You get Minecraft but the awesome graphics are too much for your graphics card to handle so it overheats and it melts along with your motherboard and your CPU also explodes.
I wish that Seibert's W&G race happened anyway and that the race thread was revived.
the movie is terrible and everyone blames you for briging it into existence.
I wish that school were moderately exciting.
Granted, oh my brother. School now becomes a real horrorshow spectacle for you and all your droogies. Then, after a night of the old ultraviolence, you get Ludovico'd. (I really hope someone gets the reference.)
Kubrick ? You mean Stanley.. Is he still around .. Why wish more people watched those movies.. Are you getting royalties.. His movies dont exist anymore.. So most of the people who watched it aren't around anymore .. How come you still here.
-Granted, however it's defective and you stay inside it for all eternity.
-Granted, but it was so much sooner that it already happened and you missed it.
I wish there was a Sam and Max Hit the Road remake and that absolutely nothing wrong happened to it or me.
granted. These colonies are the last best hope for peace. they fail. The shadow wars start and you realise that I'm describing Babylon 5.
I wish that I had my new computer right now through completely legal, non-loan, non-paradox inducing means and that it would stilll work and I would survive this process to actually use it and run all of my games well.
Granted, but Steve Purcell has no involvement. It ironically becomes the most popular Sam and Max thing ever, while being the most not to the humour of the series
I wish for a Live Action Monkey Island movie with a good story, good acting, and believable actors in the parts.
I wish I didn't have to make a wish.
I wishfor a wagonfulla pancakes
I wish I could choose a dang college.
I wish that the person below me gets killed and doesn't kill me only the person below me.
I wish I had the chance to meet a Telltale Character.
I wish Seibert's Wallace and Gromit race would start already.
I wish for Minecraft.
I wish that Seibert's W&G race happened anyway and that the race thread was revived.
I wish to be immune to AIDS
I wish I made a better wish.
I wish I could see something.
I wish for more wishes!
I wish for Lego bricks.
i wish for a sam and max movie
I wish that school were moderately exciting.
Granted, oh my brother. School now becomes a real horrorshow spectacle for you and all your droogies. Then, after a night of the old ultraviolence, you get Ludovico'd. (I really hope someone gets the reference.)
I wish more people watched Kubrick's films.
I wish more girls wear short skirts.
I wish i could use the astral projection to possess my sister.
Iwish that wishing wasn't required
I wish the thread was restarted.
I wish that horrible movies were better.
I wish I had, like, three poisoned cranberries.
I wish for a magic can of nuts
I wish Beavis and Butthead would come back sooner.
-Granted, but it was so much sooner that it already happened and you missed it.
I wish there was a Sam and Max Hit the Road remake and that absolutely nothing wrong happened to it or me.
I wish I had a career.
You get a career... working for Activision!
I wish they would make a Full Throttle sequel.
I wish I was a musician.
You are but you suck.
I wish I never wished this wish.
I wish that bad movies were good.
I wish I had a tree that grew money.
It is counterfeit money. You go to jail.
I wish I lived in the city.
Granted. You now live in Detroit.
I wish there were, like, space colonies. Think Firefly or Outlaw Star or something.
I wish that I had my new computer right now through completely legal, non-loan, non-paradox inducing means and that it would stilll work and I would survive this process to actually use it and run all of my games well.
I wish I didn't have school tomorrow.
I wish my names for fake diseases were more creative than that.
I wish I had no homework.
I wish there was a new Sam and Max comic or cartoon series.
I wish for a Live Action Monkey Island movie with a good story, good acting, and believable actors in the parts.
I wish I wish I was a fish.