Your Thoughts on Nukem



  • ...heM*

    Puncake32 posted: »


  • The mods wont close it, they dont work that way. They might merge it with similiar threads or remove it from the Walking dead section, but no one is insulting anyone so there is no reason to close it. But if it does get out of control, they will be notified and take action.

    GAMExELITE posted: »

    Mods srsly we had enough of this shit closed the thread idk wtf is going on but this isnt related on the walking dead

  • Well it is related to The Walking Dead since the plagiarism was a Walking Dead Game video(s)

    GAMExELITE posted: »

    Mods srsly we had enough of this shit closed the thread idk wtf is going on but this isnt related on the walking dead

This discussion has been closed.