Fare thee well, *******!

edited August 2014 in The Walking Dead

Dear Ken,

As I stand before the gates of Wellington, you say I must remain here, so that I can be safe. That you will be happy knowing that we will be able to sleep at night without a gun next to us, and spend our days not even having to think about the walkers. As I stand before the gates of Elysium, you state why we must say goodbye.

I want nothing more than to stay with you forever. I wanted to reject this sanctuary if it meant that I could not be with you. But I stayed, because I know what brought me here.

You, Ken. From the moment you came into my life, your actions made it possible for everyone to get as far as we did. When I was kicked off of a farm after a walker ate a farmer's son, you gave me a ride to Macon. When my father figure was left for dead in the drug store, you went back for him. When our motel was overrun, you had an escape plan. When your own son was dying and your wife was dead, you found a way to drive a train and carry on. When we were stuck in a walker infested city, you found a way to fix a boat and give us hope. When my life was in danger, you performed self-sacrifice to make sure the others reached me in time.

When the ski lodge was overrun, you fought back, never giving up in trying to find a way out. When I was caught red-handed with a walkie talkie and a crazy man was looking for some punishment, you took it for me. When your new family was lost in our escape, you carried on once again, and delivered a new beacon of hope for the human race: a baby. When the baby was in trouble, you always did what you knew was best for it, understanding that children are the future. When that future was threatened, you never hesitated to do what must be done.

And now as I stand before the gates of Heaven, you perform self-sacrifice once again. For me. For the children. For the future.

Dear Ken,

Thank you, for everything.

To the man who lost everything.


Three times.

I love you.

Goodbye, my hero.

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