Cool DLC ideas?

We all know Telltale released 400 Days about a year ago.
But does anybody have any cool, or original ideas for another DLC?
I have one but it'd probably never be done, I think a DLC about Ben or, possibly being a close friend to Ben, and how they had to go to the Gym to survive, and so on.

Share your ideas below!



  • Playing as a member of the group escaping from Carver's compound but who died in the escape. That would give a lot of depth to the lacking season 2 cast.

    Playing as Lee between season 1 episode 1 and 2...playing as Lilly after she leaves....I don't know, I like the first idea most.

  • The cabin group before meeting Clem and their escape from Carvers

  • Amazing ideas, I think the Lee idea is good, but it'd be a little bit shorter. The Lily idea leaves a lot of potential and what she led on.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Playing as a member of the group escaping from Carver's compound but who died in the escape. That would give a lot of depth to the lacking s

  • Something about Carver, like his friend George? Kenny during the time skip?

  • Actually, the Lilly idea would be really cool

    Flog61 posted: »

    Playing as a member of the group escaping from Carver's compound but who died in the escape. That would give a lot of depth to the lacking s

  • I think it would be best if they did something similar to what they did with 400 Days, but in a different way. I don't know what they would do, but I still think bridging the gap between Season 2 to Season 3 is the best call.
    I'll probably come up with an idea AFTER Episode 5.

  • Doctor Who as the protagonist.

    Blinx posted: »

    400 years

  • edited August 2014

    400 years

  • Kenny Dlc would be cool.
    Id also like a Mike Dlc, I really want to know who shot him in the face.

  • It'd be cool to see the 400 Days crew again.

    Maybe the Next 400 Days.

    And then they'll be introduced in Season 3 for two seconds, and then POOF. they're gone.

  • edited August 2014

    I had thought up a DLC idea I think should either be called "The lost" or "outbreak" about characters on the first day or week of the zombie outbreak.

    Ideas for some of it is:

    Team 1: Family

    In the first part you play as the manager of the Marsh House on the day Clementine's parents arrive. A quiet first encounter and then a larger outbreak where you eventually find yourself in the company of Clems parents and two other guests trying to escape onto the roof. Wanting to send one last message to their daughter, her father keeps the horde at bay while she makes a call and you escape onto the roof, as you look back the horde breaks in and overwhelms everybody but you.

    Team 2: The Wife

    Lee's wife is mourning over the recent events within her life, maybe seeing a psychyastrist or something similar. You flee the horde home to your apartment where the last thing you see before the screen turns black is a picture of Lee.

    Team 3: The Vagabond

    Chuck sticks to a group immediately after the outbreak but decides to abandon them when the two youngest members, a little girl and a little boy, are left behind by the lady who fancies herself as leader. Seeing this act as betrayal half the group dies standing up for hsi fre will and the rest try to find him, he eventually escapes up onto a moving train.

    I had though of something that could center around Christa after her speration with Clementine or Lily after she's left/drives off, but nothing really struck me as that great. Mainly I thought what I most wanted was something to explain the origin or event surrounding previous or mentioned characters.

    Maybe something where you play as Nick's mom until she's bitten would work too.

    And there we have it, my first post ever.

  • Old friends DLC, a new DLC game in the walking dead season 2 where you can play as Carley, Doug, Lilly, and Glenn in one story escape from walkers and meet them in Everett Pharmacy Drugstore.

  • Clem breaks into a clothing store and picks out new clothes to wear.

    Whichever items get chosen the most often by the players Clem will wear next season.

    Also.. other stuff happens.

  • edited August 2014

    (Sorry for some for some grammatical errors, but I used Google translator xD)

    The story has as its protagonist Clementine that, after the events of No Going Back is left alone again.

    Her goal now is to survive as much as possible. At the beginning of his journey Clem already struggling with the problem of the night, and then find a refuge. Looking for, can eventually find a gas station, and so she decides to rest them, after eliminating the zombies inside. The next morning Clementine goes on patrol in search of supplies, and in the woods is a camp of people. Now comes the first choice: steal their supplies or leave. After choosing, Clementine, hungry, back to the gas station, but after a while was immediately attacked by that same camp. So she is forced to escape from the hut, but can only pick one thing... second choice: a weapon or food. Clementine manages to escape, and continued his journey. After entering in a city with a technique she learned from Lee, Clem walks into a clothing store, and there meets a new friend, Adam. Adam is a 20 year old boy who at that time was poking around in the shop. he was tall, with long hair and wearing a long coat. The two make a fire and begin to talk about their past life. Here is the third choice: Tell your past or not. The same night, the store is attacked by zombies, who manage to enter. Adam and Clem suddenly wake up and start to fight. Failing to kill them all, they decide to escape from the back, but the zombies are many, and the only thing to do is get in a restaurant a few steps away from them. Walked in there, Clem recalled that he had left his backpack in clothes shop and wants to come back to get it, but Adam would prevent that. They start arguing, and eventually Adam decides to return to the store to pick up the backpack of Clem. After a few minutes, seeing that Adam has not yet returned, he decides to go looking for him. She finds him sitting on the ground, looking down at his leg had been bitten. Adam, realizing that he could not do anything, say a secret to Clem: he was heading to Portsmouth, because, thanks to his friend, he knew to find a Cruise Ship. He tells Clem to find Rob and tell him to Adam, so will be able to pick up Clem on the ship. Clem agrees, but now comes the fourth choice: Kill Adam or Go away and let him turn. Once chosen, Clem starts heading in Portsmouth, safe to finally find a safe place. The DLC ends with the fifth choice: leave the restaurant immediately or stay a while.

    The goal of the third season will be to go to Portsmouth.

    There are the Achievements and the choices:


    Is It Safe?

    You found a refuge

    In Patrol

    Have Stolen to survive


    You survived the attack

    Sunshine in the Storm

    You met a new Friend

    The Horde

    A lot of zombies...

    Blood And Tears

    You made a difficult choice

    Alone Again

    You have recovered your stuff

    A New Beginning

    Completed "I'm Survived" DLC



    You and 0% of the players stoled supplies

    You and 0% of the players didn't stole supplies

    Health or Safety

    You and 0% of the players has brought with him a weapon

    You and 0% of the players has brought with him food


    You and 0% of the players trusted the stranger

    You and 0% of the players didn't trust the stranger

    Supernatural Force

    You and 0% of the players killed Adam

    You and 0% of the players didn't kill Adam

    Now or Never

    You and 0% of the players escaped

    You and 0% of the players remained at the restaurant

    What do you think? :D

  • Lilly would be an awesome dlc.

  • edited August 2014

    Some ideas I have had would be:

    • Playing as a character that you decide their personality by your choices in the DLC, and they reappear in season 3 but with a determinant personality, maybe trying to kill or help you, or maybe dying earlier or later, depending on how they are
    • An older woman who received a dog from her husband who then dies in the oubreak, the finale you choose to save your dog or your friend, and the character and whoever you saved reappears as a supporting character in season 3
    • Playing as Nick's mother up to the point where she dies, which would be great characterization for the cabin group, and since she doesn't have a set personality it could work
    • Playing as Adam, the Stranger's son that went missing. Could give us a little more background (and a name) on the Stranger, and it could be an interesting character to have a little spin off story of. Maybe he is found by another group in the woods and he survives longer, maybe even by Lilly, and if she is at Wellington he could be too. Although that end would be a bit contrived I feel
    • If Wellington is abandoned, but you meet someone from there, you could play as that person when the place falls and how they escaped
    • Maybe an episode about a group of survivors that start off in San Francisco (I want to see the Golden Gate Bridge in all of its walker apocalypse glory, and we have yet to see the west coast at all in anything Walking Dead). I was thinking maybe a fireman, middle-aged lady, her mother, her brother, and maybe a neighbor guy. You play as the middle-aged woman and you go about escaping the city. Stopping by the fireman's home to get his family, but they're all dead and he sets the place on fire (ironic) and stays to die in the fire. Mother dies, as does neighbor guy in a series of events. Then maybe they head east and our group runs into them eventually. They could even scavenge Omid and Christa's house (they were from San Francisco) and could let their pissed off cat out. I actually think a whole season could be made on this and the new setting would be interesting, but one DLC episode is good too
    • I also believe playing as someone from Ben's school would be interesting, like others have said. Probably wouldn't have much effect going into the next season, but hey, if it's a good story, I will take it. Maybe you end the DLC by dying trying to save him.
  • A guy wakes up in the middle of a zombie-infested city with no memories. Will he leave his past behind in order to survive or will he embark on a perilous journey, sacrificing anything to find the truth?

  • Not bad :)

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    I had thought up a DLC idea I think should either be called "The lost" or "outbreak" about characters on the first day or week of the zombie

  • I like those! Especially number 1

    The great thing about the Walking Dead is that every single person can have an interesting story of either survival, or death. The whole "choice based" story thing might not work out so well when the stories don't interconnect as much, but I love a good story, so it doesn't really bother me.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    I had thought up a DLC idea I think should either be called "The lost" or "outbreak" about characters on the first day or week of the zombie

  • Those sound awesome.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    I had thought up a DLC idea I think should either be called "The lost" or "outbreak" about characters on the first day or week of the zombie

  • Actually now that you mention truth, a DLC that is about why the outbreak happened might be cool, though I feel like that would be something better left for Clementine to discover if she survives into season 3.

    Maybe Wellington was the center of the outbreak?

    A guy wakes up in the middle of a zombie-infested city with no memories. Will he leave his past behind in order to survive or will he embark on a perilous journey, sacrificing anything to find the truth?

  • The best DLC I could ever think of is Clementine's parents enduring the calmness before the storm that happens firsthand in Atlanta. The phone messages were incredibly powerful and I want to know everything that happened there from the start.

  • Wow I just thought of another Dlc that I think would be amazing. Dlc showing Carver before the zombie outbrake and how he got control of such a large group.

  • How about Clementine and Christa during the timeskip, starting from when Omid died.

    Christa: Omg Omid O-Omid * Cries *

    Clementine: Cries too

    Christa: What did you do Clementine!

  • Clems cookie baking adventures, rated M for Manure.

  • The Forgotten DLC:

    ???'s story:

    A teenager who gets put into a coma only a few weeks before the apocalypse, he wakes up from his coma only a few weeks into the apocalypse, he has anxiety and needs medication which makes him a liability to those around him, but he steps up becomes a great leader to his group and they go to Wellington in search for people they once knew...

    ???'s story:

    A teenager who goes to her dream home but finds that she lives in a nightmare, her parents and brother die and she is left in the capable hands of her sister, who teaches her how she can survive, but not too long into the apocalypse, her sister gets bit and they have to part ways, and she is now all alone in a world full of dead, she meets up with someone who is on his way to Wellington.

    ???'s story:

    A young adult, who was a doctor and scientist in the past, along with others, she must try and find a cure or the cause of the apocalypse, but sadly the research ends up nowhere, the dead overrun the laboratory they were studying in and everyone is forced to evacuate by the military, however, due to an encounter with a large swarm of Walkers, some of researchers and soldiers were left behind and they must now learn how to survive without the shelter of a base or the protection of the military.

    Lilly's story:

    Lilly's story, how she got the RV and decided to make amends and tried to follow Lee's group to Savannah, along the way she meets up with other Survivors, they each learn from one another and become good friends, on their way to Savannah, they find no one but Molly, Molly and Lilly talk about Lee's group and their fate, thinking of the group as dead and finding the corpse of Lee, Lilly's group persuades her to go to Wellington where it is assumed to be safe.

    Tavia's story:

    The start of the story and decisions change slightly depending on who came with Tavia in 400 Days, the Howe's Hardware Store Community flees the scene, along the way, if Becca was taken with you, she will be devoured by Walkers and Shel will face depression, Tavia becomes the leader whom the Survivors look up to, they manage to get by the storm of Walkers, and Tavia then bumps into the 400 Days characters that didn't go with her, if there are any, along with Eddie and Nate, after a forceful argument against Tavia and how they should never have accepted their offer or they were glad they didn't accept their offer, they work it out and talk about their plan to head to Wellington, on the way the group is struck by hardships.

  • Yeah, I can see that as a great dlc, we could play as each character, doing different jobs in carvers community, and then play as maybe Luke when they are planning to escape and when they do so.

    RomanZombie posted: »

    The cabin group before meeting Clem and their escape from Carvers

  • I would love a dlc that in contrast to 400 days would provide an epilogue for various characters:

    1. Lily's epilogue - Play as Lily trying to survive after being left behind/ RV breaks down, with her dealing with the consequences of her actions (murdering Carley/ accidentally killing doug) in contrast to the post above me i'd wish to see her instead of going after Lee she'd go back and try and get revenge against the survivors of the save lot bandits. Effectively tying up the motel arc.

    2. Molly's epilogue - I personally think that Molly stole the boat back from Vernon seeing as Vernon & the cancer group stole it together then the cancer group turns up in 400 days with no boat and no Vernon, as it didn't seem like he'd abandon his group i'd like to see the Savana arc wrapped up with Molly killing Vernon and taking the boat.

    3. Nate's epilogue - Everyones favourite lonely psychopath, Nate's kind of a unique one as in every appearance he's made he's essentially been the antagonist. it would be a interesting contrast in story to play as the definitive 'bad guy' compared to all other playable characters. I'd like to see what happened to him after he split from Russ at the diner/ sometime later. He's difficult to predict seeing as he's essentially just a wanderer with no destination.

    4. Christa's epilogue, seeing as im making this before s2e5 has come out im just going by the assumption that nor her or lily appear in ep5. For Christa i'd like either her epilogue to revolve around either the people who ambushed her or her trying to get to Wellington. Or both... (crazy theory) Her epilogue could play out after the ambush, she was shot but wasn't dead the ambushers simply thought she was dead and left, after she gets up & realises clems gone she assumes the ambushers took her and follows them, after a jump skip they stop at a streem allowing her to catch up only to find clems not there, so she goes rambo and massacres them. After that she continues north to wellington possibly meeting mathew along the way. Dont know how to end that theory really xD

    5. For number 5 im torn between an epilogue for the 400 days cast and Jane - For 400's epilogue i'd like to see their escape from the hardware store and a cameo of Tavia falling off the roof along with their escape however seeing as their story is VERY determent as there are to many potential outcomes for the group splitting between the hardware store and the woods for there to be any worthwhile story, so i'd imagine the 400 days epilogue would potentially centre around Vince seeing as he was their leader and whoever came with him, hardware or woods.

    5.(2) Jane - For Janes epilogue i'd like to see her go back to the hardware store using her walker impressions and load up their truck with all the hardware stores food and drive off to survive another day... just seems like something she would do without anyone else weighing her down.

  • edited August 2014

    4 ways- The DLC would be about what would've happened to everyone if Clem was the one killed by the bandit in the gas station bathroom, the effect would be tremendous since, as we all know, Clem's absence would set up completely different scenarios.

    Christa and Omid- Christa and Omid must deal with the death of Clementine, Christa's pregnancy, and the protector of the girl Omid shot, instead of Christa, hunting them down. All of this would be a great chance to see how Omid and Christa would be effected if Clem died on their watch and Omid had to kill a child. You would play as Christa, who would have to be the optimistic one for the currently pessimistic/depressed Omid, all while being pregnant, and trying to keep a stalker off their trail.

    Luke and his group- We play as Luke and the atmosphere is ripe with fear, doubt, and despair, you're trying to keep the group safe from Carver, and trying to reassure them that they can survive without Carver. This way we can see the cabin group more developed, and maybe learn more about their time at Carver's settlement. By the end of it you're captured by Carver.

    Kenny and his group- We play as Sarita, as she, Walter, and Kenny go out to find Matthew, who hasn't returned from his patrol (he's been taken by Carver, who is interrogating him for info on where the rest of his group is). When we get to his post we find nothing but Walkers roaming the place, caused by the noise created by Matthew's attempt(s) to defend himself from Carver, Kenny assumes the worst, Walter assumes the best and, Sarita assumes the best to comfort Walter. As they go back to the lodge you get to confront Kenny on his crude way of expressing his opinion on Matthew's fate in front of Walter, and comfort Walter, who is noticeably distressed about the possibility of his lover being dead. Once you reach the lodge you find it being ransacked by bandits, the same bandits who attack Christa and Clem in episode one, you can either try to make Kenny wait for an opening or you can let him act out on one of his obviously spur of the moment plans, either way the episode will end with them being forced to leave for Wellington after all the noise from the confrontation attracts a big horde.

    Carver and his settlement- Play as Caver, this one opens with you... killing Matthew...since his "information" on his group's whereabouts led to him losing the person he sent to the destination (Bonnie), and has decided since Matthew "clearly" has no intention of helping him gain more people and has caused him to lose a person, that Matthew needs to lose what he took from Carver, a life. Of course you're trouble as Carver doesn't end there, now you have to deal with an act of insubordination from your more "successful" recruitings, the cabin group. Jane has escaped, and Troy is dead and the cabin group refuses to tell you what happened (they think Jane's going to uphold her part of the deal and save them, she won't), and now you have to choose how to discipline them. You can either speak to them/start beating them until they speak, after you've beaten or spoken to three of them you have to stop in order to deal with a more pressing matter, a oncoming horde. As you try to lead your people during the attack you realize that you'll need the cabin people to help with Walker's breaking into the settlement, if you decided to beat them they'll simply use the opportunity to escape (their fates are unknown), if you didn't use violence then depending on how strong you kept the cabin group's hope of being far away from Carver alive, they'll either stay and protect the settlement or run.

    Cabin group runs= Settlement is mostly destroyed= Carver dies trying to lead as many people as he can out of harm's way.

    Cabin group stays and fights= Settlement is halfway destroyed= Carver lives, and rules the settlement with an even tougher iron fist, in order to get the settlement rebuilt faster.

  • Walking dead: 16 months. (Just the title I'd make up)

    We play as different characters such as

    • Christa after the loss of Omid and her baby
    • Kenny after he escaped Savannah
    • The cabin group meeting Carvers group for the first time and at the end there escape
    • Jane and her sister
    • Mike and his backstory
  • Maybe a DLC about the 16 months of when Christa and Clementine were together? It could reveal what happened to Christa's baby too.

  • What about Jane dlc?

  • Walter and Matthew dlc would be good

  • A DLC that focuses on Molly or Jane after they left the group.

  • lets say the tape of jane and luke "together"

    that'd be... cool..

  • edited August 2014

    Play as the 400 days guys, and the ones who stayed at camp get a seperate story.

    The 400 days characters at the community try to escape.

    A character can either die or escape at the community if the character didnt stay at camp.

  • ...

    imargarette posted: »

    lets say the tape of jane and luke "together" that'd be... cool..

  • imargaretteimargarette Banned
    edited August 2014

    hmm we would name it 50 days of grey


  • ...............

    imargarette posted: »

    hmm we would name it 50 days of grey

  • 400 Days V2 A.K.A Wyatt and Eddie Simulator

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