Halloween Spooktacular - buy a Strong Bad game, get some zombies for free!



  • edited October 2008
    We don't have any support tickets from you on the 4th but I found one from the 8th which our QA lead Will responded to six hours from the time we received it. I just sent you a PM with his response. The email may have been filtered into the spam folder so you might want to look there.

    Sorry, yes, it was the 8th. My bad.

    I get so little spam that I actually read it all, and as such, it has not appeared in my Spam, my Inbox or my Trash.

    These are the weird whimsical mysteries of technology, I presume, but thank you for getting me the reply; I hope I won't have to experience the problem again.
    Jake wrote: »
    And, as pointed out earlier in the thread, if you really want to take advantage of the offer in a different way, buy some other downloadable episode from the store during the sale

    And, as I pointed out earlier in the thread, it's not easy or cheap for me to order online, and $8.99 is definitely not worth all the added fees and percentage to it. The reason I bought the season in whole was not because each episode would total more, but because $34.95 in one transaction is more profitable for both than $44.95 in 5 tiny pieces.
    Jake wrote: »
    I'm sure if you stick around you'll find that some apply directly to you :)

    Do the math and in worst case scenario, I would be sticking around until next Halloween or even later. By then, it's already another season of games, and boy, you've got yourself more business.

    Even so, I don't think I like your parable. It's not like my order was 2 years ago. It was hardly 2 months ago. I was also under the impression that anyone buying the season now would get the exact same DVD too, so that still makes $34.95 more valuable now than then.
    Emily wrote: »
    Don't forget that there is a completely free episode of Sam & Max available right here

    Thank you. :)
  • edited October 2008
    The "Download Free Demo!" button, so large and proud, looks whimsically ridiculous on the 104 page. xD
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    Download Free Demo Game!

    Yes, it's lame. :p
  • edited October 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    You guys might enjoy the happenings in this thread

    A)If you actually took the time to read this thread, Emily says she's extending the offer to non-SBCG4AP games.

    2)Since you have to download it to play it and you download things from your ordered games list, it would have to appear there.
  • GaryGary Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    I buy lots of stuff I don't really need. Like an Xbox 360. I paid $399 for it - it's now $249. Am I going to complain to Microsoft that they should give me a refund of the difference? Of course not! I paid that $399 and got the enjoyment out of it from the moment I turned it on for the first time up until now. Yeah, I could have waited until now to buy it and gotten it for $150 less, but I would have missed out on the past year's worth of gaming.

    Any bonuses that I missed out on, or will miss out on in the future with other products - I call it the early adopter tax. It's a fact of life. Deal with it.
  • edited October 2008
    We'd like to remind all of you guys waiting for Strong Man's Totally Great Game for Good Graphics People can look at our other video computer games on the PC!

    So many great computer gamin' times are to be had on our webspace, found on those internet truckin' tubes!

    EGA, VGA, we have it ALL! Please make sure your PC Machine can handle these intense graphics!!! Your compy may blow sparks, and that's not awesome graphics, that's a fire hazard!!

    And since you fellas seem to like adventurin' with that there pointing and clicking nonsense, why not adventure in Peasantry with Peasant's Quest, a 12-disk adventure gaming epic!!!

    Look at graphics! Type commands!! It's the ultimate in graphics-parcer technologies!!!
  • edited October 2008
    Holyxion wrote: »
    A)If you actually took the time to read this thread, Emily says she's extending the offer to non-SBCG4AP games.

    2)Since you have to download it to play it and you download things from your ordered games list, it would have to appear there.
    A) I forgot, thanks for reminding me.
    2) I tried just now, there's no order page for Sam & Max 104 since you don't need a serial number to play the full game, therefore it won't show up as an order
  • edited October 2008
    A quick question for Telltale: Does the promo cover folks who buy a Strong Bad episode through your gifting service? I have a good friend who's been wanting to play SBCG4AP, and I have a hunch she'd enjoy Sam & Max too if given the incentive. ;)
  • edited October 2008
    It does! A purchase is a purchase, after all :)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    Kincyr wrote: »
    2) I tried just now, there's no order page for Sam & Max 104 since you don't need a serial number to play the full game, therefore it won't show up as an order

    This is correct - Abe Lincoln Must Die is free for anyone to download and play and does not require placing an order, which means it doesn't show up in the Past Purchases list. Only people who buy Season One or who bought Abe Lincoln Must Die before it was released for free (I think?) will see it in their account.
  • edited October 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    It does! A purchase is a purchase, after all :)

    Hooray! I'll have to get on that quickly—by tomorrow, I hope.

    Thanks very much for the fast reply! :)
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