Would it be okay to move on from Clementine's story now?
In Season 3 I mean. Whatever ending you got for her provides somewhat of a resolution. New community, safety, loyalty, or just survival.
It wouldn't be too difficult to give some timeskip and have Clementine out on her own again in some brand new way. But...maybe it's for the best to conclude it here. See who our Clementine became and remember what Lee wanted for her.
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"No" - Lee S1E4
No. Season three has to be about Clem. She's the center of Telltale's the Walking Dead. I probably would not be interested in the game anymore if the third season would start with new characters.
5 alternate beginnings.
No Season 3 should be about Clem, and it should have 5 versions, one for every ending
That's the most probable scenario if she's still the lead character. Episode 2 had two separate beginnings so I don't see it being completely impossible actually. Not only that, but I think a Season where we as Clem have to defend a child would be a great way to symbolically remind us of the time Lee took care of her.
If they can manage 5 different endings, they can manage five different beginnings. Wouldn't be too hard.
either way it would probably end up with it being Jane/Kenny dead, and Clementine on her own, because they're now determinant characters and it would mean there being 2 or more different stories altogether.
3 Year timeskip, give us a 14 year old Clem. Would be great, and give telltale so many new opportunities storytelling-wise.
They would have to have separate story lines for Kenny, Clem and AJ .... Jane, Clem and AJ...... Clem and AJ in wellington with Kenny gone.. It would be very hard to pull off because either Jane or Kenny would be killed off unless they have 2 entire different branches until the end.
I just don't think TWD will be as interesting without her.
No. There's still a lot of stuff left uncovered.
Why? We could start with season 3 in some place alone (or with some new character) and Clementine would start to talk about what happened based on season 2 ending. In every case there would be different events but eventually Clementine would end up in the same place at the beginning of season 3. It's possible. It only depends on whether Telltale wants to continue Clementine's story or start something new.
No.. it's getting more and more interesting. Probably there'll be a few years timeskip.
I'd think it depends on how satisfied you are with your ending. At first, I got what I consider the "Bad" ending, which kinda made me very disappointed. Then I got a better ending, one I thought would be a perfect conclusion for Clem's Journey.
All I want for Clem is for her to be safe, and now she is. It's what Lee would have wanted, and it's what Kenny wanted. It was the whole goal since the first episode, and the entire mission throughout the entire Series. Keep Clem safe.
Dozens of people have left, died, or betrayed us so that Clem could reach Wellington, and by refusing it, she'd be pushing all those moments and friendships aside so she could stay, and maybe die with Kenny. I don't want that; nor would I want Clem to stay bunked up with Jane in an abandoned, ruined hardware store that's far too large for two people to manage, where.there's an ongoing possibility of letting the wrong people in.
Wellington is safe. A real community full of families, refugees, and survivors. They have the resources to provide strangers with supplies if they're denied entry, and they have all the protection anyone could ever ask for. I don't need to know what happens after, as long as Clem's safe in Wellington.
Clem's story should definatly continue. There are so many unanswered questions, will we find Christa at Wellington? Who really are that family and what happens if you and Jane let them in? Season 3 has the chance to be the most diverse season yet by introducing alternative beginnings! Just think, Episode one is different for everyone who chose diferent endings and the episode ends by tieing everyones episode together back into the main story! Adding alot of replay value to Seasons 2 and 3!
Exactly.... they can just use another time-skip (length TBD) and begin with Clem sitting by a fire, AJ next to her, with a handful of new characters.... as the scene begins, one of the new people is finishing up their tale of where they have been/what happened. A silence falls over the group for a moment, then one turns to Clem and asks her how she made it that far, since she couldn't have been alone and out in the open with a small child for that long.... Clem stares into the fire for a moment and begins.... "I was with a group.... we had a safe place... walls... food and water... safety from walkers...." one of the group asks why she didn't stay, or what happened that caused her to leave.... Clem replies... "what happens to every group, I guess.... when there isn't an outside threat to bring them together; eventually, they turn on each other."
Exactly. This was just an example, of course. Let me put it this way - I would love to continue Clementine's story in season 3 and play as her again but I wonder how Telltale could achieve this with so many endings. This one was just my idea but they might come with something different. Like I said - if Telltale will want to continue her story and they somewhow solve this problem with multiple endings then I would be happy to play as Clementine again.
As long as the Walking Dead Universe/Time-line allows it, they should stick with Clem. She's the glue that holds the different series' together, and it doesn't seem right for Telltale to start all over again in a third season. They will seriously struggle creating two protagonists as likable and acceptable as Lee and Clem. Having a new protagonist could make the season feel disconnected from the other two, unless Clem or another character already established in the series is present throughout. Put simply, it's far easier for them to continue with Clem
The thing is we don't know it's safe. It's certainly not the ending I want for my Clem, because I don't feel like she'll be safe there...
We don't know anything about the place, except we see some creepy lady who denies us entry, while they apperantly do have enough supplies... What's that about?
Also afaik it isn't like survivor communities in TWD universe are a safe place, all instances I know of actually aren't. (Please no spoilers from s4 of the tv show or the comics. Even if there are examples of safe communities there, there definitely are from unsafe ones too)
No I don't want it to end for Clem here, way too many question marks imo. Also I only want Clem's story to end if/when TWD game series ends. (Which I hope is gonna take a LONG time )
This is good idea too. Telltale have a lot of time because of season 2 is finished so episode 1 of season 3 would be different for each ending from previous season. Eventually episode 1 would end in the same place for everyone. Yeah, idea is great but what Telltale will do is another thing.
That would make the production costs for episode one five times as high. I think the first 25-30 minutes should be different and then tie stuff together, because otherwise the episodes themselves would suffer.
My thoughts exactly. I know I definitely wouldn't buy it if there's no mention of Clem :P
It is obviously the end of Clem's story, but to keep the characters we know alive I would think that if Christa is still alive we could have her as the playable character because I find it quite strange that if she was killed her death has never been confirmed and Clem still never talked about what happened to her baby either. So I don't think they'd just leave us in the dark about that.
If it is someone completely new then I don't know what sort of plot they would have because they've covered a lot of stuff already so I can't think of anything new they might come up with.
I think it is best to let Clem's story end for at least a season. They could bring her back in a fourth season and, if need, have her show up at the end of Season 3 with a little cliffhanger ending to hype up a fourth season. I honestly think there would have to be way too much plot convenience in order to bring Clem back in Season 3 as either the protagonist or a deuteragonist. She is at 3 possible locations all a 9 days walk away from the rest stop. Even if she was reintroduced into the story in 3 different episode depending on your Season 2 ending, it would have to be a strange coincidence for her to magically show up alone with/without AJ, especially with the Kenny and Jane endings. I'm not saying it is not possible, just it would be too predictable. Here is how I am seeing Clem come back into the story with the different endings:
Don't get me wrong, it could work. TellTale has had moments of genius in the past. Maybe this could be another one. I just feel like it would be predictable and people would complain about characters being killed of with no reason, plot convenience and holes, not including all the choice/choices don't matter, etc. I think The Walking Dead can be interesting without Clem. People before Season 2 came out thought that Clem as the protagonist was a crazy and potentially bad idea. Now, those people are saying that The Walking Dead is Clem's story and she needs to protagonist again. I'm just going to go into Season 3 expecting nothing but a great story. Whether Clem is in it or not doesn't matter. I just believe that she doesn't have to or need to be. The game series can live without her, it just all depends on what the story requires.
people would be complaining if a big five branch storyline were to just come back to the same place no matter what if it were mid season, but now that they are worried clementine won't be in season two, people are like "oh wouldn't it be great if all of the endings worked out to have the same outcome for the beginning of season 3"
lets face it, clementine's time as protagonist is either over, or we are in for a massive cop out "it all lead to the same outcome" season 3, i think we should just move on from clementine as protagonist, and that would make for a much better season 3
Hate to break it to everyone, Kenny and Jane are determinant. They're not making a lot of season three. It's more than easy to merge the stories, Clementine alone, with Kenny/Jane, in community or with Jane and family. Because everyone other than Clem and AJ are determinant, all they have to do is kill the extras off, and we're all at the same starting point. I either want a mini scene to merge with the main story or a DLC depending on your ending. I don't want no more 'I got lucky' etc etc I want the nitty gritty details of how Clem lost Kenny and made it out with AJ.
THIS particular game series can never ever not be about Clementine. If we lose her, all of season one if pointless, and now all of season two would be pointless. I want to see Clem go to college okay ;_;
This may be it. And that regardless of the ending you choose, many years later it didn't work out.
A game where Clementine can actually make decisions and not have adults tell her what to do/what to think.
This may be a much older clementine.
After the events of 'Season Two'. I think Clementine has earned that right.
except who she may have earned that right from is dead or will probably die
In some cases maturity is a matter of mind, not physical body. I think that after two years of facing apocalypse Clem is definitely more mature then any other kid at her age. Besides people respect her opinion already which Telltale show during season 2 but also back in season 1 a few times at least. I mean, not always but what could you expect? Physically she's still a kid so people might ask her about something but sometimes they just made their minds without her influence.
Well you also have to remember she had her decisions railroaded alot by Luke, Kenny and Jane pretty often. They may have acted on their own accord but it did drag you into it and across much drama.
There was a difference between Lee making decisions, acting upon it and then having an outcome that's similar but there.
But Clementine's decisions were miniscule in comparison for the exception of seeing Pete before he died vs. Nick getting drunk and episode 5.
it's nice to think acting mature will make people treat a child like an adult, but they wouldn't, remember they have survived just as long as clementine in the ZA, so she is still just a child, the only adults who would rely on clementine for guidance and leadership would be people just brought out of cryostasis or possibly bunker dwellers
I think it would be cool if they dedicated the first episode of Season 3 to our individual endings, and tied them all together in some way so that episode 2 began with everyone at the same place. It would almost be like five episodes in one, so it would take a lot of work, but I think it would be a cool way to start the season, and a good way to close up the story branches while giving our choices meaning.
That's why I said "few times" not always. Don't forget that they're adults, much older than Clementine. I read only first 15-16 volumes of the comics but if I remember correctly then Carl also didn't had a chance to have greater influence in making some of the group decisions. So far. I don't know about the rest of volumes. :P
This. If season three would not be about Clementine, it wouldn't be a real season three. It wouldn't be a continuation of the series I've learned to love. Clementine is the center of telltale's TWD. If season three isn't about her, I probably won't play it. I really hope we get to play her again. It was amazing in the second season.
Great idea! Make episode 1 different depending on the choices you made in ep5 and then episode 2 could be the same with some small differences, Perhaps?
It will be stupid to make TWD 3 without Clem on the foreground. It's just like make new sezon of The Walking Dead tv series with totally different characters. I wouldn't be very satisfied if TT will decide to create new story of new people ... and probably I will not play that, because story is only one ...