Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Mark's character threatened to kill me, so you know... I don't really care what happens to him.

    You people opted for the sneak option and Markd got shot as a result, that's what you get for not voting for chaos ! Anyway, better keep sn

  • Mark can go take a hike.

    You people opted for the sneak option and Markd got shot as a result, that's what you get for not voting for chaos ! Anyway, better keep sn

  • Me neither to be quite honest, but chaos options make more sense for his character in my opinion. My comments might be ironic since he might become my nemesis or something in Chapter 3, we'll see when we get there.

    Mark's character threatened to kill me, so you know... I don't really care what happens to him.

  • CC's still an idiot

    Come fight me IRL. >:(

    Well...that was...unexpected...what a sad turn of event...CC's still an idiot though. That guy was just looking for trouble, but still...

  • haha , I just vote for what's best story wise for each character. I don't care whether they are good or bad, I only care about the narrative. :P

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Mark can go take a hike.

  • PIZZA!

    Oh, and chocolate. AND PIZZA. ^_^

  • Honestly, me too c:

    haha , I just vote for what's best story wise for each character. I don't care whether they are good or bad, I only care about the narrative. :P

  • Actually, if we were to vote depending on our personal feeling for each character's fate, you could see us voters as the Karma in Pro's world XD influencing things as the story unfolds. It's kinda funny in a way.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Honestly, me too c:

  • Well, we're all biased to our own characters, so yeah, lol.

    Actually, if we were to vote depending on our personal feeling for each character's fate, you could see us voters as the Karma in Pro's world XD influencing things as the story unfolds. It's kinda funny in a way.

  • edited June 2014


    (!) There's a tool shop over there.

    Me and Kunny waited for an answer from DLB."There's a tool shop over there." She said while pointing it out.

    "Awesome! We can definitely check that place out." I said to her while smiling.

    Kunny turned to her."Good eye, kiddo. I'll lead the way from here, since I'm the only one with a weapon it seems."

    "Okay, man. We'll be right behind you." I said to him.

    Kunny stood up and looked to his right and then his left. He turned to us and nodded. He started running and we followed. He hit some of the roamers that were in the way with the nightstick. Luckily, it was only a few of them out here. When we reached the tool shop, Kunny tried to open the front door but it was locked.

    "Shit! It won't open!" He was getting frustrated.

    "Let's check the back!" DLB told us.

    "Good idea. C'mon!" Kunny said to us.

    He led us to the back of the shop and we saw the back door slightly opened."What the? It's already open." I said to them.

    "Hmm... stay close." Kunny told me and DLB as we slowly walked over to the door.

    Kunny put his hand on the door, and started to slowly open it up more. It made a loud creeking noise as he opened it. Inside, there was a small office and a corpse of a guy sitting on a chair with a bullet wound to his head. The place was a complete mess and it smelled really bad.

    "Oh my God... I'm going to throw up!" DLB said while trying not to gag.

    "Jesus... What the hell?!" Kunny said out loud.

    He went to go check the corpse and found a 9mm handgun on him. "He killed himself. Didn't he?" I asked him.

    "Yeah. He's been dead for a while now. Probably close to when this started. Looks like he just gave up..." Kunny said while trying to get the gun off of his hand.

    "This is horrible..." DLB was mournful.

    Kunny got the handgun and checked the ammo."Great... no ammo. I'll check the desk's drawers."

    I turned to DLB and put my hand on her back."It's okay..."

    "Nothing!" Kunny yelled out."This place has been cleaned out." Kunny shook his head, and put his hands on his waist.

    "We still need to check inside the shop." DLB said to us.

    "Yeah, Kunny. The door's right there." I said to him.

    Kunny nodded and made his way over. He put his ear on the door."I don't hear anything." He turned the knob and slowly started to open it."Oh shit...!"

    The shop was filled with walkers. The place had been looted and there was nothing left. "Damn! There's too many of them in there!" I said to them.

    Kunny quickly closed the door."I saw something on one of the corpse's out there."

    "What was it?!" DLB asked him.

    "There was a dead guy on the floor with a hammer stuck on his head. A pipe wrench in his hand, and I saw a screw driver on the floor, close to the outside of this door."

    I looked down."Hmm, one of us should go out there and try to retrieve those tools."

    DLB spoke up."Why can't we all go?"

    "There's too many roamers out there. At least twenty of them. This shop is pretty small, so it's a dangerous situation. We'll need to be fast and quiet." Kunny explained.

    "Okay, then. Who should go?" DLB asked us.

    We needed to send someone out there...

    1) Me and DLB will go. Kunny hold the door open.

    2) Kunny, you head out there. I'll hold the door open.

    3) DLB can go out there. Kunny you hold the door open.

    4) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us.

    5) I'll head out there. Kunny you hold the door open.


    I was sitting at my desk, waiting for Valky to arrive. I kept staring at my hand that had Guilty's dried blood on it. That kid has constantly been arguing with me, ever since I brought him here. I thought he would become someone loyal and hard working, ever since he killed that tntlee guy. Guilty told me that he didn't like the idea of having them work their asses off in order to prove themselves to me. I honestly didn't care what he thought. I brought them here and provided food, shelter, supplies, clothing, water, generators with plenty of gas. I gave them a chance to live in this new world, where survival of the fittest is the only option to stay alive. There's no room for the weak, only the strongest will survive.

    Valky finally made her way to my office."I'm here."

    I smiled and said."You've been here a little over a month now. You quickly went up the ranks, because you showed loyalty. This was the first time you have lied to me. Why did you take the blame?"

    Valky sat down in front of me."I don't know. I thought if I took the blame then... you wouldn't have been so harsh."

    I leaned back on my chair."Hmm... tell me what you think I would have done if Guilty wasn't there to take the blame."

    Valky looked down."I... you probably would have killed me..."

    I chuckled at her answer."Hehe. What makes you think that, Valky? Do you think I'm that cruel?" I smirked at her.

    She looked up at me."What you did to Guilty... that was unnecessary. He could have died."

    I noticed her eyes starting to water. I put my hands behind my head and laid my feet on top of the desk."Guilty took a swing at me first. I only gave Guilty what he had coming to him. Yes, he could have died... but he didn't." I kept my smile as I was talking to her.

    "Why are you like this?! Why are these people taking your orders?!" Valky started to cry.

    I grinned and said."People know the truth about me. I wasn't afraid to show my true colors when I brought them here.They follow me because I'm willing to go to any length to make things happen. The truth is, the world we knew is gone. We must adapt properly or else there's no reason to live. You're amongst the few who took my orders, so you should know this by now."

    "I only did what you said because I didn't want you to kill me..." Valky seemed to get annoyed.

    "Heh. Fear! That's how I rule over all of you." I put my feet down and stood up. I leaned over to look at Valky in the eyes."I'm the one who keeps this community safe! I provide everything you people need! You would all be dead by now if it wasn't for ME!"

    "Well maybe I'm willing to take my chances out there." Valky looked my straight in my eyes.

    I crossed my arms and smiled."That's why I haven't killed you yet. On the outside you seem sweet and innocent, but I know that deep down you're a killer like me."

    Valky looked to the side."No... I'm not a monster like you."

    "Haha! I'm just a good boy. Whether you realize it or not. You've adapted already. You know that the strong will survive this new world, while the weak perish. You're strong because you're already helping me out. You know that it's the only way to stay alive now." I said to her.

    Valky stayed quiet.

    "Now. Go back out there and help your little boyfriend out with that mess he caused. If one of you messes up again. I don't care who's fault it was, I'll kill all of you. Oh... and just so you know. If you are able to show your loyalty to me again, then I might just let you have your weapon and continue the guard duty." I smirked at her as I finished what I said.

    Valky stood up and started to walk away."Sorry, Tobi. I'll try harder next time." She said to me.

    I raised an eyebrow as she said that to me. I went over to my window and saw the empty parking lot. I wanted to fortify the warehouse, just in case there was a horde of walkers heading our way. We've been here for a little over a month and have gathered enough supplies to start building a fence around it. I just needed to find more people for the community first. It was time to go out hunting for them again...


  • You can be a part of it anytime. Just jump in =) lol

    sardines posted: »

    All the chit-chat in this thread never fails to make me laugh, even if I'm not a part of it.

  • edited May 2014

    I would make you bleed , but before that I would probably try to reason with you. There's no need for that, I was just judging the situation and given how you reacted, it was, indeed, pretty dumb. How are your legs btw ? feeling a little sore uh ? >:)

    CC's still an idiot Come fight me IRL. >:(

  • Really? You mean it?

    Alt text

    ( Sorry about all the reaction images hahaha, sometimes I just really feel the need for them and I dON'T KNOW WHY;;; )

    You can be a part of it anytime. Just jump in lol

  • Of course I mean it! We're all friends in this thread.

    ... Pretty much.

    sardines posted: »

    Really? You mean it? ( Sorry about all the reaction images hahaha, sometimes I just really feel the need for them and I dON'T KNOW WHY;;; )

  • edited May 2014

    3) DLB can go out there. Kunny yo- I'M JUST KIDDING!

    -----> CoolStoryBro: 4) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us. <-----

    CoolStoryBro (!) There's a tool shop over there. Me and Kunny waited for an answer from DLB."There's a tool shop over there." She said

  • that's not really better, I think Kunny and CSB should go out there together and watch each other's back while DLB holds the door open for them.

    4) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us.

    It's risky but better to have them team up then to send one man to its potential death...

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    3) DLB can go out there. Kunny yo- I'M JUST KIDDING! -----> CoolStoryBro: 4) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us. <-----

  • Good point, I'd normally choose that, but idk what I was thinking, lol. FIXED!

    that's not really better, I think Kunny and CSB should go out there together and watch each other's back while DLB holds the door open for t

  • Lol, why would you want me to be alone with him? :p

    You people opted for the sneak option and Markd got shot as a result, that's what you get for not voting for chaos ! Anyway, better keep sn

  • So we can have the option to kick him in the nuts , duh ! xD

    Lol, why would you want me to be alone with him?

  • CoolStoryBro: 2) Kunny, you head out there. I'll hold the door open.

    CoolStoryBro (!) There's a tool shop over there. Me and Kunny waited for an answer from DLB."There's a tool shop over there." She said

  • edited May 2014

    SweetPea: Umm, why do you want both of us to go alone..?

    WTD: Trust me. I'm a doctor..

    Sweetpea: ...

    WTD: ... :3

    SweetPea: knees him in the nuts

    So we can have the option to kick him in the nuts , duh ! xD

  • Ohhhh, okay. Awesome!

    So we can have the option to kick him in the nuts , duh ! xD

  • haha it's all about analysing each situation carefully, doesn't mean that it WILL turn out for the best. In the end Pro can always throw us some curve balls along the way.
    Bashing the legs of CC turned out to be more dramatic than I imagined it would be...
    As dramatic as bashing some guy's legs for revenge can get anyway...

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Good point, I'd normally choose that, but idk what I was thinking, lol. FIXED!

  • SweetDuck

    Yes more ship cough I mean boating!

    2) Throw a grenade in front of the shop, use the distraction to run over to the shop. Whatever this leads to, I hope it's chaos :D.

    4) WTD and I will check the hunting store. AWESOMEO you check the department store by yourself. Mokonage and Raging check the fishing store. I wanted an option for me and AWESOMEO... Bros got to stick together, but I want to check all the places out... I like fishing, so I will catch some and Mokonage can cook them :D. And SweetDuck might develop more when they're together!

    Markd4547 (!) Slowly walk towards the side of the buildings next to me, and try to go around. BANG! Another shot was fired by the the

  • edited May 2014

    4) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us.

    CoolStoryBro (!) There's a tool shop over there. Me and Kunny waited for an answer from DLB."There's a tool shop over there." She said

  • edited May 2014

    Possible romance?!

    I'm calling it:


    CoolStoryBro (!) There's a tool shop over there. Me and Kunny waited for an answer from DLB."There's a tool shop over there." She said

  • Oh, I know that. I've been voting since the beginning and I know what he does, lol. Although, sometimes I spend up to 10 minutes picking an answer x_x

    haha it's all about analysing each situation carefully, doesn't mean that it WILL turn out for the best. In the end Pro can always throw us

  • I almost voted for just DLB to go out there and be ~~~stealthy~~~ but then I realized she would probably die.

    CoolStoryBro: 4) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us.

    CoolStoryBro (!) There's a tool shop over there. Me and Kunny waited for an answer from DLB."There's a tool shop over there." She said

  • I just choose what I feel like is best at the time. Probably not the best tactic, but I trust my gut. shrugs

    haha it's all about analysing each situation carefully, doesn't mean that it WILL turn out for the best. In the end Pro can always throw us

  • I'm all about tactics, sure I trust my guts, but I trust my analytic mind and logic even more. :P

    I just choose what I feel like is best at the time. Probably not the best tactic, but I trust my gut. shrugs

  • Lmao, I was expecting someone to come up with that. I knew it... lol. Characters can't smile at each other nowadays, haha. B]

    Possible romance?! I'm calling it: Dont_Look_Bro



    Possible romance?! I'm calling it: Dont_Look_Bro

  • edited May 2014


    two random people who don't know each other pass each other on a school hallway = omfg, this is so meant to be. they love each other no doubt. they're so cute together! <33333 xoxoxoxoxo ^///^

    Lmao, I was expecting someone to come up with that. I knew it... lol. Characters can't smile at each other nowadays, haha. B]

  • I'm a boater! So a smile = Instant Romance!

    Make it happen Pro! :D

    I forgot to vote!

    1) Me and DLB will go. Kunny hold the door open.

    Like my last vote, this is solely to advance a relationship between two people. (No I don't want to be gay with Mokonage. I want Sweet Duck to happen!)

    Lmao, I was expecting someone to come up with that. I knew it... lol. Characters can't smile at each other nowadays, haha. B]

  • I let my emotions rule my decisions.

    Like... running in front of two psychopaths to save my dog and a couple of guys? Yeah, that sort of thing.

    I'm all about tactics, sure I trust my guts, but I trust my analytic mind and logic even more. :P

  • So many boats Pro, I can't handle it. :p

    Lmao, I was expecting someone to come up with that. I knew it... lol. Characters can't smile at each other nowadays, haha. B]

  • 4) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us.

    CoolStoryBro (!) There's a tool shop over there. Me and Kunny waited for an answer from DLB."There's a tool shop over there." She said

  • Noo!! romance always ends in tragedy ;~;

    Possible romance?! I'm calling it: Dont_Look_Bro

  • Lol, everyone else is boating people, haha. I'm just coming up with the story.

    So many boats Pro, I can't handle it.

  • Welcome_to_Angel

    Lol, everyone else is boating people, haha. I'm just coming up with the story.

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