Pete is the fabuliousest Since he has bluish seaweed blue ze best color of ze all in ze opinion ze thinks pete ze leader of ze fabins they be ze fabins ze ze ze ze
Pete is the fabuliousest Since he has bluish seaweed blue ze best color of ze all in ze opinion ze thinks pete ze leader of ze fabins they be ze fabins ze ze ze ze
I don't think you can make gifs using photoshop, I make mine using photoshop for the pictures, but I use Flash pro for the animations and stuff. Here's a sample.
Already posted this in the Meme/Fun Thread, but since it is a photoshop, may as well post it here too.
Thank you for taking so much time, it's awesome.
the SWAG-in group.
That is fucking hillarious and badass at the same time! xD
Alvin and Luke look at ease with looking fabulous. Others not so much, especially Rebecca and Carlos.
I actually think that Carlos is the most fabullous one. Could be just me though.
aTo be fair , that looks like it was actually taken ingame
No, I also thought that Carlos is very fabulous.
Actually they are all quite fabulus.
Naw pete be styling dat fancy bluish fab
Pete is the fabuliousest Since he has bluish seaweed blue ze best color of ze all in ze opinion ze thinks pete ze leader of ze fabins they be ze fabins ze ze ze ze
Wallpaper size just cus...
Looks great!
@fallandir Thanks
Pete and Luke playing poker?
Das so cute. :')
Jane with long hair please
Hey as requested Jane with long hair
Did you use Carley's hair? Lol it looks so weird on Jane
yeah hold up ill change it a little
The photoshop is really nice though
Lee at the sky/clouds looking down & smiling after clem ends up with AJ and Kenny.If someone can make it..
slightly changed longer and a few more strands
thanks mate i rushed it can be better i was going to make her hair slightly ginger brown but ohwell lol
good work willy
Praise thee EpicGuitarist!
Many thanks
Heres my version hope you like it could be better
Thanks, it's pretty good!
But tbh I always imagined Jane's hair to be wavy, not straight
Also a bit fairer...Nice job nonetheless.
lol next time request light wavy hair
thanks glad you like it
Ive changed it again how does it look now
Kenny wear a Chelsea FC shirt