Doooone!!! Yeeahhh this time - more characters! Athena, Sasha, Loader Bot and Gortys!
20 hours and i did it, hell yeaaaah! That was freaking long and tensely but YEAH!
Doooone!!! Yeeahhh this time - more characters! Athena, Sasha, Loader Bot and Gortys!
20 hours and i did it, hell yeaaaah! That was freaking long and tensely but YEAH!
Doooone!!! Yeeahhh this time - more characters! Athena, Sasha, Loader Bot and Gortys!
20 hours and i did it, hell yeaaaah! That was freaking long and tensely but YEAH!
I found this drawing from my computer and I can't stop laughing now. I drew this when episode 2 wasn't even out yet! ;D Oh god what was I thinking back then?
I hope this amuses you guys as much it amused me..
I found this drawing from my computer and I can't stop laughing now. I drew this when episode 2 wasn't even out yet! ;D Oh god what was I thinking back then?
I hope this amuses you guys as much it amused me..
I found this drawing from my computer and I can't stop laughing now. I drew this when episode 2 wasn't even out yet! ;D Oh god what was I thinking back then?
I hope this amuses you guys as much it amused me..
Doooone!!! Yeeahhh this time - more characters! Athena, Sasha, Loader Bot and Gortys!
20 hours and i did it, hell yeaaaah! That was freaking long and tensely but YEAH!
This is really, really good.
Doooone!!! Yeeahhh this time - more characters! Athena, Sasha, Loader Bot and Gortys!
20 hours and i did it, hell yeaaaah! That was freaking long and tensely but YEAH!
Awesome =D !
This is so beautiful. ;_;
Yeah, this looks awesome, keep the arts up
Steampunk AU verisons of Handsome Jack and Rhys.
omg I definitely will now thank you~!!
aa these are really cool!
I found this drawing from my computer and I can't stop laughing now. I drew this when episode 2 wasn't even out yet! ;D Oh god what was I thinking back then?
I hope this amuses you guys as much it amused me..
Butt stallion with Jack are glorious. Like
Poor Rhys though... But still this is so funny.
Not mine but I thought it was pretty cool/menacing. "I just gotta be me, baby"...
Thank you! Even back then I drew extremely silly stuff!
Credit goes to rightful owner
Oh wow these are actually amazing! 3
I just snorted! This is too good :')
I'm glad I made you.....snort!
awww gortys is so freaking cute
Somehow Jack is even more Handsome in Steampunk style!
Vault Hunters are near, ACT NATURAL!
thank you! ;-;
thanks! haha I might add some more stuff like bags on the legs but we'll see
thank you! ^^
Two sissy nerds freaking out
I made some Athena fanart becuase she is simply a badass
Made with SFM/Photoshop
Say Hyperion!
Awesome work, always good to see a fellow sfm fanartist person here
I wish they would do this for all the cups
What is sfm please ?
Now where have I seen that before...?
Source Film Maker.
Program by VALVe corp which is free to download since 2 or 3 years ago.
You can get it for free on steam
So awesome....
Oh ok and then I guess people have extracted the models from their favorite games to be used in it ?
Kind of like xnaLara and stuff ?
Speaking of which, I made this with xnaLara & bit Photoshop for a new wallpaper on my pc ^_^ :
EDIT : So I've been learning how to use SFM a little and posted my first try at the Gearbox Forum !
Telltale just tweeted this beauty...
I think with this picture, Rhys just found his demonic side.