My opinions on this episode..
Amazing. Just, amazing. Thank you Telltale. This has to be my favorite episode of the whole game, and favorite game simply because of that episode. And it already was but this episode has just made that even more true.
The shootout : This was me the whole time, ''Oh my God, oh my God.'' It was awesome the way it turned out. (No one getting hurt. Except for Luke's leg of course but he didn't die so..)
Let's trust Arvo, he has supplies! : Nope, nope, nope, and nope. I JUST killed his sister, you guys just killed everyone around him. Would YOU trust him after you just did all that to him? I mean, yes, I know the supplies and house were no lie but Im just saying.
The campfire scene : Perfect. They were laughing and it was just such a warm little scene. I loved it. Then my brother said this..''See, they're giving you this because stuff is going to go down soon.'' He was so right Nonetheless it was a nice scene. I didn't want it to end.)
Does anybody have a pair of ice skates? : Walking across that freaking thing. Oh no. I knew somebody was gonna die, did NOT think it would be Luke. So freaking sad He did die heroically, though. Since he pulled that walker off Clem before being dragged down by it.
Mike, clearly being in love with Arvo : Seriously, Mike was really freaking annoying this episode. Such a dissapointment. I know at first it was just good intentions. But he just overdid it. The first thing is he was always defending him, fine, thats cool. He IS young and got beat up by Kenny. That is sad. But, it's just..You met this guy like, what? 15 hours ago? And, in a SHOOTOUT. And your asking how he is doing? Saying you're gonna take him with us? Come on..Then, THEN, he decides ''Well Kenny's f***ing crazy so Im making this decision to take the truck KENNY fixed to save AJ and Clem really, for ARVO, Bonnie, and me. AND leaving them with nothing. What a asshole. He's ''crazier'' than Kenny. He is just MEAN. Leave Clementine, Kenny, and I assume the baby, not too sure if they had him with them, but nonetheless, leave Clementine, in the cold, with no food or supplies with someone who you think is crazy, 'Kenny.' Just so you can get away with Arvo WHO YOU JUST MET, and Bonnie. What a piece of shit. He was clearly in love with Arvo, no ONE would go that much out of their way to be a piece of shit to other people for someone who you met hours ago, I believe he must of had a spell on him. That damn Potter boy..
Was it a dream, all along? :
Well, first of all. Through out the WHOLE episode my brother and I were like ''Oh my God, I bet she'll see Lee soon in a dream!'' Since I remember hearing a promise like that on here a while ago. I actually thought when Mike and Bonnie were stealing the car, when Clem wakes up and it's all blurry and she rubs her eye, I thought THAT was going to be where Lee shows up. But then she walks out of the house and I hear and see Mike and Bonnie. THEN, you know, the great and sweet little Arvo
But then...
But then....
^ Me, when I seen Lee!
SUCH A PERFECT SCENE I JUST LOVED IT ANFDJFKDMK. My brothers and I also wondered (In that moment) ''Wait, was...was season 2 all a dream? OH MY GOD!'' But then I knew she would go back, it was just such a beautiful little scene. He called her sweet pea once or twice, kissed her on the head and said everything was going to be alright. Wow. * claps for Telltale being awesome *
Jane wants Clem to leave Kenny : So shitty xD She wanted me to just leave him on the road. No!
Wait, the baby....he's..? : The way Jane was talking to me about it, like, how she said ''Watch how he acts.'' Or something like that..I KNEW that baby was still alive. I knew what she was trying to do. Why risk that, though? Like, oh look Clem, look how Kenny is going to try to kill me and then you'll finally see how crazy he is. Why risk that?
Kenny vs. Jane, who died? : I helped Kenny throughout it all.
My ending : Well, let me tell you. This was me once we heard the ''Bad news'' from Welington and Kenny begged them to only take us. He wanted to make sure they had safety..
I cried.
I ended up going with him though
+ Pretend AJ's in the pic too xD
So, what were your opinions on this episode so far? Favorite parts?
Oh, and can any of you let me know what Kenny says if you ask what happened to Bonnie in the car?
Also, I loved all of Kenny's line this episode. When the russian guy was speaking russian I was like ''Come on, say anything english so I can understand!'' And Kenny goes, ''SPEAK ENGLISH *********'' xD so great, and the changing the bandage moment was hilarious. ''I guess my modelin days aren't over.'' Hehehe xD
Anyway, the bottom line is.
This episode was amazing, and awesome, and fantastic, and lovely, and the best episode in my opinion, but this season overall was amazing.
Telltale, you did an amazing job. Thank you so much for such a Emotional, Funny, Happy, Intense, Badass Season 2 experience