of his team. Sheep looked around and saw that the cockpit was intact, meaning that Randomz and Eeuss most likely survived, but where was Raul? Sheep treaded through the beautiful tropical water and noticed that there was an island, less than a kilometer ahead. Harp, Byron and Kelsey continued looking for living people throughout the crashed airplane, they remembered a large amount of people ran off as soon as they could, and a lot of others didn’t make the crash, but they still wanted to help anyone who was lucky enough to survi… [view original content]
Thank you all, for the support, but could I have a little bit of time before continuing the next story. I want to continue on Asim's story, which can be found on the TWD Story and Fanfic thread. Remember, this is only a one day break, I'll be coming back to this very shortly, I just need to finish this chapter and then I'll be back.
Thank you all, for the support, but could I have a little bit of time before continuing the next story. I want to continue on Asim's story, … morewhich can be found on the TWD Story and Fanfic thread. Remember, this is only a one day break, I'll be coming back to this very shortly, I just need to finish this chapter and then I'll be back.
Episode 1: Turbulence Remember, your character may not be in this story just yet, but keep an eye out in the later episodes.
Raul coughed… more into his elbow as he nodded towards a short female flight attendant, who calmly nodded back. He then mumbled under his breath, “Let’s put this in the water.” Sheep, being the man sitting next to Raul in the small, commercial aircraft, shook his head in agreement and made eye contact with Randomz and Eeuss who were sitting across the aisle. Eeuss, when seeing this stood up and walked towards one of the two lavatories on the plane, and locked the door. The three others waited patiently for him to exit, and when he did, it was Sheep’s turn to go to the lavatory, and then Randomz. Finally, when Randomz was done, Raul stood up, and treaded towards the in-flight bathroom facility. Once he walked in to the lavatory, he quickly shut the door and pulled the sliding lock to its locked position. Raul looked at th… [view original content]
Thank you all, for the support, but could I have a little bit of time before continuing the next story. I want to continue on Asim's story, … morewhich can be found on the TWD Story and Fanfic thread. Remember, this is only a one day break, I'll be coming back to this very shortly, I just need to finish this chapter and then I'll be back.
Episode 2: Not Alone
“Hey! Hey, I found someone!” Shouted Byron, as he tried to lift the heavy plane debris off the man, but no avail. Ke… morelsey and Harp heard their friend’s shouting, since they were the closest to his position, and helped him lift the large plane part that was lying on top of a man. They lifted it up, and Sheep crawled out before they set it back down. “Thanks.” He said, while looking for the rest of his team. Sheep looked around and saw that the cockpit was intact, meaning that Randomz and Eeuss most likely survived, but where was Raul? Sheep treaded through the beautiful tropical water and noticed that there was an island, less than a kilometer ahead. Harp, Byron and Kelsey continued looking for living people throughout the crashed airplane, they remembered a large amount of people ran off as soon as they could, and a lot of others didn’t make the crash, but they still wanted to help anyone who was lucky enough to survi… [view original content]
Episode 2: Not Alone
“Hey! Hey, I found someone!” Shouted Byron, as he tried to lift the heavy plane debris off the man, but no avail. Ke… morelsey and Harp heard their friend’s shouting, since they were the closest to his position, and helped him lift the large plane part that was lying on top of a man. They lifted it up, and Sheep crawled out before they set it back down. “Thanks.” He said, while looking for the rest of his team. Sheep looked around and saw that the cockpit was intact, meaning that Randomz and Eeuss most likely survived, but where was Raul? Sheep treaded through the beautiful tropical water and noticed that there was an island, less than a kilometer ahead. Harp, Byron and Kelsey continued looking for living people throughout the crashed airplane, they remembered a large amount of people ran off as soon as they could, and a lot of others didn’t make the crash, but they still wanted to help anyone who was lucky enough to survi… [view original content]
Episode 2: Not Alone
“Hey! Hey, I found someone!” Shouted Byron, as he tried to lift the heavy plane debris off the man, but no avail. Ke… morelsey and Harp heard their friend’s shouting, since they were the closest to his position, and helped him lift the large plane part that was lying on top of a man. They lifted it up, and Sheep crawled out before they set it back down. “Thanks.” He said, while looking for the rest of his team. Sheep looked around and saw that the cockpit was intact, meaning that Randomz and Eeuss most likely survived, but where was Raul? Sheep treaded through the beautiful tropical water and noticed that there was an island, less than a kilometer ahead. Harp, Byron and Kelsey continued looking for living people throughout the crashed airplane, they remembered a large amount of people ran off as soon as they could, and a lot of others didn’t make the crash, but they still wanted to help anyone who was lucky enough to survi… [view original content]
Episode 2: Not Alone
“Hey! Hey, I found someone!” Shouted Byron, as he tried to lift the heavy plane debris off the man, but no avail. Ke… morelsey and Harp heard their friend’s shouting, since they were the closest to his position, and helped him lift the large plane part that was lying on top of a man. They lifted it up, and Sheep crawled out before they set it back down. “Thanks.” He said, while looking for the rest of his team. Sheep looked around and saw that the cockpit was intact, meaning that Randomz and Eeuss most likely survived, but where was Raul? Sheep treaded through the beautiful tropical water and noticed that there was an island, less than a kilometer ahead. Harp, Byron and Kelsey continued looking for living people throughout the crashed airplane, they remembered a large amount of people ran off as soon as they could, and a lot of others didn’t make the crash, but they still wanted to help anyone who was lucky enough to survi… [view original content]
So my character is now stalking the high hackers through the jungle, that is so cool! I knew learning how to track would come in useful someday, and I know some plants you can use to get rid of Mosquitos, like kawakawa. It has heat shaped non ridged dicot leaves that Smell like minty lemons, hevenly!
And I know far to much about nature for someone who spends most of their time inside on the internet.
Episode 2: Not Alone
“Hey! Hey, I found someone!” Shouted Byron, as he tried to lift the heavy plane debris off the man, but no avail. Ke… morelsey and Harp heard their friend’s shouting, since they were the closest to his position, and helped him lift the large plane part that was lying on top of a man. They lifted it up, and Sheep crawled out before they set it back down. “Thanks.” He said, while looking for the rest of his team. Sheep looked around and saw that the cockpit was intact, meaning that Randomz and Eeuss most likely survived, but where was Raul? Sheep treaded through the beautiful tropical water and noticed that there was an island, less than a kilometer ahead. Harp, Byron and Kelsey continued looking for living people throughout the crashed airplane, they remembered a large amount of people ran off as soon as they could, and a lot of others didn’t make the crash, but they still wanted to help anyone who was lucky enough to survi… [view original content]
That was very good ;D
Thank you.
Remember, this is the series pilot, it's slightly more boring then the others, but there will be more action in the next one.
Such nice people.
Sorry, ladies and gentleman, this segment may take a slight bit more time than the other one, bare with me. I'll post it up as soon as possible.
That was awesome, man! Keep up the good work and don't worry take as long as you need.
Well done clay superb
Bravo bravo! I loved all the little details you included, like how they had to crash the plane tail first. I'm a sucker for details.
Thx man.
Well done, just amazing.
Agreed man, take as long as you like, that last piece was freaking amazing
Hmm... An Island... Australia... California... Is this inspired by Lost as well? :P
Never watched Lost, but heard it was good. I was actually inspired by Dead Island's Banoi, just I took away the zombies.
Episode 2: Not Alone
Most of Hunter Team 2 was here, not including their sniper, Swaggy. “Perfect, Shade, check the perimeter of the plane, Brennan, Stark, you’re inside the plane. Eliminate any stragglers.”
Brennan leaned towards the flight attendants body and put his hands on her pulse, “Dead.” He then moved over to Parker’s body and put his hand on his pulse. As soon as Brennan grabbed the Air Marshal’s pulse, Parker stood up, took the Hunter’s hand gun out of its holster and held him as a prisoner.
“Back the fuck off!” He yelled at Stark, as he backed up towards the opposite emergency exit. Stark’s sights were glued to Parker and his new prisoner, and he awaited the man to even show a little bit of his body so Stark could take a shot. But this Air Marshal was smart, he didn’t show anything and he held onto his prisoner by the back of his neck and with the hand gun pointed at his back. Once he had gotten close enough to the door, Parker shot his prisoner in the calf and sprinted out the plane into the shallow water, dimly lit by the fading sun.
The now wounded Brennan yelled, “Get that asshole!” to Stark, but as the bullet was fired Byron and Harp got out from their hiding places and sprinted out the emergency exit opposite of the one Parker exited. Stark just stood in confusion, then did the next best thing other than chase Parker, he shot with his assault rifle in his general direction.
When Parker exited the plane and slammed into the water, Kelsey stood up and said, “What’s going on?!”
Parker just yelled, “Run!” as he continued heading towards the forested island, with Kelsey following shortly behind him.
Byron and Harp jumped out the elevated plane exit and started running but they were cut short by Valerie holding her silenced hand gun. She immediately shot Byron in the lower abdomen and he fell to the ground, but Harp was able to evade her next shot. Harp turned towards the island and sprinted, as a hail of gunfire from both Hunters, the commander with her handgun and Stark with his assault rifle, As he ran, he turned around just in time to see Byron get stomped on the back and then receive a bullet in the back of the head by Valerie. Harp knew he had one thing left to do, make it to the island, and flag down Search and Rescue as soon as possible.
Jon woke up to the sound of gunfire, and noticed his blood on the ground. He had been in a battle scenario before, with a Marine platoon as a Naval Corpsman, in Rwanda. Jon took deep breaths and was addressed the situation, but then he became startled because he was sitting in a small pool of blood and believed he was shot. Jon prepared and started looking for a wound, but then he remembered that he had been in a plane crash, and the blood was from blunt trauma against the lavatory ceiling. Jon stood up and tried to open the door, but the door was jammed. As he continued to try and bust through the door, he heard gunshots, and he became completely silent. After twenty minutes, Jon placed his ear against the door, and listened. Nothing.
“One, two…three!” Jon said, as he crashed through the lavatory door with brute force, falling on his side on top of the unhinged, sliding door. He looked around and gazed in terror as he saw the destruction of the plane and at least fifty dead bodies of passengers, most of which were still in their seats. It was truly dark, no sun came through the shattered plastic windows of the plane, and all emergency lights were off. “What the hell…?” Jon said in shock, as he slowly walked down the aisle. “I have to get out of here.”
Jon clumsily jumped out of the destroyed plane’s emergency exit and landed on a body, bobbing up and down in the shallow water. Jon jumped off then looked at the body; the man looked like a tourist with a bullet hole through the back of his head. This was nothing foreign to Jon, but it caught him by surprise, and it let him know that he’s not alone. The shallows were only about two feet deep and some sort of land mass could be seen in the distance, and for a moment he thought he had seen lights. “I guess I have to go that way.” He muttered, knowing that he was going to probably meet whoever shot that man, and he could even share his fate.
“Can you raise Kadena yet?” First Sergeant Sinclair asked his pilot, Second Lieutenant Mark.
“Negative. I don’t know why. Maybe our friends in Okinawa are upgrading their tech or…”
“Or what?” Interrupted Sinclair, which annoyed Mark, seeing as how the First Sergeant was a lower rank, but he let this one slide, mainly because this is the first time he transported members of the National Guard.
Mark answered back in uncertainty, “Or our comms could be being jammed.”
Mark felt unusual, he had been a pilot of this helicopter for seven years, and not once has he had this problem. He kept a keen eye out, looking for enemy aircraft, but saw nothing. “See anything, Lee?”
“Nothing.” Said First Lieutenant Lee, another pilot sitting in the adjacent helicopter, in response, “Not a damn thing.” Both helicopters had their communications jammed very suddenly, but the short range worked perfectly. It made him and Lee paranoid, so every minute they would check up on each other, just in case one had seen something that the other hadn’t.
Private Lennart voiced in after a few minutes of silence, “Why would someone be jamming our comms?”
Mark answered him quickly, “Think creatively private, military hardware, weapons, and soldiers as prisoners would make a pretty good prize, but—woah! Lee, you see that island?!”
“I see it…keep your eyes peeled.”
“Lieutenant,” Private First Class Frost said, referring to Lt. Lee, “We weren’t supposed to be passing over an island.”
“No, we weren’t.” A sudden alarm was heard throughout both helicopters, everybody was new to the noise, except Lee, he heard that alarm before. “Troopers, hold on!” Surface to Air Missiles, four of them, two towards each helicopter. Lee and Mark’s maneuvers couldn’t evade them though, and the helicopters were hit with full force, sending them twirling out of control and crashing straight into the unknown island.
You're alive...for now
Superb again quality writing and I made an appearance perfect
Nice! Cool twist with the hunters betraying the hijackers.
Thank you.
Thank you all, for the support, but could I have a little bit of time before continuing the next story. I want to continue on Asim's story, which can be found on the TWD Story and Fanfic thread. Remember, this is only a one day break, I'll be coming back to this very shortly, I just need to finish this chapter and then I'll be back.
Can't wait for it
One question? Was I taking a shit while I said "Holy Shit!"? I don't wanna be covered in shit lmao.
I'm glued to this story more than Kim Kardashian is glued to money. Great writing Clayton!
Wow... wow, wow, wow. That is all I could say.
Yes! I was the first character to be killed.
. Didnt see that coming but I loved the twist!
Hunters aren't playing, man. They want to get rid of any witnesses.
This is amazing! Keep up the great work. You sir, are an astounding writer.
bump revenge lol
So my character is now stalking the high hackers through the jungle, that is so cool! I knew learning how to track would come in useful someday, and I know some plants you can use to get rid of Mosquitos, like kawakawa. It has heat shaped non ridged dicot leaves that Smell like minty lemons, hevenly!
And I know far to much about nature for someone who spends most of their time inside on the internet.
Don't worry, you're only covered in blood and piss.
Plane Hijackers may be down...but they're not out.
Awesome work, Clayton!
On another note, I'm so awesome in this story.