Lilly -possibly- in 'No Going Back'?! *PROOF*



  • It'd be great if you didn't advertise your thread on mine? Thanks.

    BenSawyer90 posted: »

    i made a thread about lilly and forgiving her if she comes back take a look guys tell me what u think

  • "Shit's gonna get so fucking real."

    ComingSoon posted: »

    rubs hands together

  • I'd want to meet Lilly, then she takes them back to Wellington where she is the leader and she knows Christa/Saved Christa's life from the bandits?

    This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I would much rather see Lilly than Christa come back.


    Alive_Clem posted: »


  • The fact that you even commented on my thread is making me fangirl.

    gavinhammon posted: »

    There's at least two interviews out there where Gavin mentioned he had recorded audio for Lilly's return with the RV back in season 1, but t


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I was thinking of something similar to Kenny's conversation with Clementine in the lodge, if Lee was Kenny's friend Kenny would say "he was a hell of a guy" but if you where not friends he would say "sure we had our differences". Lilly would probably have a similar line depending on leaving or taking her.

    Eguro posted: »

    Except it wasn't really you, it was Lee-you. You're just sweet little Clementine to Lilly probably

  • More like Kenny is gonna hate Lily.

    Pride posted: »

    More stuff from Kenny's VA!

  • How are the 400 days characters unbelievable?

    slattern posted: »

    I really have reservations about Lily in Season 2. The 400 days characters and Kenny are already stretching disbelief. But it can't make the season any worse after Amid the Ruins.

  • That seems likely :)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I was thinking of something similar to Kenny's conversation with Clementine in the lodge, if Lee was Kenny's friend Kenny would say "he was

  • The "Asshole" Line is determinant (it only appears if your Lee called her an asshole the first time you met her in the drug store)

    Shumisha posted: »

    Bonnie: she? Clem: A= A Asshole B= A woman tha was in or grop at the start of the apocalypse C= A nice woman, i trust her D= ...

  • OH MY GOD! IT'S THE REAL KENNY! Kenny is love, Kenny is life.

    gavinhammon posted: »

    I've been saying that since 103... But what I know and what TTG know and what they actually do are mutually exclusive

  • So she will be in EP5? or not?

  • This is just me, considering this I completely missed the whole RV reference in the game. If Lilly indeed does come back, then I think the reused RV model was in the game just to be a subliminal hint toward Lilly's return. Like everyone said, TellTale didn't have to use the RV from Season 1. They would have used anything or nothing at all and still have Lilly return. So like a said, I think the RV was just a hint for people who are very observant to the little details in the game.

    As for Lilly returning, I have no problem with it. Sure it seems to convenient, but then again, I've run into people by chance years after seeing them, too. I think having Lilly return can work, but I think it will only work if she shows up towards the end of the episode. She might be able to warn us if Wellington is a trap. I highly doubt she is working with Russians or the leader of Wellington (the leader of Wellington idea would give me a feeling as if she was always right about her decisions in Season 1 and will take away from the dynamic and tension that was between her and Kenny). Plus, this is TellTale. If there is a time for a major mind blowing moment, now is it. I'm sure that whatever they do with Lilly, Lilly fans and Lilly haters will all not see it coming... and I'm still unsure if that is a good or a bad thing. We will see eventually.

  • Why do you get dislikes for saying this?!It's like people can't express their opinion anymore without getting hate for it :(

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Oh God I hope they don't do this....

  • Nah, he was only good when he acted as a stand-in for Carver. Omid's the only good one.

    bloop posted: »

    It had to be about Troy, right?

  • Maybe PR signed off on a tweet like that telling her it's okay.

    Actually they kind of do have control of it (jn that sense) , okay so its not the most telling tweet ever but if she does come back her cont

  • She didn't announce it, she just said "I did some recordings I think you all will like." If anything, that is very similar if not just like the vague hints Telltale's people like to give out to increase hype for episodes of their games. So I don't think she would be not allowed to mention it. :D

    It seems weird if it is this game that they'd even let her announce it

  • edited March 2016


  • edited August 2014

    Freedom of speech can come with consequences. You have the freedom to say things, that doesn't mean there will not be any punishment if you abuse that freedom. Whether or not that's the right way to handle it is beside the point, that's how it works.

    Aside from that, they might make everyone involved in making their games sign confidentiality agreements so they can't talk about things early. But she never mentioned the game so it's fine, the agreement she very likely signed probably doesn't include vague hints.

    Seanage311 posted: »

    they don't have any power over her twitter/social networking at all though. it's called freedom of speech.

  • edited August 2014

    I'm not sure how to feel about this.....even if she comes back and she has a mind blowing moment, the only thing that would be on my mind is just how convenient the fact that Clem somehow managed to "reunite" with two persons she most likely thought they were dead in a week is. Will people not scream "bad writing" then? And rightfully so if this turns out to be the case.

    If this would happen in the third season I'd be okay with it, but it's way too soon now. Bring Christa back instead.

  • Lmao, "freedom of speech". Nice one.

    Seanage311 posted: »

    they don't have any power over her twitter/social networking at all though. it's called freedom of speech.

  • Aha I love Kenny's line throughout Episode 3 another one is:
    Ben: Maybe we could walk?
    Kenny: Thats fucking stupid Ben.

    The-Flix posted: »

    God his reaction will be priceless

  • Man things have happened since I last visited this thread but Nikki Rapp is defo gonna be in episode 5 whether she's talking about Lily or not also keep checking in on her twitter she gave us another hint on her returning with her talking about the picture of kenny with a saltlick!?!

  • How was bumping into Kenny bad writing?

    The Fallen posted: »

    What if i dumped Lilly? Her still getting the RV would make no sense. Honestly i really hope this doesn't happen. Randomly bumping in to

  • I'll be seeing this gif in my sleep.


  • If you don't see someone die onscreen there is a very good chance that they can come back later alive, especially in a story like the Walking Dead.

    Hell, sometimes even them dying does nothing to dissuade fans from theorizing about their return. I could bring up the subject of Lee's very unlikely survival sometimes brought up on the forums, but I personally enjoy my friend's take on Omid: The bullet wound didn't kill him, but he became moody and withdrawn afterward and with the possible death of his child he left Christa and Clementine alone and is now surviving somewhere in the woods.

  • I hope it is Lilly, it would be kind of weird if she voiced a new character.

  • I hope this happens...

    If you left Lilly on the road Lilly: Clementine, come in Wellington you are welcome here!!! Kenny: What about me? Lilly: Just like you left me on the road, now I leave you on the road.

    If you let Lilly on the RV Lilly: Clementine, Come in please! Kenny im so sorry for killing Carley please come in! Kenny: Im also sorry for killing your father (Now Lilly and Kenny are together <3)

  • edited August 2014

    Okay, I have thought about this a bit. At first I was opposed to the idea of Lilly returning, but now I am more open to it, but only if it is done right. Meeting Kenny in Virginia after 20 months or so apart, just by chance, was pushing the disbelief factor a bit. Don't get me wrong, I like Kenny, even with all his flaws. It makes him a very human character. But if we meet Lilly at Wellington I could certainly believe that more readily. Everyone is heading there apparently. Everybody hears about it. If it exists and is still up and running, it would be believable that she could be there. Along with maybe Christa, or the 400 days characters who didn't go with Tavia. That is a lot more realistic and believable than "hey I just randomly stumbled across you guys like I did with Kenny".

    If it's done in a way that isn't too contrived or silly, then I will be all for it. I liked Lilly's character, it would be nice to see her again.

  • Kenny: We made it everybody! We've reached Wellington! :D

    Lilly: >=(

    Kenny:...Oh fuck.

    The-Flix posted: »

    God his reaction will be priceless

  • I hope we have an option to be not super happy with seeing her. R.I.P Carley/Doug

    I havent liked her when she shot Carley/Doug but she was nice to Clem if you remember when she mentioned Clem if she gets sick she even gave her the "hair thingies" for sleep. Gosh i hope she comes back she will bring back s1 memories

  • Not sure.

    I just go by the philosophy of "fuck it."

    It's easier for someone to hit the dislike button than to give a convincing argument :p

    SwagBeast posted: »

    Why do you get dislikes for saying this?!It's like people can't express their opinion anymore without getting hate for it

  • I literally listened to Pendulum Blood sugar while looking at this for 2 minutes.

  • edited August 2014

    Because it was overly coincidental and badly explained ("I got lucky"). Kenny's a pretty interesting character to have around though, so i was able to forgive it. To pull the same trick again in such a shot space of time would be really pushing the realms of believably for me. It just makes things feel contrived.

    That's only my opinion though. Evidently from the down votes people here disagree. It will be intesting to see how people outside of the core fanbase react if is this is true.

    badassm posted: »

    How was bumping into Kenny bad writing?

  • you do realise that its the walking dead there is no place for happy endings/ Beginning

    RomanZombie posted: »

    I hope this happens... If you left Lilly on the road Lilly: Clementine, come in Wellington you are welcome here!!! Kenny: What about me?

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