I'm only going to post a new panel when somebody suggests a good idea, OK? Stop posting random crap that won't help. And remember to put > in front of the commands, or I'll ignore it. No matter how awesome it is.
OK, every now and then, if nobody suggests any good ideas, Servo will.
Servo disappears for a minute, and comes back out with this:
A Rolls Royce! He says he didn't really know what they looked like, so he just picked one. Great! Now you can drive to the forest or whatever!
>Drive car to to the south and hope you aren't attak'd by a Tentecal'd-Laser-bot-who-shoots-fire (TM)
You drive away, and you're suddenly plagued by 2 strange images that keep popping into your head. Are you... remembering something? You get distracted and crash into another hut. "Can't... forget... Can't... let go..." You say as you slip out of consciousness.
You find yourself floating in front of two pictures: The memories from before. You must be inside your own mind. You seem to be able to go into either memory to examine it. Where will you go? The room or the street? You think you shouldn't will yourself out of here, so don't try.
You find yourself in front of a house, lying on the ground as if you were shoved. You get up and see a guy holding something. Since this is a memory you don't know, everything is frozen. You can still interact with things as you normally would, but you can't talk or leave the area.
You'd better not tamper with your memory too far, plus you probably couldn't bring it back to the real world. Let's see what he's holding though... Oh, God... It's a knife.
You're not insane, just unconscious. Plus, you don't think you should leave for a while. You might want to examine the rest of the memory. Say, the knife-bearing tie-wearing guy.
You can't see very far away. Your memory doesn't include that. Your guess is that he ran out, shoved you, and ran somewhere you didn't see, so you went in the house.
You find yourself kneeling next to the outline of a person. There is a couch with a detective writing something down next to it. There is a door which isn't part of this memory, which means you can't go through it. This seems to be a murder scene... This is starting to make sense...
No. Just no.
Servo disappears for a minute, and comes back out with this:
A Rolls Royce! He says he didn't really know what they looked like, so he just picked one. Great! Now you can drive to the forest or whatever!
You drive away, and you're suddenly plagued by 2 strange images that keep popping into your head. Are you... remembering something? You get distracted and crash into another hut. "Can't... forget... Can't... let go..." You say as you slip out of consciousness.
You find yourself floating in front of two pictures: The memories from before. You must be inside your own mind. You seem to be able to go into either memory to examine it. Where will you go? The room or the street? You think you shouldn't will yourself out of here, so don't try.
You find yourself in front of a house, lying on the ground as if you were shoved. You get up and see a guy holding something. Since this is a memory you don't know, everything is frozen. You can still interact with things as you normally would, but you can't talk or leave the area.
You'd better not tamper with your memory too far, plus you probably couldn't bring it back to the real world. Let's see what he's holding though... Oh, God... It's a knife.
It's the other memory...
I mean
> attempt to regain sanity
Wow, this is a really horrible memory. Away from the house, but you can't really see very far. Probably because of your crappy memory.
It's empty, ride around in it!
Do it!!
You find yourself kneeling next to the outline of a person. There is a couch with a detective writing something down next to it. There is a door which isn't part of this memory, which means you can't go through it. This seems to be a murder scene... This is starting to make sense...
Hmm. It seems it's not finished yet.