Ending Discussion and Rating (S2 E5 Spoiler)
What do you think was the best ending? I will rate mine.
1.Clementine and AJ live in Wellington. Kenny leaves on his own, leaving AJ his hat.
2.Clementine and AJ leave Wellington with Kenny with two bags of supplies.
3.Clementine and AJ walk into a herd covered in blood like badasses.
4.Clementine, AJ and Jane live at Howe's Hardware and invite a family to join them.
5.Clementine, AJ and Jane live at Howe's Hardware and turn the family away.
I got the ending I rated number 3. Sadly I shot Kenny, and the Jane endings weren't really good. The Kenny endings were very emotional and beautiful, but it kind of doesn't make sense because he was kind of crazy, but I guess he doesn't act that way with Clem and AJ. Still I killed him because he was too aggressive, everyone was scared of him, and he was pretty violent, but all in all a nice guy. "You'll be with Katjaa and Duck now" quote was nice though, and he kind of wanted to die. He told me I made the right choice, so that made me feel way better.
Jane was nice to Clem, and I thought they had a sisterly relationship. But when I found out the baby was alive(I didn't figure it out... I'm dumb...). In the words of Larry. "That was fucking stupid!" I ditched her, and ended up with Clem and AJ.
Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo confirmed for Season 3. Screw those guys!
Number 3. This is going to be my canon ending.
To be fair about the Kenny ending, he admits that he is not sane enough to protect Clem and the baby, so I found the acceptance of wellington to be more of a fitting decision that in addition will honor Kenny's last request.