* Survive the zombie apocalypse, even though I don't think I will
* Take a hit from the bong
* Find a crowbar
* Find an ax
* Find a group
* Help others
Before I die? Hm... take some axe and run into zombie horde like (you know who). No... I won't be as badass as he was in that moment. That was my first guessing and... I don't have any other ideas.
Hit someone with a wet turd
Kill folks
Take stuff
Driveby a zombie
Become nocturnal
Grow a large beard, then shave it and make it into a nice basket
Fill beard basket with zombie teeth
Throw tooth filled beard basket at someone
Bang a zombie, most likely getting infected in the process
Blow shit up
People are really slutty in the apocalypse, so I guess my bucket list would mostly involve orgies and threeways and BDSM and stuff like that... and banging Jennifer Lawrence.
Hell yeah, man. Take a hit from the bong, smoke blunts, evade tricks, evade walkers. But fuck beaches? You want to fuck beaches? I'm pretty sure I'd join in with you and fuck the shit out of those beaches, but my question is why fuck beaches?
(Takes a hit from the bong) Dayum! Good luck. It's going to be hard, man. I'm trying to make a penguin fly (takes another hit), I'll name that motherfucker pegasus.
Hell yeah, man. Take a hit from the bong, smoke blunts, evade tricks, evade walkers. But fuck beaches? You want to fuck beaches? I'm pretty sure I'd join in with you and fuck the shit out of those beaches, but my question is why fuck beaches?
so the usual Friday night then
Okayy ._.
FEMALE! Come on guys. This isn't funny anymore T_T
I apologise if I pissed u off that was aimed at your original comment
Get into a fistfight with a zombie. 1v1 me scrub.
Try to find a place with power and play video games.
Use my time being worthwhile and trying to save people.
Oh no, you didn't, lol. Just wish it was a female :P
ahh don't we all
I would take my clothes off, and running through the entire city with zombies on my feet!
(Hey, this sounds quite funny to me!!!)
Number two made me want to listen to Cypress Hill for some reason...can't imagine why.
Go to Sweden and ruin as much as I can.
Find love
Protect someone
Bash a zombies face in
Destroy expensive things
Do you want your toy to be a dildo or a vibrator?
Smoke weed,smoke weed,smoke weed,kill zombies,smoke weed,smoke weed,smoke crack,smoke weed,fuck beaches, die.
Maybe i just kissing and screwing around with my boyfriend/random survivor until im dead.
Heeeyy!! What's wrong with Sweden? Except for the weather of course...
I'm Danish. My hate is genetic. :S
Then I will go to Denmark and destroy stuff out of spite!
You really want to live in a world without Lego?
I believe I've found your theme song.
make friends with a zombie. They must have feelings too
Fine, I'll let Legoland be... But everything else will be destroyed!
play episode 3. play episode 4. play episode 5. play season 3. (--- all of that before I die
Kill folks
Take stuff
Driveby a zombie
Become nocturnal
Grow a large beard, then shave it and make it into a nice basket
Fill beard basket with zombie teeth
Throw tooth filled beard basket at someone
Bang a zombie, most likely getting infected in the process
Blow shit up
Kick zambie ass
Take care and raise a kid (if I meet one)
Get laid
Do things in Nate/Joker Style
Yeah man im so down with that
[Your zombie apocalypse bucket list]
I don't care, I'd still do these in a ZA.
Woah, I forgot I even made this thread.
Buy a better PC
Well....a free gaming PC...
Get a shirt that says "life" and hand out lemons to any survivors.