Season 2 Antagonist?

Season 2 has had its fair share of Antagonists, Carver, Michelle, Arvo, the Russian Group, Winston and even more recently Bonnie, Mike, even Jane or Kenny depending on your view point. But who's your villain of Season 2? Who made you cry, punch the wall, etc.

I would have to say Arvo, with Mike and Jane coming a close 2nd and 3rd.


  • Carver, Troy, Michelle, and Arvo.

    My villains^

  • The broken, hyper-masculine patriarch - represented by Carver and Kenny.

  • Michelle, Carver, Troy, Arvo, Tavia and Carver's guards, Jane. In that order.

  • Human hypocrisy.

  • edited August 2014

    I would have to say Carver; he was the real reason why all this happened. He instigated mass murders, drove the survivors from the cabin, destroyed the new family Kenny had at the ski lodge, slowly tortured, toyed, and murdered several members of the group, and started the chain of events that led to the last two episodes. I really enjoyed how they still kept Carver extremely relevant even after his death and used him as an example towards what they hoped Kenny would not become. Made Carver a sort of elemental force throughout the entire season, even if he only showed up in two episodes (alive anyway).

    I might also be in the minority here, but I also found Carver to be one of the most relatable villains throughout the entire series thus far. He wasn't some psychopathic cannibal, but a leader of a group with the stress slowly going to his head. It was implied that he started out as a good man and led his community in a fashion similar to Lee. He kept losing too many people to simple mistake however, and had to become more tough on his community, going overboard in the process. I like that they simply implied this and did not go into it as it still kept Carver as a very frightening and evil guy, but also made him as grounded and realistic as he needed to be to make his actions and overall character believable.

    Carver's philosophy could also be partially compared to that of Chucks'; you can't treat kids like Sarah and Clementine like children or they will die. Carlos treated Sarah as nothing more than a simple child and, as a result, she was incapable of taking care of herself and died no matter what. While Carver conveyed this to Carlos and the group in a very sick fashion by forcing her father to abuse her, his message of not having Carlos coddling her anymore made sense to me as she needed to grow up because if she did, she might've still been alive.

    I have to say though, I really, really wished Nate was in this season and found it slightly odd that he was not included as a secondary antagonist, especially considering fan reaction towards him and his heavy role in 400 days. Perhaps season 3 then, though I doubt it.

  • Who do I count as the antagonist?
    Carver. (Pretty obvious reasons)
    Troy. (-------------^)
    Arvo (+ Russians).
    Bonnie. (Just a total change of attitude after the unfortunate events of not being able to save Luke. I did what I thought was best. You wanna bitch at me?)
    Mike. (I liked him....I really did....but wanting to steal all the supplies, leaving Kenny/Clem/Jane/AJ for dead.....#FuckMike)

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