Season 2 Episode 5, death predictions.
Hey guys. So I know there have probably been discussions set up just like this one but here we go anyway. If you have any death predictions for the season finale that you'd like to share, feel free. When I say death prediction, I'm mainly talking about the instant deaths that will come from the shooting at the end of episode 4.
I'm predicting that Luke or Kenny will be shot, whichever one had their guard down on whether or not you shot Rebecca (most people have that one thought). In all honesty, I love these characters and I really don't like to think of them dying, but we know it's what makes an emotional storyline. So I think that Mike is bound to die either straight away or further on into the episode. I don't really think Bonnie will die straight away because she's a smart shooter, right?
As for the group of Russians. I think Arvo will be killed, somehow I think it will be by Clementine and/or maybe Kenny. Several randoms I think will be killed as well. The only ones I'm thinking may not die so soon are the blonde female and the big guy with the tattoos. I'll admit I don't have any evidence to back any of this up, this is mostly from judgement.
Luke turns around and yells "No!" in both choices, so your theory won't work.
I predict walkers will die