Am I alone in this opinion?

I was watching an ign podcast the other day and one of the podcast people, i forget if it was a TT employee or an interviewer but the tt employee agreed, stated that Clem is the main focus while the characters around her are just background and don't matter, and that they all will pretty much die. I know some people agree with this but personally i never really connected with clem as much as the people around her and for them to just be sidelined like this worries me, overall i think Kenny is the most interesting out of all the characters with Nick in second place and Clem around last. Now i don't not like Clem, i just never really connected with her, at least not as much as with Lee, and i feel the Walking Dead franchise as a whole is a story of surviving together and that each character matters, I'm sure though Rick will die in the comics and show, some group members will live on and become integral parts in the story whilst it seems the game may be stuck on simply Clementine. Anyone else agree


  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited August 2014

    Clem around last? What? Take it you wouldn't mind playing as Michelle, Troy or Carver over her then? Or Maybelle?

    Plus, I have heard the podcast you're talking about (I think, I most certainly heard one like this), and you're taking it out of context. They were saying that Clementine is the key character of the series. NOT that the other characters were ones to just be thrown to the side.

    Kenny is also a very polarized character. I know a fair share of people who HATE him. I'm not one of those people, but Kenny taking up center focus would hurt the franchise more so because of that.

  • I dont nescessarily want Kenny as the main focus, i'd rather he and Clem's story end with season 3. And i did overexaggerate the quote a bit but it just seems wrong to me for TT to focus on Clem whereas the comics and tv show focus on each individual group member and in the games it seems the people around you matter less and less. I'd rather they just leave Clem and Kenny/Jane in season 2's semi-happy ending and start fresh with new characters

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Clem around last? What? Take it you wouldn't mind playing as Michelle, Troy or Carver over her then? Or Maybelle? Plus, I have heard the

  • and idk if you saw the exact same podcast, the one i saw was the spoilercast for episode 5 and the way the guy worded it was just a bit bizzare and frightening to me, but i understand his point though i may not agree with it

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Clem around last? What? Take it you wouldn't mind playing as Michelle, Troy or Carver over her then? Or Maybelle? Plus, I have heard the

  • Yeah, that is the one I saw actually. It only came out there a few hours ago.

    On your point of Season 3 starting with new characters...then what would be the point of calling it Season 3? The journey we went through for 10 episodes built up to something and we're to just leave it like that and go on to a new protagonist? I wouldn't be interested at all in Season Three if that's the case. I wouldn't even see the point of it being called that. Might as well reboot the series if it isn't going to focus on the key main characters anymore.

    TWDKennyFan posted: »

    and idk if you saw the exact same podcast, the one i saw was the spoilercast for episode 5 and the way the guy worded it was just a bit bizzare and frightening to me, but i understand his point though i may not agree with it

  • I see your point, i just liked that Season 2 ended as happy as a story can end in the ZA and I'd like it to stay that way, plus the multiple endings made me feel like my choices mattered for once instead of just effecting how others saw Clem (though they treated her the same pretty much -_-) and i dont want TT to mess up these aspects with a Season 3 that starts with the endings meaning nothing and you ending up in the same place no matter what and once again alone. I just thought the way they wrapped the season was a nice wrap to Clem's story overall and that they should reboot with a new Protagonist and story, maybe even in a different area. If we're confined to one character and story for too long it might get bland when there are thousands of interesting possibilities for protagonists and locations

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Yeah, that is the one I saw actually. It only came out there a few hours ago. On your point of Season 3 starting with new

  • I guess our big difference in opinion is that you became invested in Clem while I really only became invested in pretty much every other character except Clem, I know I'll get flak for this but i just never found her interesting and i was looking forward to Season 3 mainly because I hoped there would be a new protagonist and a new story instead of just a continuation of Clem's story with the characters i did invest in being dead already,m with the exception of whichever one you choose at the end, who will definitely die anyways if Clem's story continues.

    TWDKennyFan posted: »

    I see your point, i just liked that Season 2 ended as happy as a story can end in the ZA and I'd like it to stay that way, plus the multiple

  • And I see your point too. But here's the kicker: Why not change Clem herself up a bit? I always thought that since the first episode of this season (when I first saw Rebecca actually) that Clementine could take the baby and end up looking after the baby herself. And amazingly, since that theory I thought up 9 months ago actually happened my idea of Season Three is now more open than ever before.

    Simply put, we play as an older Clementine now taking care of AJ in a symbolically similar way to when Lee took care of her. I think something like that could work really well. Clementine is still a young character, so her character growth is still... well completely endless actually. And I'm really looking forward to seeing it carry on IF Telltale still decide to focus on her. And I think they still will. I was expecting we'd get a nice clean trilogy out of her story. And, I get the good feeling by the time Season Three happens Telltale will have amped up their game drastically in the choices department that the episode can actually have separate openings. Heck Episode 2 of Season 2 done that with no trouble at all.

    TWDKennyFan posted: »

    I see your point, i just liked that Season 2 ended as happy as a story can end in the ZA and I'd like it to stay that way, plus the multiple

  • Nah, you aren't alone, though Clem wasn't dead last for me, I just connected with the supporting cast more, and it was a shame that they were all sidelined for, what appeared to be, Kenny's development.

  • With episode 2 of season 2 though it all ended up the same with pete dying. I understand this was nescessary, and a trilogy with Clem becoming Lee basically, would be neat to see, and i'll admit part of the reason for my want of a new protagonist is because my Kenny is determinant now and i fear for his life, but I do still think its time for a fresh start, if not season 3 then in season 4 if they make one. I just dont really care much for clem though as a character, probably because she was already well defined unlike Lee who you could play however you wanted from the start

    CathalOHara posted: »

    And I see your point too. But here's the kicker: Why not change Clem herself up a bit? I always thought that since the first episode of this

  • TheEmoKidTheEmoKid Banned
    edited August 2014

    I agree Season 3 starting with new characters, I wouldn't be interested at all in Season 3. The journey we went through for 10 episodes down the drain would be pretty shitty.

  • Im (as my username staes) a huge Kenny fan but I did feel the story focused too much on Luke, Kenny, and Clem while characters like Nick, who had so much story potential, were sidelined to focus on Clem's highschool-like clique struggle. I understand deaths are nescessary for the story but one very episode i think is a bit jarring, especially considering how the TV show's 4th season SPOILERS only had one major death and produced what I think is the best season so far, though the dead character was my favorite while season 3 killed off characters like Axel half-assedly just to add death

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Nah, you aren't alone, though Clem wasn't dead last for me, I just connected with the supporting cast more, and it was a shame that they were all sidelined for, what appeared to be, Kenny's development.

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