I want to get into Voice Acting
As the title says, I want to be a voice actor. I have some acting experience. The only problem is, I'm 14.
I looked up some steps online and they all said to find someone within your voice range from a game, movie, etc and study them. Well, I'm not exactly going to try to do Lee Everett's voice and all kids In videogames are voiced by an adult. Does anyone know or have any advice for me. One of my life goals is to play a part in a TellTale Game. Also, location is not a problem, I'm in LA.
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I don't really have any advice, but I think that you should certainly try for it. I can't imagine how awesome it'd be to work for Telltale!
Me too, but I don't have the money to travel to California
Go for it! I think it's possible
Good luck!
Follow VA's on twitter or any social media and ask questions to get a better idea on how to get started. I recommend to start doing impersonations. That will build your vocal library and give you more ideas on creating original voices. Once you feel capable start making youtube videos or any kind of recording, so if you do audition, you have samples to show your clients/agents.
You and me both. I don't have any advice for you except for that you should never let go of your dream. It may sound like a long shot to become a voice actor but it's a big business... I mean someone has to do the job and you might be lucky enough to become that person that gets your dream job. That's all the advice I have because I honestly have no actual voice acting experience, but good luck man!
Well,I wish you luck. Hopefully it's more easy in America to get into VA than in Italy. Here you MUST come from a family of Voice Actors,or it's pretty much impossible.
Thanks. By the way, awsome profile pic! Did you draw that?
A fellow Italian!
No problem, and yes, but I'm not done drawing it yet.
I suppose you should practice, maybe have a friend write a little script for you to voice act. That will help you understand that scripts, good or bad, require effort.
Damn! That's rough.
It worked for Bieber, it should sure-as-shit work for anyone.
Lol, two fellow Italians!
She's Miley Cyrus' sister whom' shall not be named. But here's a pic (cover your eyes):
God, the fact that I just searched google images for a pic of him makes me want to kill myself.
Me too I really want to get into voice acting but I don't know how?
I've always wanted to get into VA work too, but the damn Danish accent keeps getting in the way. :S
Are you sure that's not Miley Cyrus' sister?
Ah, you're right. Let me edit that in there.
That's rough man. But there will still always be danish roles somewhere in the VA world and hell, there are ways that you can get to your inner american or british accent, seeing as those are really common
I would love to be an animator for Telltale Games, but unfortunately i'm Scottish and live in the UK ._. not quite sure if that limits my chances or not but i'd need to work on my accent.
I'd love to be a voice actor too, but i feel like i wouldn't have enough english skills to stay in the U.S and i'm not interested in local voice acting.
practice makes perfect! You can always look and see if anybody on the youtube's need voice actors and you could start there.
I don't think you'll be legally allowed to be hired considering you're only 14.
Wait a few years. Use them to improve your voice.
That's an old dream of mine, too. Most people who get into voice acting have acting experience and went to theater school or something similar, so if you're really talented and know how to act a role you should contact them whenever they audition I guess. But you need to get a little experience for a game like this in my opinion. If you're not ready yet, I suggest you study theater a little because voice acting (as its name) has a lot of acting in it. Hope that helped you man, I sure will try some day.
Well as long as you are a little bit flexable you should be ok. I mean have some range in your voice.
The actress that plays clementine sounds nothing like an eleven year old girl, when she talks normally. It's actually kinda cool hearing how different clementine and her sound.
Not much demand out there for a Dane really, I can't remember the last Danish character I saw outside of Denmark. Doesn't really matter, it's kind of just something I'd look into for fun to build off past experience I haven't used much; I have a rather healthy living as is.
I can do German too, which might open up more options like 'mad professor' or 'generic mook in an FPS' VO status. I can't do American or British accents for shit, though, haha. Too much instinctive lingo.
Actor here, trust me, the more you get into just regular theater arts/drama related activities, the more doors will become open. I recently did a job with a guy named Ian Sinclair who voiced Baron Flynt from Borderlands. He is both an on-screen actor as well as VA. He also does plenty of work for Funimation and other anime-related networks and shows. I would advise you to take Theater in your school, and join an acting school, they are not that uncommon. Once you get comfortable with that, with luck, an agent will pick you up. Dedicate yourself to learning the arts. It's such a fun thing to do.
im just gana leave this here.
You owe me a new monitor.....
I can relate to you OP. I've always had a passion for voice acting but never really taken that extra step.
I'm sure if you continue to work hard and keep at it, then you could achieve your dream if you want it bad enough.
Nothing is impossible.
Why would you do this to me?!
yeh my voice is like carver fucking deep
From what I've seen from your profile you are clearly a troll and not welcome on this forum board.
You won't even make it in life if all you do is sit by your computer and post bull crap 24/7. So simmer down.
Same here.
16, very deep voice, but VERY deep French accent.
No experience.
Anyway, if you play Skyrim (or any game that can be modded to this point), or even know anyone who plays the game, you should do some voice acting for a modder/yourself.
Who knows, you might get yourself a name there.
But anyway, good luck !
Wtf how can u tell I'm a troll just by looking at my profile? Tf
Getting involved with high-profile mods is a great way to get your name out there, although again I would say wait a few years.
Stay on the lookout for some indie developers looking for voice work too.