I made it about six days through Inktober before I got too busy too keep up, but here's a Rhys I inked. My strengths are in painting, I'm sorry ;_;
Maybe I'll come back with better stuff idk
runs away
Looks fantastic, but so you don't have to make another thread everytime you arts you can check out this already made thread here -
Well maybeee? :'D Anyway, I'm just super glad that they gave her a naive personality..:3 She's so adorable because of that
I agree
I love her cute little smile.
I want to believe
Yeah, can't imagine now how she could've been grumpy c:
I want to believe too but there's no evidence towards it
Who needs evidence when they have a burning passion in heart (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
uh, okay, that doesn't always work c':
I like your style
Haha well I got your point..I think :'D
Art Duuump.

The first picture is brilliant, all of them are wallpaper-worthy. Do you any other ensemble pieces?
(Casually makes TTGOT-TFTBL crossover.)
Full body pictures on my tumblr because I didn't want to clog the thread.
Yhrite you are my new official role-model
"You are the best."
Thread: im Broken (big file and blood, just a warning)
Looks really nice, I like it ^-^
It looks awesome!
Looks fantastic, but so you don't have to make another thread everytime you arts you can check out this already made thread here -
OH GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH ill be sure to use that from now on
ksafs on tumblr. (which is not me)
Also this
I love the one with Rhys and Vaughns faces next to each other! Pandora's really changed them.
I had some spare time and so i made fanart i felt like making something more serious this time around so here is Rhys
Made with SFM/Photoshop 1920 x 1080 image
Ayy lmao
thanks for the free tears
You...you....like....Steven Universe.....?
why you ask that all of a sudden bro?
but yeahh
Wasn't stalking your devainart page for sure tho
Senpai noticed him.
Now go out there, and fight the Pumpkin King!
TF2+Borderlands= Awesomeness
TFW when you first try digital drawing
Bye,I'm gonna go kill myself now.
wow dude that's like a whole new level thank you for ur attention
Thank you! ;A;
I got my eye on you!
--EDIT: Got errors while trying to post, accidentally posted same image twice.
You still alive?
This. Is. AWESOME.
( ⚆ ͜ʖ ⚆ ) I got my eyes on you, you're everything that I see ( ⚆ ͜ʖ ⚆ )