> Don't open the door, And don't proceed to go through the door either!
(Find out what moonside is- You'll get it.)
Ha ha! Brilliant! Update soon.
You open the door and see an empty room with a note taped to the wall. Oh, and you're not in Moonside any more. Apparently the Mani Mani statue broke.
> take tape, then stick chris to the wall as you now probably have a grudge against him for insulting you (or maybe, since he insulted you in moonside, he DIDN'T insult you).
> take tape, then stick chris to the wall as you now probably have a grudge against him for insulting you (or maybe, since he insulted you in moonside, he DIDN'T insult you).
> Kill the monster in the tunnel by Hitting it's weakspot with the Sword of- I mean the "??? Sword"... Wait... Did I just... DAMNIT! Forget I said that.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I've been too lazy. Anyway, the team goes back into the house to formulate a strategy when SUDDENLY,
Someone seems to have broken in... Someone who thinks there are only three of you and can't spell.
> Don't open the door, And don't proceed to go through the door either!
(Find out what moonside is- You'll get it.)
You open the door and see an empty room with a note taped to the wall. Oh, and you're not in Moonside any more. Apparently the Mani Mani statue broke.
or if we're still using the laws of Moonside...
> Don't Find Carpainter/Everdred/Ness' Nightmare
You take the note off the wall, somehow leaving the tape completely intact.
You get back to the house, but you feel something weird about something...
> scream at the footprints.
> Senselessly beat Insane Cultists.
But really;
> Go into the... House?
Someone seems to have broken in... Someone who thinks there are only three of you and can't spell.
And when is this story going to be over?