Kenny is not Lee...
I am starting to think a lot of people look at Kenny as some sort of a Lee 2.0 which is why so many fans were outraged with the people who eventually shot Kenny. People only want Kenny in the game because he has been with us since season 1, not because he is the best option for Clementine.
In my opinion, the person who is the closest to being Lee is Clem, not Kenny. And I know that this depends a lot on game decisions but Lee always did the right thing, for everyone. He took care and looked out for everyone, not just Clementine who was the only one whom he trusted 100%. He always gave everyone a chance, tried to give humanity a reason to stay strong and that nothing is lost. Kenny, on the other hand, always did what he wanted. He didn't think twice before crushing Larry's head with a salt lick, denied the fact that his son was dying because he didn't want him to become a walker, beat Arvo almost to death over Luke's death (someone he didn't even like or trust) which led Clementine to get shot. I loved Kenny but he was a liability to Clementine, a bomb waiting to explode. I don't feel guilty that I shot him because he deserved to go to a peaceful place away from all the shit he was going through.
So for all those people who are confused as to why people would shoot Kenny, is not because they don't like him it's because he deserves better than the shitty life he was getting on Earth and for Clem's safety. Kenny is not Lee, he doesn't work well with groups and would only scare new survivors off. Despite the fact that I love Kenny as a character, it was not right to keep him around knowing that at some point he would have to explode.
Nobody can be like Lee.NOBODY. Lee was the protector of Clem..Clementine can make it on her own now.But still,Kenny loves and does care for Clementine although sometimes he cares about his own self sometimes.Kenny reminds of the good old times with Lee tho,maybe this is why I like him
Nobody said he was.
He doesn't have to be Lee. I accept him for who he is, faults and all.