Closing Thoughts

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So, this is probably my favorite episode in the whole series. It probably would've sent me into a deep depression had it not been for a happy ending. It just goes to show how any group can fall apart at any time.

My opinions on the characters:

Luke: I was surprised at how quickly he died. I really hoped we'd be able to see more of him. Oh well.

Jane: She had a great entry. I couldn't bear to see Kenny murder her, so I shot him. After she told me why she faked AJ's death, I told her to kindly piss off.

Asshole Trio (Bonnie, Mike, Arvo): I really liked these three. Then I was pissed at them for what they did. In the words of Kenny: "They fucked us!"

Kenny: I was honestly afraid he was going to snap, but I was mostly satisfied with his ending (Leaving with him from Wellington)

So those are my thoughts on the episode. What are yours?

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