Consequence of the last choice *SPOILERS*

edited July 2014 in The Walking Dead

So I have this theory about who's going to make it out alive in the gunfight in episode 4, at least about these two specific characters. So there's this choice about killing walker Rebecca, right? If you don't do it, then Kenny will do it for you. If you do then Luke will turn around and scream: "NOOOOOO". So based on this, we can probably assume that whoever looks away from whoever he was aiming at will most likely get shot and die. Meaning Kenny will get shot when he shoots rebecca or Luke gets shot when he's distracted. This might be an indirect choice between Luke and Kenny. OH GOD PIZZA AND ICE CREAM IT HAS COME U GUYS
What do you think?


  • edited July 2014

    Possibly... rushes to check out who the guy was pointing at

  • Nice thoughts. That's a really cruel Luke/Kenny choice. But it would be a really powerful one which everyone has been wanting.

  • I would hope they wouldn't make a strong choice between Luke and Kenny so indirect. Plus that would make it seem like Luke would leave the baby to be munched on because he's still not able to shoot anyone even if they're dead.

  • Interesting.

    If so then Kenny lives on!

  • I think Luke turns back either way.

  • edited July 2014

    I hope you're right.

    I was shocked when i saw rebecca. I pulled the trigger to save that baby... And then when i heard the shots... Every shot was like a punch in the gut. Luke, Kenny, Mike, Bonnie. I cried. I cried because i messed up....

    I feel like shit right now.

  • He doesn't. I checked.

    Piggs posted: »

    I think Luke turns back either way.

  • edited July 2014

    Double post. Ignore.

  • Don't think of it as you messed up. Shit was going to hit the fan either way. that's the beauty of the game, it forces us to make our own decisions and live with the consequences.

    gd3232 posted: »

    I hope you're right. I was shocked when i saw rebecca. I pulled the trigger to save that baby... And then when i heard the shots... Eve

  • edited July 2014

    Wanna try again?


    Baldex posted: »

    He doesn't. I checked.

  • To be fair, Kenny was closer and has stated multiple times that he would protect this baby at all costs. It makes perfect sense for him to pull the trigger, that is if you brought it to his attention by choice and if you didn't shoot Rebecca yourself.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    I would hope they wouldn't make a strong choice between Luke and Kenny so indirect. Plus that would make it seem like Luke would leave the baby to be munched on because he's still not able to shoot anyone even if they're dead.

  • I want Kenny to survive. Been with me from the start, gonna be with him until' the end.

  • I am actually so nervous about this cliffhanger since you don't know who's going to get hurt and there's no way to prevent it from happening. I don't want anyone to die. Hell, I don't even want Arvo to die. I'm so screwed.

  • Agreed

    Distaerbed posted: »

    Interesting. If so then Kenny lives on!

  • I have a feeling both sides suffered severe losses and such. Rebecca died (Obviously) it may depend on your choice if Luke or Kenny is killed. For the rest of the group, I think either they'll be wounded, but alive. Or they'll be lost (Mike/Bonnie) and Luke and Kenny live on. The baby however, i'm not sure what the heck is going to happen to that. I know it's still alive, the Russians (If they won the fight) will most likely take it away to care for it. Or Arvo will at least. Or I could be completely wrong and Clems side wins, they walk away with huge loss and the survivors are wounded.

  • What if.. what if Clem stays alone? She could meet Chista and they can be together again like the start? I wish those gun shots are a dream...

    gd3232 posted: »

    I hope you're right. I was shocked when i saw rebecca. I pulled the trigger to save that baby... And then when i heard the shots... Eve

  • Exactly what I though when I saw Kenny shooting Rebecca and then the other starting to shoot. I was like "OH CRAP, I made him look away!". I hope he isn't dead because of that...

  • Ah, don't worry I feel the same way! I thought it was the better option and acted on instinct, but afterwards with that cutscene, I realized I screwed up... the magic of Telltale.

    I think the same thing will happen in episode 5 regardless though, so don't regret your decisions.

    gd3232 posted: »

    I hope you're right. I was shocked when i saw rebecca. I pulled the trigger to save that baby... And then when i heard the shots... Eve

  • Yeah I have to go with Piggs on this; Luke turns around either way. Can someone link to a vid where Luke doesn't turn around and yell? Not to blow a hole in your theory or anything.

  • I would guess the consequence would be that if you shot first, someone (most likely Kenny) will blame you for starting the firefight and getting more group members killed. If you dont shoot Rebecca, someone else will get blamed for starting the firefight.

  • Well it could be possible that the gun shots are a few moments later. The first shot which kills Rebecca, either Clem or Kenny, startled everyone, Luke says 'No!' Blah, blah, blah. Everyone lives on but then it drew in a load of Walkers, to the two sides possibly work together for a moment to defend themselves. On the other hand if Clem shoots Rebecca, as you don't warn anyone, the Russians may just start to attack you, then the zombies come.

    Espurr posted: »

    Ah, don't worry I feel the same way! I thought it was the better option and acted on instinct, but afterwards with that cutscene, I realized

  • Probably... no consequences.

  • In an ideal world, your choice will determine whether or not Kenny gets shot because where he is within the group changes (he walks up and kills Zombecca when you call for help). What I expect out of Telltale though is that if you shot first the group will blame you for everyone's deaths.

  • This was explored long ago. You're not the first to talk on thses threads about it. No matter what you do, Luke says:NOOO.
    So you're theory fails.

  • Luke screams out NOOOO no matter who shoots Rebecca, therefore Luke always turns away from the gunfight.

    Clementine also focuses her sights on Rebecca, meaning that she isn't focused on the gun fight either.

    Kenny only loses focus on the gun fight if he shoots Rebecca.

    Bonnie loses focus on the gun fight if she calls out for help instead of Clementine.

    Mike is the only one who is focused on the gun fight regardless of your decision.

  • Smart. I guess if this is so Luke will live for me :) I let the timer run out, I knew it would be stupid to shoot off any shots in that situation

  • I really hope Mike lives.

    But he likely won't. sigh -.-

    prink34320 posted: »

    Luke screams out NOOOO no matter who shoots Rebecca, therefore Luke always turns away from the gunfight. Clementine also focuses her sigh

  • Why did you guys shoot Rebecca? Um I actually called out for help so people know that Rebecca is dead and if I shot her people would think i shot Rebecca alive :(

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