Kenny & Jane Both Cared.
In my playthrough I killed Kenny and left Jane. I have watched all endings and the Wellington ending is the best imo. But no matter the choice you make. Kenny and Jane both care for Clem. If you shot Kenny, He says you did the right thing. If you go to Wellington he says he isn't sure he could keep you and the baby safe. If you shoot him after he has killed Jane, He says do it. Kenny is a broken man and I have liked him since season 1. But death is what he has wanted for a long time, He just wanted Clem and Alvin Jr to live and be safe. But he is broken and he knew it. Now Jane, She felt guilt after Kenny's death. If you walk away, She is sad and calls out to Clem. If you go with her, She says wouldn't be able to tell the family no. I was happy with my choice. Clem and the baby together. Kenny/Jane both cares and looked out for Clem but both messed up badly, I have to protect my Clem and the baby. I'll miss Kenny and feel bad about leaving Jane. But that's the choice I made and I stick by it.
They both fucked up. Kenny gets infinite forgiveness though.
Honestly, I wasnt a Kenny fan at all in season 1. It took me up until episode 4 this season to start liking him. I felt that he was correct on a lot of things, including Argo, but was too rash in his actions. In my playthrough I killed Kenny while fighting with Jane. I felt horrible about it, but it was too late to save him emotionally.
A lot of people hated Lilly but loved Kenny, but in my eyes they both shared the same broken soul in the grand scheme of things. It makes me like the game more, because both of those characters arent evil, they just dealt with too much, and it gave me the gamer, sympathy towards them.
I shot Kenny and left Jane. Both of them were acting like complete morons and I didn't want to deal with them anymore.
Jane just needed someone she could brainwash
Kenny's hair itself made me decide to choose him.
I killed Kenny... I can't forgive myself even though I never truly liked him. I feel like I lost someone close.
I couldn't forgive myself for killing Kenny,and I couldn't stop thinking about it.Surprisingly,after i rewinded to side with Kenny,I felt way better emotionally.I cried when I decided to stay at Wellington
I chose Jane 'cause Kenny was the aggressor. Even if she had a chance to leave and chose to stay, Kenny attacked her and was pressing the knife at her chest. I defended him the entire season, but at that moment, I couldn't let him kill Jane. They both could've stopped any time, but they didn't. They both fucked up, in my opinion.
The Wellington ending is the best. A beautiful ending. But you have a choice at the time, Either kill Kenny or let Jane die. I didn't know what would happen after that, I could only choose in the moment.