I don't remember who, but someone said in the "wishes for ep4"-thread something about Clem playing a guitar.
I just had to do this. So I … moredid some digging. There is no guitar in the S2-files. So I'm using Chucks guitar for this
As you can see I've made progress with environments
The picutre of Clem being shocked is actually part of a bigger scene. I'm trying something new here. Each picture will reveal more of the scene I'll post the series over several days :P
I don't remember who, but someone said in the "wishes for ep4"-thread something about Clem playing a guitar.
I just had to do this. So I … moredid some digging. There is no guitar in the S2-files. So I'm using Chucks guitar for this
As you can see I've made progress with environments
The picutre of Clem being shocked is actually part of a bigger scene. I'm trying something new here. Each picture will reveal more of the scene I'll post the series over several days :P
What might be happening there?
Kenny getting eaten? I doubt it's what Gunab is doing though...
Hmm... Maybe Sarah is picking flowers and she's unaware of the walkers coming from behind.
I was thinking that clem saw sarah about to commit suicide and clem is trying to stop her.
Considering multiple things hinting that's she might commit suicide...
The picutre of Clem being shocked is actually part of a bigger scene. I'm trying something new here. Each picture will reveal more of the scene I'll post the series over several days :P
What might be happening there?
I don't remember who, but someone said in the "wishes for ep4"-thread something about Clem playing a guitar.
I just had to do this. So I … moredid some digging. There is no guitar in the S2-files. So I'm using Chucks guitar for this
As you can see I've made progress with environments
these are pretty incredible,i like selfies,it looks like what they do inbetween gameplay INFACT ....telltale should hire @Gunab to do like a comic book pictures after each episode to show what theyve been doing between episodes,would be cool, Sarah looks great on these pics,it's nice she finally has a friend to have fun with.
Steaks and beer, what more would you want, this Saturday evening?
And now what you've been waiting for. I had to whip out photoshop and … moremodify Sarahs face-texture, as there the shadow the glasses cast on her face is actually part of her texture
How AWESOME does Clem look with glasses?
Kenny getting eaten? I doubt it's what Gunab is doing though...
Hmm... Maybe Sarah is picking flowers and she's unaware of the walkers coming from behind.
Steaks and beer, what more would you want, this Saturday evening?
And now what you've been waiting for. I had to whip out photoshop and … moremodify Sarahs face-texture, as there the shadow the glasses cast on her face is actually part of her texture
How AWESOME does Clem look with glasses?
I hope so. I envy you, man, being able to do this sort of thing. All I can do to show my Walking Dead love is scrawl down some lackluster fan fiction that I end up getting rid of later because it's no good. If I only had an ability like this, I'd devote all my free time to pumping out more and more content. With summer vacation coming up, that would be a hell of a lot of free time to do so. Unfortunately, all I'm really gonna have to do with that time is wait for more episodes of the game and look at what other people like yourself are making.
You know, it all comes down to education In about a week I'll finish my Master (actually it's a Germany Diplom) in Computer Science, so I know a little bit of how this works, theoretically.
Still, everything I've done here so far I have never done before and needed to learn most of the concepts from scratch. But it certainly helps having a deep understaning of linear algebra I still have a very long to-do-list for my engine.
For example a short list:
Shadows, I know how they work, but I haven't gotten around to implement it.
I'm not happy with my outline-shader, although it looks almost identical to the one in the game.
Animations, I know the math behind it. Putting it to practical use is something different
There are still some flaws in how I read the mesh-files. But I only find those when I work with new models, als the old ones obviously work But sometimes, a Mesh needs something the others didn't and thus my engine can't read it properly.
Performance... Ok, I'm having no problem with it, even with a full environment loaded it have more than 100fps. But my PC is pretty powerful... and expensive
I hope so. I envy you, man, being able to do this sort of thing. All I can do to show my Walking Dead love is scrawl down some lackluster fa… moren fiction that I end up getting rid of later because it's no good. If I only had an ability like this, I'd devote all my free time to pumping out more and more content. With summer vacation coming up, that would be a hell of a lot of free time to do so. Unfortunately, all I'm really gonna have to do with that time is wait for more episodes of the game and look at what other people like yourself are making.
I don't remember who, but someone said in the "wishes for ep4"-thread something about Clem playing a guitar.
I just had to do this. So I … moredid some digging. There is no guitar in the S2-files. So I'm using Chucks guitar for this
As you can see I've made progress with environments
Well, I'm many miles away from understanding anything of that caliber. I'm only 16 years old. It'll be a while before I can do more than simple fan art or fan fiction, and even still I can't do either of those very well. I'm just a consumer at this point in time.
You know, it all comes down to education In about a week I'll finish my Master (actually it's a Germany Diplom) in Computer Science, so I k… morenow a little bit of how this works, theoretically.
Still, everything I've done here so far I have never done before and needed to learn most of the concepts from scratch. But it certainly helps having a deep understaning of linear algebra I still have a very long to-do-list for my engine.
For example a short list:
* Shadows, I know how they work, but I haven't gotten around to implement it.
* I'm not happy with my outline-shader, although it looks almost identical to the one in the game.
* Animations, I know the math behind it. Putting it to practical use is something different
* There are still some flaws in how I read the mesh-files. But I only find those when I work with new models, als the old ones obviously work But sometimes, a Mesh needs something the others didn't and thus my engine… [view original content]
Clem's rocking out! Nice to see the progress with the environments!
The picutre of Clem being shocked is actually part of a bigger scene. I'm trying something new here. Each picture will reveal more of the scene
I'll post the series over several days :P
What might be happening there?
she looks so shocked...
this looks really cool!
umm I don't want to say what I think is happening in fear of dislikes..
Don't be afraid
Kenny getting eaten? I doubt it's what Gunab is doing though...
Hmm... Maybe Sarah is picking flowers and she's unaware of the walkers coming from behind.
I was thinking that clem saw sarah about to commit suicide and clem is trying to stop her.
Considering multiple things hinting that's she might commit suicide...
Wow, you guys are really depressing
yeahh... this wait it getting to me.
But the have hinted it before, her 'shooting herself' clem obviously thought she was going to jump off from the building.
I think it's a recreation of this

Oh wow, can you please do one with Luke playing guitar too?? I'd love it as an avatar!!
these are pretty incredible,i like selfies,it looks like what they do inbetween gameplay INFACT ....telltale should hire @Gunab to do like a comic book pictures after each episode to show what theyve been doing between episodes,would be cool, Sarah looks great on these pics,it's nice she finally has a friend to have fun with.
are the files from episode 4? i dont remember clem holding a gun
Cool, just curious if that kind of stuff actually existed. I'm gonna work on that :>
Just look at the flowers Sarah!
You make all my dreams come true, Gunab. Nurture this talent of yours. We need you sharing your gift with Telltale.
Of course not XD 204 isn't out yet. It was modeled by him :P
Hey, Gunab. Do you have time to make Ben give Clementine a piggy back ride?
I think that's what I'm doing here. I'm pretty sure someone at Telltale already noticed, I mean they read this forum, too
Consider it done!
I'm not sure, but it think I used Carlos' gun from Ep1.
Hmm... I'd be afraid he'd drop her.
Can we see a Lee and season 2 Clem reunite pic?
I already did one
Posting it again 
That last part really made me chuckle
I hope so. I envy you, man, being able to do this sort of thing. All I can do to show my Walking Dead love is scrawl down some lackluster fan fiction that I end up getting rid of later because it's no good. If I only had an ability like this, I'd devote all my free time to pumping out more and more content. With summer vacation coming up, that would be a hell of a lot of free time to do so. Unfortunately, all I'm really gonna have to do with that time is wait for more episodes of the game and look at what other people like yourself are making.
But seriously if you have anymore pics of anything TWD lying around post them here.
You know, it all comes down to education
In about a week I'll finish my Master (actually it's a Germany Diplom) in Computer Science, so I know a little bit of how this works, theoretically.
I still have a very long to-do-list for my engine.
Still, everything I've done here so far I have never done before and needed to learn most of the concepts from scratch. But it certainly helps having a deep understaning of linear algebra
For example a short list:
I still have many I haven't posted yet.
I want to keep a steady flow and not put them here all at once 
Oh come on dont be a tease ahahah.. whats your posting pattern or in other words when will you post more?
Usually in the evening. It's the perfect time. I live in Germany, so evening here is late morning or midday over in the US.
I said that.Thanks for making it happen
No, thank you for giving me the idea
Well, I'm many miles away from understanding anything of that caliber. I'm only 16 years old. It'll be a while before I can do more than simple fan art or fan fiction, and even still I can't do either of those very well. I'm just a consumer at this point in time.
dude you should make a comic fanfic of TWD
haha i'm from holland
I'm planning something like this after my exam
good luck with your exam mine is next year phew