Do you believe Carver would've actually spared whoever came forward with the walki?
I do not.
Carver said he would finish counting, and if the walki wasn't in his hand by the time he was finished, things were gonna get brutal.
When Kenny came forward, Carver deliberately finished just as Kenny dropped the walki in his hand.
To me that showed, that despite what he claimed, Carver had NO intention of sparing anyone whatsoever.
And Kenny swearing at him, even though it might have been the smartest thing to do, probably wouldn't have mattered anyway.
Cause the way it stood, Carver was going to beat the hell out of him, or whoever it was who came forward, regardless.
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Well I think Carver was definitely gonna kill Kenny till Bonnie stopped him.
Consider the fact the he believes hurting a child is the only way to teach them a lesson. We all know if Clementine really did stand out with the walkie she would have got a similar treatment. The only reason I think Carver was as brutal with Kenny is the fact he feels he's a threat and he seems to be challenging his authority.
I think Carver might have not hit Kenny as hard if Kenny didn't say 'Heh, Fucker.'
I don't think Carver would spare the person who came forward, but if it was Clementine who came forward I don't think he would have given her as severe a beating as Kenny's, just enough of one to teach her a lesson. He likes her remember. That being said, I think Kenny thought he might get away with it, or perhaps with just a minor injury. If anything he probably expected something more along the lines of a black eye, rather than no eye at all.
Kenny's speech about "floating away" in Amid The Ruins actually seemed to hint that he was expecting to be killed by doing so.
I think Carver'd hurt Clem pretty bad - he'd have to in order to maintain his image of an unforgiving disciplinarian who doesn't play favorites - or, worse, turn her over to Troy. But he wouldn't cause permanent physical damage to a growing child, not when she could still provide use for him.
He seemed to like Clem. But he'd probably see it as a betrayal and just kill her. We may never know.
Nope. Kenny said that because he knew it was coming.
No. Carver has no tolerance for disloyalty and weakness. To him its hurting the group to even think of leaving. I don't think for a second he'd be lenient on Clem just because he likes her. He likes her because she's strong and confident and he thinks he can turn her around to his way of thinking. If she had come forward with the walkie talkie he'd probably be even worse with her because thats a betrayal that he could not abide.
I don't think he would be worse to her than Kenny, as he wants her on his side. Beating someone almost to death would not put them on your side, it would turn them against you. Though I do agree he would discipline her harshly, I think he would only harm her enough so that he could 'justify' why he did it. personally, I don't think Kenny expected to be killed, just that once Carver started beating him, he wanted to let it happen and get it over and done with. He wanted to 'float away'.
I think Carver would have mixed feelings about Clem taking the walkie as he would obviously be angry at the betrayal, but in a way impressed that she owned up (During Clems talk with Carver, he told her about when he visited her at the Cabin, and she looked him in the eye and kept her nerve even though he knew she was scared. Apparently, the camp needs people like that) However ultimately the anger at betrayal would outweigh his 'admiration' at her nerve and he would discipline her. However, I think Carver would feel, even after this that Clem could still be turned around to his way of thinking, as she had only been there a few days, and Carver maybe thinks she doesn't understand the situation yet and maybe she will come around. If Clem had been there longer, say months, and then stole the walkie, he would be far less forgiving.
While Carver was a sociopath and his methods was too extreme or harsh he is still reasonable in terms of survival and long lasting actions in the group. If only he let loose with his grip little. Carver's way=Slavery for safety. Kinda like how if the military took over things, I rather take my chances of survival by myself then be controlled or possibly abused.
He would have not beat Clementine the same way he did Kenny.
-He would have hit her for sure but not a full bloody beat down for their is no reason to it
-Kenny has been challenging his authority and orders since day one plus he is a adult
-Carver believes him and Clem are very much alike in terms of strength or those who are meant to lead, Kenny is counted among one of the sheep
-At the end of the day no Clem would have got hit for sure and maybe had few privileges [ if they had any in the first place] taken away
He said 3 as the walkie fell into his hand. He would of gotten beaten the same.
-Carver knew that Kenny was a threat from the beginning and I'm pretty sure he was looking for a convenient opportunity to beat him down. The walkie talkie gave him that opportunity. If Clem took the fall, I think Carver would've beaten her (but not with the walkie-talkie) until Kenny came forward and claimed responsibility. Knowing Kenny, it wouldn't take long.