How much research has anyone done on Ebola since 1976?
There are also experimental drugs that are ready for human use but not properly tested that would surely be used in an emergency
Key word is Experimental. They don't know if they work or not. How long have the been trying to "cure" aids?
but what if it just now suddenly mutates to become airborne!
Viruses mutate... How would that nurse who was in full protective gear, get the disease... Doctors don't know shit about Ebola.
Your scaremongering is foolish. You clearly don't even believe it otherwise you'd be building an airtight bunker as we speak.
Right, there is a epidemic going on in Africa, where flights are going in and out, no secured borders... Someone could easily hop a flight over to a western country and start a pandemic.
Do you even know what a level 4 health advisory is or does it just sound OMG SCARY?
Yeah, what if it just suddenly mutates to become airb… moreorne, because that's how evolution works. I mean, we've known about ebola since 1976 and it's no doubt been around longer than that, but what if it just now suddenly mutates to become airborne!
The mortality rate differs between strains. It's not a case of different media, it's a case of one strain having a 90% fatality rate and another strain having a 50% mortality rate. Combined they're estimated at 60-65% mortality.
It's so deadly because it happens mostly in africa where healthcare and personal hygiene is poor. human waste often contaminated the water supply for example, something that wouldn't happen in the west. People don't wash their hands like we do in the west.
There ARE ways to "treat" ebola, but it's not specific anti-ebola meds or anything like that. Suffice to say, being in a wester… [view original content]
I remembered when it also happened to 6 health workers in Europe whom where working with monkeys and they all died despite the technology or… more care. It was also when they found out about a air born Ebola which only effects non human primates such as monkeys, not sure about pigs maybe
**Their are no ways to treat it **just support the body threw the disease if they make it, and the odds are still never in the brighest of favor.
The ONLY actual treatment which was tested and used back in the 80s invented from a African doctor was the idea of** blood transfusions from survivors.** The results was superve and better then anything really.** 8 out of 10 **survived which are hell of good odds when talking about Ebola. But of course western doctors where spectacle back then because of what the blood could have had ie hiv,aids etc. But when your only outcome is most likely death its clear one would take that risk.
Also their are not a lot of pp… [view original content]
That was the greatest moment of the season. Shane finally getting his made me sad for Rick for having to do it, but happy he's gone. Sorry.… more But not everyone can appreciate the show the way I do so whatever. Its going into season five and its been great.
Why is that relevant? The point is that it has had 38 years to mutate and become airborne, why are you so concerned about it happening this month?
yes, they're experimental. Maybe they won't work well. Or maybe they will. I didn't exactly present that as a "gotcha" alone did I? But you said they didn't exist.
Yes they do, but not the way you seem think they do.
Except it won't, as I said it's super hard to catch. Flights have been going in and out of africa for the past 38 years, still no pandemic. A slight uptick in african cases does not spell world doom. Again, where is your airtight bunker if you're so concerned?
Ebola since 1976
How much research has anyone done on Ebola since 1976?
There are also experimental drugs that are ready for h… moreuman use but not properly tested that would surely be used in an emergency
Key word is Experimental. They don't know if they work or not. How long have the been trying to "cure" aids?
but what if it just now suddenly mutates to become airborne!
Viruses mutate... How would that nurse who was in full protective gear, get the disease... Doctors don't know shit about Ebola.
Your scaremongering is foolish. You clearly don't even believe it otherwise you'd be building an airtight bunker as we speak.
Right, there is a epidemic going on in Africa, where flights are going in and out, no secured borders... Someone could easily hop a flight over to a western country and start a pandemic.
Just look up the 1980s documentaries or 70s when it was discovered. Wiki or health site on dangerous virus. Unsure which source are you referencing to or mean? You mean you want me to link you the vids or etc? Also the live info on the people that received and had it. Ebola is no joke
A legitimate source for most of what you said. 6 dead european health workers (although you say they're working, presumably in close contact with primate so sure but lets see a link for that story anyway) and that there is a legit "airborne strain" (it has been observed to have been transmitted non-contact between a pig and a monkey but there are other explanations for that than "airborne" and could not occur between primates). Source that it could feasibly happen in the western world. I've already given reasons why it won't, you just saying it could isn't an argument. I've also told you about experimental treatments and vaccines.
"As of April 2014, information from WHO across all occurrences to date puts the overall fatality rate at 60%-65%.[1] There are indications based on variations in death rate between countries that early and effective treatment of symptoms (e.g., supportive care to prevent dehydration) may reduce the fatality rate significantly.[92]"
It's hard to get good data on fatality in developed countries with proper health care because it doesn't happen in developed countries with proper healthcare systems.
Just look up the 1980s documentaries or 70s when it was discovered. Wiki or health site on dangerous virus. Unsure which source are you refe… morerencing to or mean? You mean you want me to link you the vids or etc? Also the live info on the people that received and had it. Ebola is no joke
* Why is that relevant? The point is that it has had 38 years to mutate and become airborne, why are you so concerned about it happening thi… mores month?
* yes, they're experimental. Maybe they won't work well. Or maybe they will. I didn't exactly present that as a "gotcha" alone did I? But you said they didn't exist.
* Yes they do, but not the way you seem think they do.
* Except it won't, as I said it's super hard to catch. Flights have been going in and out of africa for the past 38 years, still no pandemic. A slight uptick in african cases does not spell world doom. Again, where is your airtight bunker if you're so concerned?
-Intro to the transfusion also one of the American doctors in Atlanta did this from a 4year old African child, which is the most pluasuble reason he is alive.** Also the 6 Europeans workers.** Air born also
The virus has infected waaaay more then few thousand ppl which WHO also stated and their has been over 1000 deaths in total. The hotspots of Guiana and libera 70-90% of the people infected die.
Also a European priest whom was treated with the experimental serum died when he came home
I hope you are not getting at the fact that just because we have cleaner or better technology does not heavily lessen the death from Ebola, just helps a tiny more. But if thousands to hundreds of ppl in a first world country got sick hospitals would be overwhelmed for their are millions of ppl
A legitimate source for most of what you said. 6 dead european health workers (although you say they're working, presumably in close contact… more with primate so sure but lets see a link for that story anyway) and that there is a legit "airborne strain" (it has been observed to have been transmitted non-contact between a pig and a monkey but there are other explanations for that than "airborne" and could not occur between primates). Source that it could feasibly happen in the western world. I've already given reasons why it won't, you just saying it could isn't an argument. I've also told you about experimental treatments and vaccines.
"As of April 2014, information from WHO across all occurrences to date puts the overall fatality rate at 60%-65%.[1] There are indications based on variations in death rate between countries that early and effective treatment of symptoms (e.g., suppor… [view original content]
Why is that relevant? The point is that it has had 38 years to mutate and become airborne, why are you so concerned about it happening this … moremonth?
No Significant Research has been done.
How would that nurse who was in full protective gear, get the disease... Doctors don't know shit about Ebola.
Except it won't, as I said it's super hard to catch.
Tell that to the guy who caught it dressed like a astronaut, or that Nurse cleaning medical equipment.
Oh, I can tell this is going to be a fair and balanced documentary.
I already know about blood transfusions, I posted about it before. What time does it mention the europeans?
You sound like a conspiracy theorist. "WHO is LYIN TO US.". Why would they do that. They want the world community to help, they're not going to play down how severe it is.
1 case doesn't mean the drug doesn't work. If it's the first time they used it they might not even have known the correct dosage. Or maybe he just didn't take to it. There's no statistics to be had in 1 single case.
-Intro to the transfusion also one of the American doctors in Atlanta did this from a 4year old African child, which is the most pluasuble r… moreeason he is alive.** Also the 6 Europeans workers.** Air born also
Another vid Basic info and - The Gabonese population
The virus has infected waaaay more then few thousand ppl which WHO also stated and their has been over 1000 deaths in total. The hotspots of Guiana and libera 70-90% of the people infected die.
Also a European priest whom was treated with the experimental serum died when he came home
I hope you are not getting at the fact that just because we have cleaner or better technology does not heavily lessen the death from Ebola, just helps a tiny more. But if th… [view original content]
"Is this virus a threat to the entire world?"
Oh, I can tell this is going to be a fair and balanced documentary.
I already know about… more blood transfusions, I posted about it before. What time does it mention the europeans?
You sound like a conspiracy theorist. "WHO is LYIN TO US.". Why would they do that. They want the world community to help, they're not going to play down how severe it is.
1 case doesn't mean the drug doesn't work. If it's the first time they used it they might not even have known the correct dosage. Or maybe he just didn't take to it. There's no statistics to be had in 1 single case.
The wiki article does not support your paranoia.
I don't have the time to watch the video from start to finish and 99% of it is shit I don't care about anyway. I want to know specifically about this case of the european workers.
Source that the WHO only record 1 case for two people? Your links don't actually say that as far as I can tell.
Watch it and scroll threw for it, it was a pharmaceutical company**
And yes it is a threat to the world if it spreads since its a killer … morevirus and majority of ppl die
Whats to be biased about when talking about ebola? It sounds like your one of the peeps whom are biased or blind to the seriousness of the illness.
Never said WHO was lie read again
It says alot for that one case used on two ppl
Conspiracy theorist no, if I was so what? Sorry am not the type to believe everything that is given to the public that's just naive
Watch it and scroll threw for it, it was a pharmaceutical company**
And yes it is a threat to the world if it spreads since its a killer … morevirus and majority of ppl die
Whats to be biased about when talking about ebola? It sounds like your one of the peeps whom are biased or blind to the seriousness of the illness.
Never said WHO was lie read again
It says alot for that one case used on two ppl
Conspiracy theorist no, if I was so what? Sorry am not the type to believe everything that is given to the public that's just naive
Aaand your true self has just dispersed congratulations
Just because you are too lazy to look for info or put in effort to understand something is ur own doing in ignorance by choice.
You are clearly bias in seeking only info to boost ur point and walk past anything that's not your concern.
Am not sure if you can read since yes my links do and try looking into the news for crist sake in many different countries which they announced the two whom where treated.
Also the complexity of these experimental serums are between, America and Canada for their are two different types. One of course was the ZMAPP.
Also I tried to be civil and clearly I can already tell a intelligent conversation with you is not possible.
Am not in a bunker but look at it this way, someone whom does and u get infected or ur county goes into overdrive of fear dont guarantee a safe entrance from other strangers.
PS** I wish I had a bunker** good security but its kinda a death trap
I don't have the time to watch the video from start to finish and 99% of it is shit I don't care about anyway. I want to know specifically a… morebout this case of the european workers.
Source that the WHO only record 1 case for two people? Your links don't actually say that as far as I can tell.
No, I'm too lazy to watch a 1 hr propaganda film for one tiny section that I want to know about. Tell me what time it is at, you should know if you've watched the damn thing and know it's in there at all.
What. You're not even making sense now, sorry. The fact that two americans got infected doesn't prove that the WHO is treating 2 cases as one. Those were two cases.
You don't have a bunker because you aren't remotely scared of an airborne ebola pandemic because you know it's bullshit as much as I do.
Aaand your true self has just dispersed congratulations
Just because you are too lazy to look for info or put in effort to understand som… moreething is ur own doing in ignorance by choice.
You are clearly bias in seeking only info to boost ur point and walk past anything that's not your concern.
Am not sure if you can read since yes my links do and try looking into the news for crist sake in many different countries which they announced the two whom where treated.
Also the complexity of these experimental serums are between, America and Canada for their are two different types. One of course was the ZMAPP.
Also I tried to be civil and clearly I can already tell a intelligent conversation with you is not possible.
Am not in a bunker but look at it this way, someone whom does and u get infected or ur county goes into overdrive of fear dont guarantee a safe entrance from other strangers.
PS** I wish I had a bunker** good security but its kinda a death trap
Yes you are lazy if you cannot scroll or flick ur risk to pause a 1hr documentary
I never said that again reading is fundamental, I said one american and the priest and the doctor in Atlanta explained this
I don't have a bunker for a lot of reasons,** common sense would tell you no jokes aside,** the cost,space, you do not know my living situations, where am located, what job I have etc
Its not bullshit and when ur infected kiss ur ass goodbye, but this must be your fear speaking for comfort.
No, I'm too lazy to watch a 1 hr propaganda film for one tiny section that I want to know about. Tell me what time it is at, you should know… more if you've watched the damn thing and know it's in there at all.
What. You're not even making sense now, sorry. The fact that two americans got infected doesn't prove that the WHO is treating 2 cases as one. Those were two cases.
You don't have a bunker because you aren't remotely scared of an airborne ebola pandemic because you know it's bullshit as much as I do.
The way I assume he/she asked was a paranoid citizen since ppl generally have this outlook that conspiracy theorist or just paranoid ppl whom need help, and I assume this was meant when he/she asked this out of insult.
How many times has history showed us this, the government are people, not a robot so fuck ups and lies are expected time to time, or in my country case a on going history of it
Conspiracy theorist no, if I was so what? Sorry am not the type to believe everything that is given to the public that's just naive
Your a conspiracy theorist if you don't believe everything the government tells you!
What... Pausing doesn't help me find a specific point in it that talks about europeans. Do you even youtube?
Look, you must realise that you are not using perfect english here? I assume it isn't your first language and although I won't fault you on that, it nonetheless makes it hard for me to understand what you're talking about sometimes. I don't understand what you're trying to say in the third paragraph.
So those reasons are more important than your life hey? And when I kiss my infected ass goodbye, you can too because you don't have an airtight bunker, you have the same access to stuff that I do. In fact, given that I live on a small island that could cut itself off from the mainland very easily I rate my chances of survival to be above average.
And you just proved my point again.
Yes you are lazy if you cannot scroll or flick ur risk to pause a 1hr documentary
I never said tha… moret again reading is fundamental, I said one american and the priest and the doctor in Atlanta explained this
I don't have a bunker for a lot of reasons,** common sense would tell you no jokes aside,** the cost,space, you do not know my living situations, where am located, what job I have etc
Its not bullshit and when ur infected kiss ur ass goodbye, but this must be your fear speaking for comfort.
Conspiracy theorist no, if I was so what? Sorry am not the type to believe everything that is given to the public that's just naive
Your a conspiracy theorist if you don't believe everything the government tells you!
Typos are expected when typing and my English is not far off. If that's the best you got then that was sad. For now on I will use a perfect essay is that okay?
Its called living, ppl in Ebola hit countries still continue with their daily lives,
You don't need a bunker to survive or a sole reason anyway you are** paranoid**
Also once again you do not know my situation but not a good guess either
What... Pausing doesn't help me find a specific point in it that talks about europeans. Do you even youtube?
Look, you must realise that … moreyou are not using perfect english here? I assume it isn't your first language and although I won't fault you on that, it nonetheless makes it hard for me to understand what you're talking about sometimes. I don't understand what you're trying to say in the third paragraph.
So those reasons are more important than your life hey? And when I kiss my infected ass goodbye, you can too because you don't have an airtight bunker, you have the same access to stuff that I do. In fact, given that I live on a small island that could cut itself off from the mainland very easily I rate my chances of survival to be above average.
Read what user said and then go back when you called me one on insult, then look back at the end of your sentence and what you said about WHO. This goes for any organization or power over others
No, you're making more than typos. Your syntax is all wrong, you imply things then act surprised that I thought them and you appear to not be understanding what I am saying either. I asked you to show that the WHO we underreporting the number of cases because that's what you said they were doing. You then claimed they were reporting 1 case for every 2 cases. I said to show that. Then you said something about "the two whom were treated". I assumed you meant the two americans, but when I say that, and say how that doesn't say anything about the WHO, you say that I didn't read because you were talking about a priest and a doctor in atlanta. What? Like I said, it's nothing against you, it's that I have no idea what you're talking about sometimes.
I'm the paranoid one? Ok dude, ok.
I didn't guess anything about your life I told you about mine. Here we get to the language problem again.
Nearly everyone youtubes** you are lazy period.**
Typos are expected when typing and my English is not far off. If that's the best you go… moret then that was sad. For now on I will use a perfect essay is that okay?
Its called living, ppl in Ebola hit countries still continue with their daily lives,
You don't need a bunker to survive or a sole reason anyway you are** paranoid**
Also once again you do not know my situation but not a good guess either
Read what user said and then go back when you called me one on insult, then look back at the end of your sentence and what you said about WHO. This goes for any organization or power over others
You did and stated it read what you post and type.
You are bias and ignoring information. You are paranoid in comfort fear. I can retype the same info over and ver and why but you will discontinue it just because of your own outlook then the facts and evidence that where actually put into place then you just talking about it.
No, you're making more than typos. Your syntax is all wrong, you imply things then act surprised that I thought them and you appear to not b… moree understanding what I am saying either. I asked you to show that the WHO we underreporting the number of cases because that's what you said they were doing. You then claimed they were reporting 1 case for every 2 cases. I said to show that. Then you said something about "the two whom were treated". I assumed you meant the two americans, but when I say that, and say how that doesn't say anything about the WHO, you say that I didn't read because you were talking about a priest and a doctor in atlanta. What? Like I said, it's nothing against you, it's that I have no idea what you're talking about sometimes.
I'm the paranoid one? Ok dude, ok.
I didn't guess anything about your life I told you about mine. Here we get to the language problem again.
You did and stated it read what you post and type.
This sentence makes no sense.
You are bias and ignoring information. You are paranoid in comfort fear. I can retype the same info over and ver and why but you will discontinue it just because of your own outlook then the facts and evidence that where actually put into place then you just talking about it.
I haven't overlooked any evidence. You won't give me evidence. When I ask you to link to the story of 6 european researchers who died from ebola and you say "oh it's somewhere in this hour long propaganda piece", that's not good enough. Tell me where it is and I'll go look for it. But I'm not sitting through 40 minutes of irrelevant shit.
You think whatever the fuck you want. You work yourself up into a panic about TEH EBOLA and we can see how much of the TTG forum died in a years time.
You did and stated it read what you post and type.
You are bias and ignoring information. You are paranoid in comfort fear. I can retype … morethe same info over and ver and why but you will discontinue it just because of your own outlook then the facts and evidence that where actually put into place then you just talking about it.
Fun to think about sometimes but reality would suck. People I think are attracted to it because of the absolute freedom. No laws, no rules, do as you want. Problem is they think of it for themselves and not the other people who might steal from them, rape them, torture them, murder them ect...
There would be partying for like 3 days as people thought the world was ending. Sex, drugs, drinking, eating, partying.... Then within a week the food would start running out, power outages, water stops working, then the looting, the rioting, the killing. People would begin to die, and the bodies would start piling up. People's worst danger wouldn't be walkers, or other people but disease, and starvation, or dying from dirty water.
Our society depends on technology, and the population is too dense if things stop flowing. Cities full of people have no way to feed themselves if trucks, and trains stop bringing food.
People think it would be fun... Until they lose family, and friends. Until they no longer have food, or water. Even if you have food, and water for a year which none of you does.... What does it matter? Year later where are you? No food, no water...
It does make sense if you read.** Unless you dont know what that means.**
You** have numerous times again** and just proved by your last sentences you are the paranoid about it. Even if other ppl are so the fuck what. Its not you so you do care and afraid of it. You would if you lived in a infected area
40 mins of info mention you claim to know but cannot take** few sec find what u want yeah lazy in its prime**
You did and stated it read what you post and type.
This sentence makes no sense.
You are bias and ignoring information. You ar… moree paranoid in comfort fear. I can retype the same info over and ver and why but you will discontinue it just because of your own outlook then the facts and evidence that where actually put into place then you just talking about it.
I haven't overlooked any evidence. You won't give me evidence. When I ask you to link to the story of 6 european researchers who died from ebola and you say "oh it's somewhere in this hour long propaganda piece", that's not good enough. Tell me where it is and I'll go look for it. But I'm not sitting through 40 minutes of irrelevant shit.
You think whatever the fuck you want. You work yourself up into a panic about TEH EBOLA and we can see how much of the TTG forum died in a years time.
That was the greatest moment of the season. Shane finally getting his made me sad for Rick for having to do it, but happy he's gone. Sorry.… more But not everyone can appreciate the show the way I do so whatever. Its going into season five and its been great.
It's fun in theory, to me at least. But the thing is I'm terrified of death, and having loved ones die and whatnot would be awful....Plus I love a lot of things that probably wouldn't be around in the apocalypse, like video games. So no, I don't really want it to happen, but I suppose if it did I would probably take it a lot better than most people.
I live in a rural, agricultural community. My dad and fiance are former hunters, my home is surrounded by farmers fields and forests, there's tons of livestock around, the biggest river in the northeast 5 miles away, lots of smaller streams, and I grew up playing in the woods. I used to make a game of TRYING to get lost to see if I could find my way back. Not to mention a tight knit community with my immediate neighbors and guns in every household, fire places, and a ton of firewood.
Long story short, we're tough people with lots of experience in the outdoors and tons of natural resources around us. Sure, learning to live without modern day luxuries would suck, but we'd have our basic needs covered. Bring on the ZA!
Fun to think about sometimes but reality would suck. People I think are attracted to it because of the absolute freedom. No laws, no rules… more, do as you want. Problem is they think of it for themselves and not the other people who might steal from them, rape them, torture them, murder them ect...
There would be partying for like 3 days as people thought the world was ending. Sex, drugs, drinking, eating, partying.... Then within a week the food would start running out, power outages, water stops working, then the looting, the rioting, the killing. People would begin to die, and the bodies would start piling up. People's worst danger wouldn't be walkers, or other people but disease, and starvation, or dying from dirty water.
Our society depends on technology, and the population is too dense if things stop flowing. Cities full of people have no way to feed themselves if trucks, and trains stop bringing food.
People think it would … [view original content]
Old post, I know...but speak for yourself!
I live in a rural, agricultural community. My dad and fiance are former hunters, my home is s… moreurrounded by farmers fields and forests, there's tons of livestock around, the biggest river in the northeast 5 miles away, lots of smaller streams, and I grew up playing in the woods. I used to make a game of TRYING to get lost to see if I could find my way back. Not to mention a tight knit community with my immediate neighbors and guns in every household, fire places, and a ton of firewood.
Long story short, we're tough people with lots of experience in the outdoors and tons of natural resources around us. Sure, learning to live without modern day luxuries would suck, but we'd have our basic needs covered. Bring on the ZA!
If any type of apocalypse were to happen, people's real nature would be revealed.
Many put on a facade of friendliness, but that's all it is, really.
People today are always looking for an angle.
Lookin to prey on your weaknesses.
How they can use you to survive.
They measure you by what they can take from you.
If any type of apocalypse were to happen, people's real nature would be revealed.
Many put on a facade of friendliness, but that's all it i… mores, really.
People today are always looking for an angle.
Lookin to prey on your weaknesses.
How they can use you to survive.
They measure you by what they can take from you.
How much research has anyone done on Ebola since 1976?
Key word is Experimental. They don't know if they work or not. How long have the been trying to "cure" aids?
Viruses mutate... How would that nurse who was in full protective gear, get the disease... Doctors don't know shit about Ebola.
Right, there is a epidemic going on in Africa, where flights are going in and out, no secured borders... Someone could easily hop a flight over to a western country and start a pandemic.
Rick killed his best friend for no reason. Agree to disagree.
Just look up the 1980s documentaries or 70s when it was discovered. Wiki or health site on dangerous virus. Unsure which source are you referencing to or mean? You mean you want me to link you the vids or etc? Also the live info on the people that received and had it. Ebola is no joke
A legitimate source for most of what you said. 6 dead european health workers (although you say they're working, presumably in close contact with primate so sure but lets see a link for that story anyway) and that there is a legit "airborne strain" (it has been observed to have been transmitted non-contact between a pig and a monkey but there are other explanations for that than "airborne" and could not occur between primates). Source that it could feasibly happen in the western world. I've already given reasons why it won't, you just saying it could isn't an argument. I've also told you about experimental treatments and vaccines.
"As of April 2014, information from WHO across all occurrences to date puts the overall fatality rate at 60%-65%.[1] There are indications based on variations in death rate between countries that early and effective treatment of symptoms (e.g., supportive care to prevent dehydration) may reduce the fatality rate significantly.[92]"
It's hard to get good data on fatality in developed countries with proper health care because it doesn't happen in developed countries with proper healthcare systems.
No Significant Research has been done.
Tell that to the guy who caught it dressed like a astronaut, or that Nurse cleaning medical equipment. Basic info and - The Gabonese population
The virus has infected waaaay more then few thousand ppl which WHO also stated and their has been over 1000 deaths in total. The hotspots of Guiana and libera 70-90% of the people infected die.
Also a European priest whom was treated with the experimental serum died when he came home
I hope you are not getting at the fact that just because we have cleaner or better technology does not heavily lessen the death from Ebola, just helps a tiny more. But if thousands to hundreds of ppl in a first world country got sick hospitals would be overwhelmed for their are millions of ppl
"Is this virus a threat to the entire world?"
Oh, I can tell this is going to be a fair and balanced documentary.
I already know about blood transfusions, I posted about it before. What time does it mention the europeans?
You sound like a conspiracy theorist. "WHO is LYIN TO US.". Why would they do that. They want the world community to help, they're not going to play down how severe it is.
1 case doesn't mean the drug doesn't work. If it's the first time they used it they might not even have known the correct dosage. Or maybe he just didn't take to it. There's no statistics to be had in 1 single case.
The wiki article does not support your paranoia.
Watch it and scroll threw for it, it was a pharmaceutical company**
And yes it is a threat to the world if it spreads since its a killer virus and majority of ppl die
Whats to be biased about when talking about ebola? It sounds like your one of the peeps whom are biased or blind to the seriousness of the illness.
Never said WHO was lie read again
It says alot for that one case used on two ppl
Conspiracy theorist no, if I was so what? Sorry am not the type to believe everything that is given to the public that's just naive
I don't have the time to watch the video from start to finish and 99% of it is shit I don't care about anyway. I want to know specifically about this case of the european workers.
Source that the WHO only record 1 case for two people? Your links don't actually say that as far as I can tell.
Also, how's the airtight bunker?
LOL (not shure if everyone got the reference thought...
Aaand your true self has just dispersed congratulations
Just because you are too lazy to look for info or put in effort to understand something is ur own doing in ignorance by choice.
You are clearly bias in seeking only info to boost ur point and walk past anything that's not your concern.
Am not sure if you can read since yes my links do and try looking into the news for crist sake in many different countries which they announced the two whom where treated.
Also the complexity of these experimental serums are between, America and Canada for their are two different types. One of course was the ZMAPP.
Also I tried to be civil and clearly I can already tell a intelligent conversation with you is not possible.
Am not in a bunker but look at it this way, someone whom does and u get infected or ur county goes into overdrive of fear dont guarantee a safe entrance from other strangers.
PS** I wish I had a bunker** good security but its kinda a death trap
No, I'm too lazy to watch a 1 hr propaganda film for one tiny section that I want to know about. Tell me what time it is at, you should know if you've watched the damn thing and know it's in there at all.
What. You're not even making sense now, sorry. The fact that two americans got infected doesn't prove that the WHO is treating 2 cases as one. Those were two cases.
You don't have a bunker because you aren't remotely scared of an airborne ebola pandemic because you know it's bullshit as much as I do.
And you just proved my point again.
Yes you are lazy if you cannot scroll or flick ur risk to pause a 1hr documentary
I never said that again reading is fundamental, I said one american and the priest and the doctor in Atlanta explained this
I don't have a bunker for a lot of reasons,** common sense would tell you no jokes aside,** the cost,space, you do not know my living situations, where am located, what job I have etc
Its not bullshit and when ur infected kiss ur ass goodbye, but this must be your fear speaking for comfort.
Your a conspiracy theorist if you don't believe everything the government tells you!
The way I assume he/she asked was a paranoid citizen since ppl generally have this outlook that conspiracy theorist or just paranoid ppl whom need help, and I assume this was meant when he/she asked this out of insult.
How many times has history showed us this, the government are people, not a robot so fuck ups and lies are expected time to time, or in my country case a on going history of it
What... Pausing doesn't help me find a specific point in it that talks about europeans. Do you even youtube?
Look, you must realise that you are not using perfect english here? I assume it isn't your first language and although I won't fault you on that, it nonetheless makes it hard for me to understand what you're talking about sometimes. I don't understand what you're trying to say in the third paragraph.
So those reasons are more important than your life hey? And when I kiss my infected ass goodbye, you can too because you don't have an airtight bunker, you have the same access to stuff that I do. In fact, given that I live on a small island that could cut itself off from the mainland very easily I rate my chances of survival to be above average.
If you believe that the WHO (which is not the government) is misreporting the number of ebola cases, that sounds a lot like a conspiracy theory.
Nearly everyone youtubes** you are lazy period.**
Typos are expected when typing and my English is not far off. If that's the best you got then that was sad. For now on I will use a perfect essay is that okay?
Its called living, ppl in Ebola hit countries still continue with their daily lives,
You don't need a bunker to survive or a sole reason anyway you are** paranoid**
Also once again you do not know my situation but not a good guess either
Read what user said and then go back when you called me one on insult, then look back at the end of your sentence and what you said about WHO. This goes for any organization or power over others
No, you're making more than typos. Your syntax is all wrong, you imply things then act surprised that I thought them and you appear to not be understanding what I am saying either. I asked you to show that the WHO we underreporting the number of cases because that's what you said they were doing. You then claimed they were reporting 1 case for every 2 cases. I said to show that. Then you said something about "the two whom were treated". I assumed you meant the two americans, but when I say that, and say how that doesn't say anything about the WHO, you say that I didn't read because you were talking about a priest and a doctor in atlanta. What? Like I said, it's nothing against you, it's that I have no idea what you're talking about sometimes.
I'm the paranoid one? Ok dude, ok.
I didn't guess anything about your life I told you about mine. Here we get to the language problem again.
I don't recall insulting you at any point.
You did and stated it read what you post and type.
You are bias and ignoring information. You are paranoid in comfort fear. I can retype the same info over and ver and why but you will discontinue it just because of your own outlook then the facts and evidence that where actually put into place then you just talking about it.
This sentence makes no sense.
I haven't overlooked any evidence. You won't give me evidence. When I ask you to link to the story of 6 european researchers who died from ebola and you say "oh it's somewhere in this hour long propaganda piece", that's not good enough. Tell me where it is and I'll go look for it. But I'm not sitting through 40 minutes of irrelevant shit.
You think whatever the fuck you want. You work yourself up into a panic about TEH EBOLA and we can see how much of the TTG forum died in a years time.
Fun to think about sometimes but reality would suck. People I think are attracted to it because of the absolute freedom. No laws, no rules, do as you want. Problem is they think of it for themselves and not the other people who might steal from them, rape them, torture them, murder them ect...
There would be partying for like 3 days as people thought the world was ending. Sex, drugs, drinking, eating, partying.... Then within a week the food would start running out, power outages, water stops working, then the looting, the rioting, the killing. People would begin to die, and the bodies would start piling up. People's worst danger wouldn't be walkers, or other people but disease, and starvation, or dying from dirty water.
Our society depends on technology, and the population is too dense if things stop flowing. Cities full of people have no way to feed themselves if trucks, and trains stop bringing food.
People think it would be fun... Until they lose family, and friends. Until they no longer have food, or water. Even if you have food, and water for a year which none of you does.... What does it matter? Year later where are you? No food, no water...
...good point
It does make sense if you read.** Unless you dont know what that means.**
You** have numerous times again** and just proved by your last sentences you are the paranoid about it. Even if other ppl are so the fuck what. Its not you so you do care and afraid of it. You would if you lived in a infected area
40 mins of info mention you claim to know but cannot take** few sec find what u want yeah lazy in its prime**
Almost all family members from my dad's side are in the army / lieutenants so I guess I would have some weaponary
I agree.
It's fun in theory, to me at least. But the thing is I'm terrified of death, and having loved ones die and whatnot would be awful....Plus I love a lot of things that probably wouldn't be around in the apocalypse, like video games. So no, I don't really want it to happen, but I suppose if it did I would probably take it a lot better than most people.
Old post, I know...but speak for yourself!
I live in a rural, agricultural community. My dad and fiance are former hunters, my home is surrounded by farmers fields and forests, there's tons of livestock around, the biggest river in the northeast 5 miles away, lots of smaller streams, and I grew up playing in the woods. I used to make a game of TRYING to get lost to see if I could find my way back. Not to mention a tight knit community with my immediate neighbors and guns in every household, fire places, and a ton of firewood.
Long story short, we're tough people with lots of experience in the outdoors and tons of natural resources around us. Sure, learning to live without modern day luxuries would suck, but we'd have our basic needs covered. Bring on the ZA!
Don't bump threads more than a year old you skrub.
HEL YEAH!! I even have a plan for it
If any type of apocalypse were to happen, people's real nature would be revealed.
Many put on a facade of friendliness, but that's all it is, really.
People today are always looking for an angle.
Lookin to prey on your weaknesses.
How they can use you to survive.
They measure you by what they can take from you.
I'm with this guy as long as you prepare you'll be fine. And life would be worth living than just work and sleep we got ZOMBIE KILLING!!! and sleep
Poor Kurt Angle.
Stop being an asshole.