Carver and Clem are alike. [Humor]
Dat pun though
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Dat pun though
LOL "and I'm gonna CARVER into the perfect survivor."
The last panel will follow me for awhile.
"But there can only be ONE!"
That got me too XD
paronomasia = making puns
pontification = some stupid shit to boost one's ego
Clem's jacket...WHERE ARE THE RAINBOWS!?
DAMN NOW ITS RUINED without the rainbows!!!
lol I HAD to change my gravatar to that last frame of Clem!
She's looking at my SOUL!
Lol brings back good old time
dang dude how did you find this?
Why. Just why.
Apparently Carver is related to the Brutananadilewskis.
I like how the artist took the time to draw Carver's shoulder wound in every panel he's in but forgot to include the rainbow on Clementine's jacket
I've been following TheGouldenWay's comics for a while, they're really good