Favorite Luke Quotes

What are some of your favorite Luke quotes so far? here's some of mine:

  • "C'mon kid, we gotta get."
  • "I used to think that... that maybe, all the horror hadn't gotten to you yet... But you watched you're friend murder Carver. Not just kill him, but... Clem, you didn't even blink."
  • "Well that's about as human as I've felt in a long time. I almost forgot wha... Clementine!?"


  • edited August 2014

    "So a dog shows up, bites you, and then just...disappears? Just some magical asshole dog in the forest?"

    In EP2

    Clem: Either way is risky.

    Luke: * sudden raspy batman voice * "...Exactly."

  • edited August 2014

    "So are you calling ME an asshole?"

    Nick:"you coming to tuck me in?"
    Luke:"yeah, something like that."

  • ,,I'll catch you if you fall....probably....,, :D

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited August 2014

    Favorite: "Back off, Kenny. She said she doesn't want you to take the baby. Don't be weird about it, okay?" I love Ken, but this line is true on so many levels. It's hilarious, too.

    Least favorite: "Fuck, fuck..."

  • Haha and "it probably was just a dog bite...probably."

    Violet_Ant posted: »

    ,,I'll catch you if you fall....probably....,,

  • Kenny: I'm not being weird about it.

    Luke: Yeah you kinda have been, and not just right now.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Favorite: "Back off, Kenny. She said she doesn't want you to take the baby. Don't be weird about it, okay?" I love Ken, but this line is true on so many levels. It's hilarious, too. Least favorite: "Fuck, fuck..."

  • ,,probably,, is Luke's favourite word obviously :D

    Rylee posted: »

    Haha and "it probably was just a dog bite...probably."

  • "When I look at Kenny now, he seems broken. I just wanna survive, and that means picking the right sides."

  • Lol yes that batman voice cracked me up. ^.^

    Pride posted: »

    "So a dog shows up, bites you, and then just...disappears? Just some magical asshole dog in the forest?" In EP2 Clem: Either way is risky. Luke: * sudden raspy batman voice * "...Exactly."

  • "I was just tryn' help."

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Kenny: I'm not being weird about it. Luke: Yeah you kinda have been, and not just right now.

  • edited August 2014

    "It's just that.. Kenny seems broken to me. And broken people get reckless."


    Luke: "What's going on?"

    Kenny: "What's going on is you're a reckless fucking moron."

    Luke: "I'M RECKLESS?!?!"

  • "Yeah... Scars are way cooler than stumps."

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited August 2014


  • This one

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  • edited August 2014

    Pete: "Clementine...are you telling us the truth?"

    Clem: "... [silent option]"

    Pete: "Hmm...Alright,that's good enough for me. I trust ya."

    Luke: "WUT?? She didn't even say anything!"

  • Pete: "I've got a pretty good bullshit detector, Luke. That's why you can never beat me at poker."

    Luke: " Pfft, you don't always beat me at ... alright, how can you be sure?"

    Pride posted: »

    Pete: "Clementine...are you telling us the truth?" Clem: "... [silent option]" Pete: "Hmm...Alright,that's good enough for me. I trust ya." Luke: "WUT?? She didn't even say anything!"

  • Dammit! You win, Christa.

    I'd beat you at Kenny quotes, though. But I doubt @Kennysucks will ever make such thread. :p

    Pride posted: »

    Pete: "I've got a pretty good bullshit detector, Luke. That's why you can never beat me at poker." Luke: " Pfft, you don't always beat me at ... alright, how can you be sure?"

  • edited August 2014
    • ,,We´re cool, okay? Hey,hey we´re cool, we´re cool.,,

    • ,,They´ll just have to deal with it,,

    • "I hate to break it to you kid, but I'm an expert at talking to girls who don´t want to talk to me,,

    • And one from the kitchen conversation:

    Nick: ,,It wasn't the brightest idea....,,

    Luke: ,,Oh, and firing your rifle was, huh....? Next time we´ll just put up a neon sign that says - Lurkers welcome.,,

    • ,, It'll be just like climbing a tree house.

      You know....just a really tall tree house.

      Made of steel. ,,

  • edited August 2014

    Luke: "Yeah, we go to check and you end up taking a bite out of Pete's neck? No way."

    Pete: "What? Why am I the one?!"

    Luke: "'Cause I can't tell a dog bite from a lurker bite from a mosquito bite!"

  • edited August 2014

    Also this one :D his expression is priceless

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  • edited August 2014

    "...thats about as human as ive felt in a long time..." XD

  • Luke: I hate to break this to you kid, but uh... I'm an expert at talking to girls who don't want to talk to me.

    Pete: Well, you've got plenty of practice.

    Luke: Pete. C'mon, man. I don't need yer help.

    I think this is the best :)

  • "You don't kill dogs," and "Nick, you cannot do that, are you fucking nuts?!"

  • Probably

    Violet_Ant posted: »

    ,,probably,, is Luke's favourite word obviously

  • Luke's "What the fuck?!" when Jane leaves always cracks me up.

  • edited August 2014

    Luke: "Just take it slow, and i'll catch you if you fall. Probably. Got a good grip?"

    "Yeah." (Clementine starts to climb the ladder)

    Luke: "When i was a kid, we used to jump rooftops downtown. Now that was fun."

    Clementine: "That sounds stupid."

    Luke: "Yeah, yeah it was. The trick was not to look down, through."

    (Clementine slips her footing on the ladder and holds on with her arms.) "Ahhh.."

    Luke: "Woah, Woah, woah. You're fine. Just look at me, okey? You're fine. All right, just--just slow down. Just for a secound, okey? Got your grip?"

    Clementine: "You just told me not to look!"

    (Luke remembers what he said, and shrugs comically) "Good point."

  • "She's a valuable little girl"
    "yeah well when's the last time you liked anything Carlos?"
    "So I heard Mike saved your bacon today"
    I love the last one, he has such strange sayings like "she's kind of an odd duck" :-P

  • I find none of Luke's quotes to be worth favoring.

  • lol :D

    Rylee posted: »


  • edited August 2014

    (Luke seeing walkers in the bridge.) "Hmm. We can't shoot' em. Too much noice. But there are only two..."

    Clementine: "Let's take them."

    Luke "I like you're style. I'll take the big one, and you get shorty. Wish we could use guns..."

    Clem: "I've got the big one."

    Luke: "Hey kid, look, it's not like I don't know you have guts, but are you crazy?

    Clem: "Maybe I am."

    Luke: (looks annoyed) "Just stick to the plan, okay?

    (Both Clementine and Luke take out weapons and step forwards, But Clem shocks Luke but hitting the bigger walker in the head with her hammer, and ends putting a hole in its skull.)

    (Luke shocked, turns around and takes out the small walker, Clem struggles to pull her hammer out of the walkers head.)

    Luke: "Go ahead. Give it a good pull, it should come free."

    Clementine: "I know, I've done this before, remember? in a shed?"

    (Luke looks guilty)

    (Clementine pulls her weapon from the zombie and it falls to the ground.)

    Damn! ( Clementine smiles and turns around, Luke holds out his hand, Clementine looks uncertainly to her hand, Luke high-fives her hand and Clementine smiles understanding the gesture.)

    Luke: "Now don't do that again."

    Clementine: "Okay..." (rolls her eyes and frowns, Luke smiles)

  • I don't remember Luke saying the bacon thing or the odd duck thing

    Simply posted: »

    "She's a valuable little girl" "yeah well when's the last time you liked anything Carlos?" "So I heard Mike saved your bacon today" I love the last one, he has such strange sayings like "she's kind of an odd duck" :-P

  • The bacon thing was from episode 4.

    I don't remember Luke saying the bacon thing or the odd duck thing

  • ah thank you

    Rylee posted: »

    The bacon thing was from episode 4.

  • If you went with mike and bonnie before Jane and you choose to say to the group 'mike saved me' Luke will say 'so I heard mike saved your bacon today' also the odd duck thing I can't remember what exactly you have to say but when you are talking to Luke about Jane if you say you don't know what to think about her he will say 'sure she's an odd duck'

    ah thank you

  • Gonna have to go with Magical Asshole Dog (tm?) here :D

    Dang Luke, you aren't the most eloquent dude.

    Pride posted: »

    "So a dog shows up, bites you, and then just...disappears? Just some magical asshole dog in the forest?" In EP2 Clem: Either way is risky. Luke: * sudden raspy batman voice * "...Exactly."

  • thanks very much

    Simply posted: »

    If you went with mike and bonnie before Jane and you choose to say to the group 'mike saved me' Luke will say 'so I heard mike saved your ba

  • You beat me to it, but...

    "I used to think that... that maybe, all the horror hadn't gotten to you yet... But you watched your friend murder Carver. Not just kill him, but... Clem, you didn't even blink."

  • well then.

    I find none of Luke's quotes to be worth favoring.

  • Then why comment dude :p

    I find none of Luke's quotes to be worth favoring.

  • Awh, they're such a brother and sister combo, I love it :D

    (Luke seeing walkers in the bridge.) "Hmm. We can't shoot' em. Too much noice. But there are only two..." Clementine: "Let's take them."

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