Game of thrones vs Breaking bad

Which is the better TV show? I love both but I think Breaking bad beats GOT just by an inch.



  • I've on episode 2 of GoT and Season 3 episode 12 of BB. Breaking Bad is slightly getting boring by showing to many hospital scenes and shit and GoT was quite new and fresh, still can't compare yet.

  • I've only seen the first episode of Breaking Bad and the first 20 minutes of Game of thrones Episode 1. Both aren't really interesting to me so I don't plan on continuing. (I keep hearing they get better though, I just don't want to have to keep dealing with any boring episodes).

  • Breaking Bad

  • edited June 2014

    Breaking Bad, by a slight margin. I do love Game of Thrones, but some of the writing is godawful and every other episode seems to be directed by an ejit.

    Also I'm a little bit of a book purist. I don't mind them trimming stories down and cutting the odd character, but there are some nonsensical changes they make that piss me off.

  • Breaking Bad hands down. It slows down a bit mid season 3 but picks up pretty fast.
    GOT is just so utterly boring and the characters are so uninteresting to me.
    I don't really understand why it's as popular as it is.
    Each to their own I guess.

  • edited June 2014

    Breaking Bad kept me hooked so hard, i watched one season per day. With Game of Thrones i watched the first season in one sitting and it was ok, started watching season 2 and got so bored i haven't bothered watching anymore. The characters are very uninteresting but you still get a little bit attached to some of them because you want to see them succeed (the starks). I see Game of Thrones as a Lord of the Rings wannabe.

    Graysonn posted: »

    Breaking Bad hands down. It slows down a bit mid season 3 but picks up pretty fast. GOT is just so utterly boring and the characters are so uninteresting to me. I don't really understand why it's as popular as it is. Each to their own I guess.

  • Hard to say, let's not forget they are two different genres and you can't really compare them. Anyway, the criticism regarding Game of Thrones is very biased, it is not by any means a Lord Of The Rings wannabe, maybe the author was inspired by it...? That may be true, but in my opinion GoT surpassed Lotr by far....

    The fourth season of GoT was one of the best I have ever seen in any tv show. It kept getting better and better every season, just like Breaking Bad. And it never fails to surprise you(anyone remembers the wedding?). Bottom line is, both shows have done a fantastic job in showing what they were meant to show and you will not be disappointed in either of them.

  • Breaking bad!

  • There are countless LOTR rip-offs but GOT isn't one of them. How did you get that idea? A game of Thrones has inspired a whole new type of fantasy since it was released back in 1996, there are far less Tolkien clones these days

    Breaking Bad kept me hooked so hard, i watched one season per day. With Game of Thrones i watched the first season in one sitting and it was

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I haven't watched either of these.

  • GoT. Winter is the one who knocks!

  • Don't watch either of them and don't care.

  • edited June 2014

    I wonder why you checked in on this thread then? You literally just came in to say that the show doesn't interest you, implying that you stand above that stuff. Was that an attempt at provoking us? If yes, that was a very weak troll attempt, if you asked me.

    Lahkesis posted: »

    Don't watch either of them and don't care.

  • edited June 2014

    Not trolling at all. Just felt like putting my say out there. If you wanna think otherwise and downvote me, be my guest.

    I wonder why you checked in on this thread then? You literally just came in to say that the show doesn't interest you, implying that you sta

  • Nah, I never vote. Too lazy.

    Lahkesis posted: »

    Not trolling at all. Just felt like putting my say out there. If you wanna think otherwise and downvote me, be my guest.

  • GoT. Breaking Bad was awesome, but I'm just way more into GoT.

  • BB.

  • Breaking bad, for the fantastic story and seeing Walters tranformation to Heisenberg was fantastic.

  • Got is the best my only beef with game of thrones they left out a lot of characters but jon snow in a badass mother fucker!!!! And as for BB it was good but unfortunately we see the same shit all the time drugs ,money , were as in game of thrones there is nothing like it


  • GoT. I loved the first and the second season of BB, but then it gets boring for me.

  • Both are totally different shows both special in their own ways. I myself prefer Game of Thrones but just barely

  • edited May 2015

    Breaking Bad is the GOAT. that fantasy shit never was entertaining to me, and that includes all fantasy lord of the rings type shit. I like Wolf Among Us, Hell boy type and I like seeing dragons, but never got that Got or Lotr boring ass stuff. and Got has violence, I love violence, but is still boring as hell.

    update: im sorry i misjudged GoT at first. i tried watching it before and i couldnt get into it so i judged it too quick. i still think BRBA is GOAT but GoT is one of the best show ever too. sorry GoT fans.

    ps: i still think LotR is boring

  • Game of Thrones, WINTER IS COMING

  • Breaking Bad = G.O.A.T

  • Game of thrones.

  • Game of thrones.

  • Now that it's in the GOT section, we know which show will be in the majority.

  • edited August 2014

    Im to invested in the GOT books and season 4 of GOT was just too fucking epic. It was better than the conclusion to gus in BB's season 4.

    Bigger Question is who really wants to watch breaking bad characters do miscellaneous things for 15 mins every episode. Do you realize how much filler AMC put into that show? It was good but I dont think its any where close to GOT.

  • I don't watch them either,

    Lahkesis posted: »

    Don't watch either of them and don't care.

  • Game of Thrones. Breaking Bad was awesome, but I feel like it had a lot of filler, while most scenes in GoT contribute something to the story.

  • Breaking Bad

  • edited August 2014

    They are both of different genre and I love both shows. However, I gotta say that Breaking Bad is the better show. It has better written characters, a strong plot and it is a setting that you can truly relate to.

    Also, I can't help but cry during the god episode called Ozymandias.

    ((Also, rejoice! A Game of Thrones subforum!))

  • ASOIAF>Breaking Bad>Game of Thrones

  • edited May 2015

    Lost is the best TV show ever created.

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Yeah, you're right, I just saw the 5 first minutes of The Wire, the Ad of the pilot of Mad Men and an online review for True Detective, and I could tell those would get repetitive and boring in no time.

    Rigtail posted: »

    I've only seen the first episode of Breaking Bad and the first 20 minutes of Game of thrones Episode 1. Both aren't really interesting to me

  • Breaking Bad. Every episode ads up to something, and the acting and dialogue is just perfect. Game of Thrones is a very good show by all means, and perhaps have more shock value (although BB has no lack of that), but in the end I keep with the blue meth.

  • Breaking Bad is an overrated show that had WAY too many slow episodes and episodes that didn't advance the plot to be considered the masterpiece it is. I will say that the fifth season was the best thing I've ever watched in my life, but Seasons 3 and 4 dragged on a bit, especially Season 4.

    Game of Thrones hasn't had the problems Breaking Bad had until this season, so I'd say Game of Thrones beats it without a doubt in my mind.

  • Game of Thrones by MILES

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