Mental state of Clemetine.
So guys, I thought that as we are unfortunately reaching the end of another season, we just do a quick... Uh.. Check up you could say? You guys add what you think, too.
Clementine: She is obviously incredibly strong mentally, but after all, she is just 11 years old. My theory is that somewhere in episode 5 Clem will crack. She will end up alone maybe, and will start seeing hallucinations of the people that died because of her. (In her opinion) I've suspected for a while that she will start showing signs of her cracking. What do you thin?
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I fear for Clem
I hope so! Well, maybe not the hallucinating-part. I've been waiting for something like that since she met Kenny and was able to tell him that she blames herself for Lee's death.
It's not good to keep erverything inside. She has to let out at some point as long as there are people around her that love her and help her through it... Like Kenny or Luke, and maybe even Bonnie
This is EXTRA late but I see what you mean... she most likely blames herself for Lee and Omid and everyone like that.
I think Clem will be okay. She should've gone crazy long ago, like Sarah, but she didn't. I'm not sure if she could cope with being all alone again though.
Does she pass the insanity test?
Does she dothe same fucking shit, over and over again expecting stuff to change? That will contain the answer.
What bugs me is the adults used to at first underestimate her, but then they make her do EVERYTHING for them. And also they put so much weight on her, and it seems like if something goes bad, it's automatically Clem's fault. I just hope she doesn't go all out psycho, just maybe a little bit teary or maybe depressed.
I am pretty concerned about Clem's thoughts and emotions, because we never really see or expect a lot strong emotional outbursts from her.
For example, with Kenny, we usually know how he's feeling because he displays his emotions in a extroverted manner. With Clementine, it's almost as if that door isn't completely open. I think she worries a lot about being a burden on people, and I do think she holds herself responsible for some deaths that have happened in game. Looking back on how Clementine acted and transitioned from s1 to s2, I think I can safely say that she is much more mature, but seems to have lost her sense of wonder. She seems so subdued and sad at times that I worry if she's all completely there. If we don't play as Clem in s3, I hope we play as a protagonist who helps lift the weight from Clementine's shoulders and restore her sense of hope, and most of all, forgive herself if need be.
It's understandable, that after seeing everyone she has cared about die, many of which brutally I might add, she probably suffers from not only PTSD, but survivor's guilt, especially in the case of Lee and Omid's death. I think what Season 2 did well was that it captured the psychological effects that this kind of world can have on a child. Early on, we realize she isn't the same little girl that she was in Season 1, she's changed, she's become more mature, responsible, independent, but at the same time, a little more emotionless. The joyful and hopeful Clementine that we had in Season 1 is no longer around, and that's due, in large part, to Lee's death, which she blames herself for, which has led to her huge emotional change. Piling on the deaths of numerous people around her, it's amazing that she has kept it together as much as she has, but you can see that seeing people die still bothers her. If you leave Sarah in the trailer, she is visibly bothered, witnessing walkers tear apart a girl that she cared about and tried to help. But even with all this, she's learned to accept death as a part of this world, which I think has largely helped her keep it together for the most part, that while she is bothered by it, she can't let it haunt her. Clem, while she suffers from some sort of form of PTSD and survivor's guilt, is probably one of the mentally strongest people in the game, and that comes as a result of seeing everyone around her die.
I think what Vernon says in S1 also describes Clem's mental state:
"I don't feel much. I mean, I don't feel enough. Shouldn't I be broken up over what happened to her? That's how I was when I lost my daughter, when I lost my friends in those first few weeks. But now, it's like I just take something like this in stride. Like this is what our world is now, and we'd better just get used to it."
Basically, Clem is a colder person who's primarily focused on surviving now. As for Clem "cracking" from guilt, I doubt it will happen. She's too tough and smart.
I'm sure when AJ dies in her arms she won't blame herself.
I think you underestimate the ability of people to adapt, especially at this early age.
I'd rather say Clem will be one of the toughest girls out there than speculate about her going nuts, seriously?
She already gives no fucks. Why would that change now?
She's just scared of being alone. That's her weakness.
LOL ok. We are talking about a fantasy story, so you are probably right. It not like this game has any basis in realistic character development what so ever ,
They need to give her Rambo buddha necklace, and a no clip AK-47