Baby-Alive/Unknown (determinant)
Luke-Unknown (The Kenny of this Season, I can see him returning next season)
Bonnie-Dead. Maybe unknown
Arvo-Determinant (you can choose to put him out of his misery)
If they appear
I'm guessing we might get separated from Luke, and possibly Bonnie, and he/they return next season.
Good to know... I'll find the link for the so called episode 5 choices leaked file.
blukey posted: »After the episode 4 leaks, and when a bunch of fake leaks are coming out, they confirmed them all to be fake.
After the episode 4 leaks, and when a bunch of fake leaks are coming out, they confirmed them all to be fake.
In Season 10 his hair will be so thick that no bullets will get him. They will just get stuck in there.
ps3gamer095 posted: »Then by season 5 he will look like bigfoot
Then by season 5 he will look like bigfoot
Considering theres only 5 choices, I agree with you.
prink34320 posted: »I highly doubt Tell Tale would make 4 major characters determinant in a single episode.
I highly doubt Tell Tale would make 4 major characters determinant in a single episode.
im pretty sure telltale's motto is "never enough death"
prink34320 posted: »There was enough death in episode 4 in my opinion.
There was enough death in episode 4 in my opinion.
Clem: alive
Baby: determinant
Kenny: pregnant (yes, he has a baby growing up inside his eye)
Luke: determinant
Bonnie: alive (at least i hope so, after that 400 days tweet)
Mike: dead.
Arvo: determinant (you kill him/Kenny kills him)
Russians: dead
Lilly: pissed off
Baby-Alive/Unknown (determinant)
Luke-Unknown (The Kenny of this Season, I can see him returning next season)
Bonnie-Dead. Maybe unknown
Arvo-Determinant (you can choose to put him out of his misery)
If they appear
I'm guessing we might get separated from Luke, and possibly Bonnie, and he/they return next season.
Good to know... I'll find the link for the so called episode 5 choices leaked file.
In Season 10 his hair will be so thick that no bullets will get him. They will just get stuck in there.
Considering theres only 5 choices, I agree with you.
im pretty sure telltale's motto is "never enough death"
Clem: alive
Baby: determinant
Kenny: pregnant (yes, he has a baby growing up inside his eye)
Luke: determinant
Bonnie: alive (at least i hope so, after that 400 days tweet)
Mike: dead.
Arvo: determinant (you kill him/Kenny kills him)
Russians: dead
Lilly: pissed off