Luke is up at the cabin up in heaven where Nick, Pete, Rebecca, Carlos, Sarah & Alvin have a birthday cake ready and balloons and streamers and party hats and presents and all kinds of good stuff.
R.I.P. Cabin group. I loved each and every one of you.
So does anyone have an idea of what the actual date or at least the month of when Luke's birthday is? I'm assuming it's in the winter months due to the snow.
Happy birthday! At least he had a peaceful birthday by the campfire... before everything went downhill. I'm still kind of upset they decided to kill off the whole cabin group though. I was hoping at least one of them would survive the season to make up for the lack of focus and development they all had this season.
For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, that nobody can deny.
I'm sure he is in a better place drinking moonshine with Nick.
Luke is up at the cabin up in heaven where Nick, Pete, Rebecca, Carlos, Sarah & Alvin have a birthday cake ready and balloons and streamers and party hats and presents and all kinds of good stuff.
R.I.P. Cabin group. I loved each and every one of you.
Darn... I never really thought I'd miss The Cabin Group so much.
RIP'll be missed :-(
Wait everyone from the cabin group died? Wow, thats pretty incredible.
I'm surprised his death was so abrupt. That being said, he will be missed.
Happy 27th Birthday, Luke. You're with Nick, Carlos, Sarah, Rebecca, Alvin, and Pete. You will be missed. ;-;
Yup, everyone. Except for baby AJ, I guess, if you count him.
Happy birthday, you magnificent bastard.
I loved that scene by the fire.. we didn't have such good things for a long time.
So does anyone have an idea of what the actual date or at least the month of when Luke's birthday is? I'm assuming it's in the winter months due to the snow.
Happy birthday... ya deserved better. ;_;
Happy birthday! At least he had a peaceful birthday by the campfire... before everything went downhill. I'm still kind of upset they decided to kill off the whole cabin group though. I was hoping at least one of them would survive the season to make up for the lack of focus and development they all had this season.