Have you ever dreamed about Sam & Max?

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
Well, have you?
I've had lots of dreams about them, but for some reason, I can't recall any right now.


  • edited February 2009
    I actually had one about DeSoto once. I'm not sure if I was driving it or I was just a passenger. XD

    Oh, and one really creepy one where Sam lost his mind and became an evil scientist (or something. ) and Max changed his form multiple times. I think he changed even to a little girl once! o.o That was one disturbing dream. (could be a mix up of all the games and cartoon series together. XD )
  • edited February 2009
    I've had a few. Except now I can't remember them at all. I'll post here if I have another one.
  • edited February 2009
    I had one where i was in cultures club house. I was sleeping, and when i waked up there wore Max and Bugs Bunny shooting each other. I turned around and i saw a Christmas tree and a desoto, with my mum sitting in it. It turned his lights on and then I woke up. VERY disturbing dream!
  • edited February 2009
    There was this dream where I helped Sam and Max take care of a cannibal.
    I stopped him by holding him down and beating his teeth out with a golf club.
  • edited February 2009
    I had a dream where I was Max and I was in a room playing pool, the rest is a blur...
  • edited March 2009
    I had many dreams of Sam and Max. One of them was when they were at Paris, France, trying to solve the case to find out who stoled all the french bread. (I've always wanted to go to Paris.:D)
  • edited March 2009
    Over the past few days (weeks!) I've become really enthusiastic about Sam & Max and started buying/looking for all kinds of stuff, so I got a dream featuring Max only recently. I'm expecting (and hoping) to see more of the comedy duo in my dreams soon though.
  • edited March 2009
    I had one once where Sam, Max, and I were all secret spies. We did cool spy... stuff...
    Ah, I can't really explain it. But it was a really cool dream.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    I'm not sure how this is physically possible, but despite playing Sam & Max for an average of roughly 4 hours a day over the past two years, I have never once had a Sam & Max related dream. I'm as baffled as you are.
  • edited March 2009
    Like I said in the random dream thread, last night I had a dream where Corner Gas and Sam & Max were the same thing. It was kind of disturbing. Then I remembered that Dog River already had enough humorously unbalanced police officers. It doesn't need talking animals as well. Actually it doesn't need talking animals at all.
  • edited March 2009
    i havent had dreams about sam and max persay but ive had some prety dirty dreams about me and steve purcell.lol
  • edited March 2009
    2dsgurl wrote: »
    i havent had dreams about sam and max persay but ive had some prety dirty dreams about me and steve purcell.lol

    Thank you for giving me serious Nightmare Fuel.
  • ArtArt
    edited March 2009
    I had a dream where Sam and I were in Reality 2.0, Sam sold me a defective walrus, then vanished in a puff of orange smoke.
  • edited March 2009
    Will wrote: »
    I'm not sure how this is physically possible, but despite playing Sam & Max for an average of roughly 4 hours a day over the past two years, I have never once had a Sam & Max related dream. I'm as baffled as you are.
    If something becomes a routine I think it gets less likely you see it pop up in your dreams, I think. I mean, how many times do you really dream about things you do every day?
  • edited March 2009
    DaVince wrote: »
    If something becomes a routine I think it gets less likely you see it pop up in your dreams, I think. I mean, how many times do you really dream about things you do every day?

    On the contrary, I dream about school all the time.
  • edited March 2009
    i had a dream where i got an f in maths.
  • edited March 2009
    And then you woke up just as the test was ending? :)
  • edited March 2009
    I was looking at this thread yesterday and wondering if I had, and so I did. (Sounds deep. It isn't.) Just something about them yelling at me to finish my assignments. I didn't see them anywhere but they screamed a lot.
  • edited April 2009
    I had a pretty good one last night.

    I was Sam and it was the end of Culture Shock, where Sam has the anti hypnosis helmet. But I alluded to its existence, so Brady knocked my hat off and hypnotised me. Then he made me shoot Max, because apparently I was mixing up my scenes where someone tries to hypnotise Sam.

    Noting that my Sam impression was pretty bad when I was asleep; I seriously thought this at at that point in the dream; I was now me, pretending to be Sam by taking on his form. Somehow. Then I got my Hogwarts acceptance letter, which contained swearing and a passive aggressive request to donate hundreds of dollars, and Brady Culture and I travelled in one of those road vehicles you can move around in, with a bunch of other people. The Soda Poppers were there as well, because they were also Brady Culture's hypnotic slaves. But they
    weren't evil
    , because they
    never beat him to death
    (Season 2 spoilers there). Also, Scorpius Malfoy was there, I think.

    As my Sam impression continued to worsen, the... vehicle drove all around Far North Queensland. What that had to do with either Sam & Max or Harry Potter, I don't know. At one point I listened to a recorder group playing the Kokiri Forest theme from Ocarina of Time, and I regretted not joining this group when I had the chance. There was also a part where the road more closely resembled a roller coaster track. That was fun.

    I was Sam the entire time, even though I was acting almost totally like myself by the end. I think I could've broken out of the hypnotism at any time, but didn't for some reason? Maybe I was undercover!

    Actually, I don't think it's possible to make sense of that dream. I have no idea what happened to Max, either.
  • edited April 2009
    I had a dream where Max hid in my backpack and went to school with me, and then he got me in trouble, so I stuffed him in my locker.
    I didn't say I was nice to Max!
  • edited April 2009
    Interesting question, hmm, Sam&Max related i would say no and i can't remember if i ever dreamed of beeing in a specific game at all but for sure there were some dreams inspired by games. More frightening games like System Shock 2, Doom 3 or really old Jump&Runs (i now remember doing for instance some JumpMan, Jet Set Willy (ahhh remembering the Hungry Horace Level, needed sadistic pixel exact jumping), MindWalker, Dragon's Lair like stuff, weird...) can enforce this.

    Adventure games related i'm remembering situations were you get stuck in a game at the end of the day, you go to bed, close your eyes and your mind continues working on different approaches you haven't tried out already which you then at the next day tryout one by each other. Up to now this luckily always got me out of those stuck situations. :O)
  • edited April 2009
    Um, I've dreamt that I was PLAYING a Sam and Max episode, especially if I fell asleep before solving a puzzle I was in the middle of. Other than that, no.
  • edited April 2009
    I had one. It was the intro (red road and buildings) and Sam & Max changes to diffrent forms.
  • edited April 2009
    one time, i had a dream where i acedentally puked on the desoto. my body hurt from car pains later.
  • edited April 2009
    I just had a dream last night where I met characters from Sam & Max and from Family Guy. Max shot Stewie, and then I woke up.
  • edited April 2009
    I had a dream that was basically moving images. Sam & Max were two of them. The rest were things like Ness, Starmen, Giygas, things that have no relevance to anything (Pineapple, fruit, random food) and then the word OBJECTION and I woke up quickly.
    Never, ever play Sam & Max, EarthBound, Pheonix Wright, while eating anything you find in your cupboard. For an entire day.
  • edited April 2009
    I had a dream that was basically moving images. Sam & Max were two of them. The rest were things like Ness, Starmen, Giygas, things that have no relevance to anything (Pineapple, fruit, random food) and then the word OBJECTION and I woke up quickly.

    Your dreams are FREAKING AWESOME.
  • edited March 2010
    I don't know if this counts exactly, but the one thing I remember about my dream last night was my attempts to come up with quotes that fit Sam and Max.

    The one I came up with for Sam was "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." It's from the Discworld book Men At Arms, and it's a play on the phrase "it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness".

    The one I came up with for Max was "If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't, shoot it anyway", which I believe I got from the manual to Jazz Jackrabbit, which for some reason I found so entertaining when I was nine that I read it over and over and over. I identified the line as being from a movie in my dream, though.

    I'm not sure whether to be disturbed that I was analysing video game characters in my sleep, or be amused that they're a decent fit. Especially the Sam one.
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I had a pretty good one last night.

    I was Sam and it was the end of Culture Shock, where Sam has the anti hypnosis helmet. But I alluded to its existence, so Brady knocked my hat off and hypnotised me. Then he made me shoot Max, because apparently I was mixing up my scenes where someone tries to hypnotise Sam.

    Noting that my Sam impression was pretty bad when I was asleep; I seriously thought this at at that point in the dream; I was now me, pretending to be Sam by taking on his form. Somehow. Then I got my Hogwarts acceptance letter, which contained swearing and a passive aggressive request to donate hundreds of dollars, and Brady Culture and I travelled in one of those road vehicles you can move around in, with a bunch of other people. The Soda Poppers were there as well, because they were also Brady Culture's hypnotic slaves. But they
    weren't evil
    , because they
    never beat him to death
    (Season 2 spoilers there). Also, Scorpius Malfoy was there, I think.

    As my Sam impression continued to worsen, the... vehicle drove all around Far North Queensland. What that had to do with either Sam & Max or Harry Potter, I don't know. At one point I listened to a recorder group playing the Kokiri Forest theme from Ocarina of Time, and I regretted not joining this group when I had the chance. There was also a part where the road more closely resembled a roller coaster track. That was fun.

    I was Sam the entire time, even though I was acting almost totally like myself by the end. I think I could've broken out of the hypnotism at any time, but didn't for some reason? Maybe I was undercover!

    Actually, I don't think it's possible to make sense of that dream. I have no idea what happened to Max, either.
    Hahahahaha Oh, I'd forgotten about that dream.
  • edited March 2010
    I once watched the Simpsons Butterfinger ad and had a dream that as Bart said "No-one better lay a finger on my butterfinger", Max interuppted with "Fuzzy white butterfingers", and proceeded to beat Bart to a pulp.
  • edited March 2010
    I had a dream that was basically moving images. Sam & Max were two of them. The rest were things like Ness, Starmen, Giygas, things that have no relevance to anything (Pineapple, fruit, random food) and then the word OBJECTION and I woke up quickly.
    Never, ever play Sam & Max, EarthBound, Pheonix Wright, while eating anything you find in your cupboard. For an entire day.

    Note the highlighted objection. There's a link there.
  • edited March 2010
    I actually remember having two, but I don't remember the first one so well since it's been a while. Both of them have Sam and Max out of character, which I guess fits since whenever I try thinking about them, I can never think of them in character...too hard for me, I guess?

    Anyways, the first dream...they were supposed to help out these nuns who knew some sort of martial arts and picked up garbage to make them into food or something, and I think at one point they forced Sam to do some exercise. Anyways, apparently, somebody else has been picking up the garbage so the nuns are going hungry or something. They find out that there's some evil guy collecting garbage to make this giant wind robot thing and there was this whole adventure-game-like finale...I think...where they're like on a roof and the giant garbage robot's like going around picking up garbage and/or terrorizing the masses, I think, and the evil guy's ready to kill them with something or another. (Actually, he might have been holding a modified hair blower to try to toss them off the roof) Sam drops some garbage off the roof so the robot goes right next to the building and then they jump off (or maybe the evil guy chooses that time to use that hair dryer) and the wind the robot's blowing kind of keeps them in the air for a while. The evil guy on the roof starts commanding the robot to blow the two back up on the roof but while they're there, there's like, an open window or something. There might've been a guy there they had to scare off, but I don't really remember. Sam picked up something off the sill, I don't remember what, but let's just call it a cactus. So that when they get back on the roof, he throws the cactus at the evil guy and they win and stuff.

    The more recent one I think is more bizzare and involves Jurgen and his father and grandfather. His grandpa is a living painting or something and keeps going all "Stop throwing all these parties you ingrate" to Jurgen while his rich father just keeps supplying him money or something. I'm not sure how Sam and Max come into play, but they somehow get there. I'm not sure what they're supposed to do either, but it may have something to do about revealing something about Jurgen's father. There were something about two lovers who aren't supposed to love each other ala Romeo and Juliet and they are found out and somehow they turn into giant trees (Jurgen's father, maybe?) but they have faces and they grow right next to each other and sort of entwined (like that one Greek myth) but Jurgen's father apparently doesn't want them together. While Sam and Max are on the woman-tree, Jurgen's father is on the man-tree and he takes an ax and starts chopping off the man-tree's face which seemed much scarier in my dream than writing it out right now. This elicits some horrified responses and "You fiend!"s and then I think I woke up.
  • edited March 2010
    Most of my dreams involving one fandom tend to cross over with others. I think my most recent Sam & Max related dream crossed over into Earthworm Jim, which can make sense, considering both series are known for their off-the-wall humour. I don't remember WHAT happened exactly, though I do remember Sam having an arm wrestling match with Jim.
  • edited March 2010
    I had a really quick dream this morning. I was pointing and clicking to move Sam down the street past Bosco's, and I thought "This is tedious. I want direct control".

    Then I woke up.
  • edited March 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I had a really quick dream this morning. I was pointing and clicking to move Sam down the street past Bosco's, and I thought "This is tedious. I want direct control".

    Then I woke up.

    They've done it! They've found a way to send messages DIRECTLY TO OUR BRAINS!
    Run for your life, everyone!
  • edited March 2010
    I've had several S&M dreams where it's very close to the release date, and I play the new game for hours in my dream, but then I wake up and wish I was still sleeping.

    Those dreams began to annoy me after What's New Beezlebub..
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