Looks like it was all in vain. I kinda knew it would be, but anybody feel like Telltale saw how much we love the Nick and thought:
"Oh sure fandom, we'll let you save Nick...here have a wee little axe, now get to slicing that pretty boy's head open and 'save' him from himself. Oh and as a plus, we'll let you see his funky hairdo! =D"
If he really had to die, I would have wanted to have a heartbreaking and make me cry... But when I saw him as a walker, I was just sad, I didn't even cry or anything...
Me too. Honestly, I was hoping that Telltale would make our choices matter more this time (as they did promise to do so before Season Two premiered) and let Nick live if we saved him in 'A House Divided'. But they could have at least made more of the others actually mourn for him and notice his absence. Luke seemed to just... move on without a blink; his childhood friend from what I gather. And I found it odd that Rebecca seemed to be affected more.
Though like you said, perhaps the VA left? That would make more sense. I loved the episode, but this is a major flaw in my opinion. I loved Nick's character from the start.
Yeah, it's worse when you realize his death was so disappointing. It could have been one of the best moments in the series, but nope, just find him as a zombie.
I partially think it was fitting. He was a well developed character that had a lot of fan support. Just finding him as a walker like that was a shock and really saddening. Sort of like real death; no goodbyes and no preparation with some crescendo building moment.
Yeah, it reminded me of the whole Chuck thing, but you would expect more from a determinant character, and somehow Chuck's sendoff felt appropriate, while Nick's felt out of place and didn't mesh. I guess I just expected more from people who are determinant. What really makes me hate it is that it could have been a highlight of episode 4, but only Rebecca seemed to care the most out of everyone.
I partially think it was fitting. He was a well developed character that had a lot of fan support. Just finding him as a walker like that wa… mores a shock and really saddening. Sort of like real death; no goodbyes and no preparation with some crescendo building moment.
I can't find a twd gif for that, haha. But yeah, my feelings were along the lines of what you said. But unfortunately the only options we got to say were "Goodbye" or "Sorry" as far as I can remember.
I can't find a twd gif for that, haha. But yeah, my feelings were along the lines of what you said. But unfortunately the only options we got to say were "Goodbye" or "Sorry" as far as I can remember.
Nick deserved better...
I miss him already. Also, now that he's dead, I kinda feel detached from all the other members. I don't really care what happens to anyone anymore. I feel like it's a side effect of killing so many characters or just feeling helpless knowing they'll eventually die even when you've saved them. The development for just about everything else was good except the whole "Oh hey yea Nick died for unknown reasons even though he fought off just about the same amount of walkers in episode 2." Kenny's pretty much the only one left that I care about, and who knows what'll happen to him. It all just seems so clunky to me.
Couldn't we have kept his hat? I'm gonna miss him so much!
Would've been nice to grab his watch and give it to Luke, but Luke didn't care much about Nick dying anyway.
The only line he had was "Ahh!" when he got shot in that walker herd escaping the hardware store. but still, it's hardly a line
Looks like it was all in vain. I kinda knew it would be, but anybody feel like Telltale saw how much we love the Nick and thought:
"Oh sure fandom, we'll let you save Nick...here have a wee little axe, now get to slicing that pretty boy's head open and 'save' him from himself. Oh and as a plus, we'll let you see his funky hairdo! =D"
T_T I swear these guys...
I thought that too. No one gave 2 shits about Nick. Luke only said "God...godammit" but Rebecca actually cared about Nick and started mourning him
They use it as an anti-wrinkle cream too, and to power their new kids TV channel: Nickleohsodoomed.
Yeah, they totally misinterpreted what we meant by the word "Save."
RIP Nick
He didn't even have a death scene
If he really had to die, I would have wanted to have a heartbreaking and make me cry... But when I saw him as a walker, I was just sad, I didn't even cry or anything...
...We saw his hair without his hat at least...
Yeah, we could at least found him dying, barely alive, but he was like discarded trash.
Good night, sweet prince.
I would have liked to be able to say goodbye to him, at the very least.
You could say goodbye to his walker, but that didn't cut it.
No, I meant, you know actually talking with Nick before he died and turned into a walker. But yeah.
Yeah, I would've liked his sendoff to find him dying, but nope.
Anybody got any Phoenix Downs!?
fuck man Nick had to survive
Seriously man, even Alvin got a quick, but well done and touching death scene if you kept him alive and Nick was way more developed than him.
Agreed. They wasted all his character development...
There goes one of my most beloved characters... God, it hurt that we had to axe him without a single sendoff line on his part.
Goodbye my comrade...
He didn't get a single line at all. I really hated that death, but maybe the VA left or something? Otherwise the death is just disappointing.
:"( I can't handle this
Nope, Brian bremer (Nick's VA) didn't left.. it's just so sad..
Me too. Honestly, I was hoping that Telltale would make our choices matter more this time (as they did promise to do so before Season Two premiered) and let Nick live if we saved him in 'A House Divided'. But they could have at least made more of the others actually mourn for him and notice his absence. Luke seemed to just... move on without a blink; his childhood friend from what I gather. And I found it odd that Rebecca seemed to be affected more.
Though like you said, perhaps the VA left? That would make more sense. I loved the episode, but this is a major flaw in my opinion. I loved Nick's character from the start.
Well... This is awkward...
Yeah, it's worse when you realize his death was so disappointing. It could have been one of the best moments in the series, but nope, just find him as a zombie.
I know...
That "Sorry, brother" was so fucking stupid, what about a "THANK YOU FOR BEING THE MORAL COMPASS OF THE GROUP AND WE LOVE YOU"?!
I will admit that that was pretty hard-hitting.... hard-hittingly dissappointing
I partially think it was fitting. He was a well developed character that had a lot of fan support. Just finding him as a walker like that was a shock and really saddening. Sort of like real death; no goodbyes and no preparation with some crescendo building moment.
Yeah, it reminded me of the whole Chuck thing, but you would expect more from a determinant character, and somehow Chuck's sendoff felt appropriate, while Nick's felt out of place and didn't mesh. I guess I just expected more from people who are determinant. What really makes me hate it is that it could have been a highlight of episode 4, but only Rebecca seemed to care the most out of everyone.
I can't find a twd gif for that, haha. But yeah, my feelings were along the lines of what you said. But unfortunately the only options we got to say were "Goodbye" or "Sorry" as far as I can remember.
Nick deserved better...
You could also be silent......... God I hate this death so much.
Don't worry guys, it was just a flesh wound!
(somebody hold me QQ)
Doe this help? Probably not.
He will survive in our hearts
I hope I don't get banned for saying this but fuck telltale for killing the best character ever
I'm with you, it's the only thing I can complain about in the entire series, his death had no meaning.
I miss him already. Also, now that he's dead, I kinda feel detached from all the other members. I don't really care what happens to anyone anymore. I feel like it's a side effect of killing so many characters or just feeling helpless knowing they'll eventually die even when you've saved them. The development for just about everything else was good except the whole "Oh hey yea Nick died for unknown reasons even though he fought off just about the same amount of walkers in episode 2." Kenny's pretty much the only one left that I care about, and who knows what'll happen to him. It all just seems so clunky to me.
I like Mike and Bonnie, especially Mike's hilarious dialogue at the museum.